This Angers the Gymcel

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imagine caring about what women think


Also, go shill your shitty clickbait somewhere else

Sometimes it's nice being gay. If you care about what other people do at the gym unless they are actively screaming as they lift, then fuck off.

Where's the list of stupid things women do
>stretching right under the cable machine

it's literally an article about gym etiquette but instead of it just being like "stop being a fag" they take the angle of "women HATE IT when you act like a fag"

Women are somewhere between an adult and a child, not quite a child but not quite an adult, why would I care what some roastoid thinks of me when I'm in the gym to work and shes in the gym because it's the latest fad and she can prance around showing off her ass.

Squatting is bad etiquette btw according to the article

post the list or fuck off

so give me the bait I want the shitty list you doublenigga

>female opinion

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Honestly not too bad of a general gym etiquette article.

Except for >wearing sunglasses
Fuck off you immature child if something so small bothers you.

>i should change what i do/is working for me at the gym because some roastie doesnt like it
unironically kill yourself

This Angers the Gymcel Part 2

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>8. Dropping weights on the ground.
>Yes, we get it, you’ve seen Olympic weightlifting competitions and you thought it looked cool. It doesn’t. It damages the bar and floor, makes an obnoxious noise, and turns everyone in the gym against you.
Im trying to avoid injury you stupid fucking hole

im not angry because i dont know what the things referred to are.

aawwww, who hurt you?

pretty legit

lmfao from the same site

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>no counter-argument
yup, thats going into my cringe compilation

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>I don't want to hurt my back from lifting weight that is too heavy to lift safely, so I'd rather constantly annoy gym members, risk damaging equipment, the floor, and my feet

Seems like 37 year old Annie has bigger problems she is not addressing

cringe post senpai

I can send a text in the 30 seconds I break between sets. What's the big deal?

>t. Wears sunglasses

1. Wearing cologne or body spray.
2. Wearing sunglasses.
3. Not putting away the free weights.
4. Leaving the weight on the bar.
5. Unsolicited advice.
6. Treating the gym like a dating website.
7. Hoarding the machines.
8. Dropping weights on the ground.
9. Doing your calisthenics outside of the clearly designated areas.
10. Excessive grunting.
11. Standing by a machine waiting for a woman to get done with it.
12. Sitting on a machine and texting.
13. Trying to talk to a woman who’s wearing headphones.
14. Not wiping the sweat off of the machines.
15. Sitting on the machines without using them.

>he doesnt even attempt to beat prs
>he doesnt even know what lifting to failure is
im sure you dont even lift but nevertheless, ngmi

>sitting on a machine and texting
The fuck you want me to do in between sets, meditate?

>"ugh stop warming up on elliptical! I need to use it for five minutes, take pictures in the bathroom and go home!"

>12. Sitting on a machine and texting.
Women do this the most though

Buh-but women can't tell a man's height

>Oddly enough, this is often the same guy that hovers over the machine while waiting for a woman to finish up.
>Maybe you’re between sets, and you want to make sure that nobody grabs “your” machine. Too bad. If you’ve got enough time to pull out your phone and text, do everyone a favor and and take a walk. Nobody wants to pay $20 a month to not work out while watching you tweet.

>Some guys love to do pushups in the free weight area, or next to the treadmills, or on top of the roof of the gym, or wherever else they think that they can gawk at women most effectively. The same goes for sit-ups and stretches. Hey, it’s a gym, right? Doesn’t that mean that you can do anything, anywhere?
>Most gyms have clearly defined areas for these exercises, so know where they are and use them as intended. Nobody wants to walk over a dude just to get a drink of water.

>11. Standing by a machine waiting for a woman to get done with it.

Fuck the cunt who wrote that.

We get it; you’re next in line. That’s no reason to hover over a woman passive aggressively. When she’s done with the machine, you’re free to do your reps, but don’t act like you’ve got somewhere to be and your triceps absolutely have to be pumped by the time you get there.

If women hate me screaming and banging weights and having mutual masturbation sessions with my bro why don't they find another gym

I don't want them in my gym in the first place lmao

>using machines

If im lifting heavy ass weights you bet im going to slam the motherfucker to the ground when im finished

>Some femoid complains that she can hear me and my bro moaning during our post workout powershower
These "people" dont deserve to train in the same gym as me

This Angers the Gymcel 3
Im noticing alot of misogyny. Heres a photo of Maddy Forberg. Shes a 21yo female powerlifter who mogs you in every way

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>12. Sitting on a machine and texting.
>15. Sitting on the machines without using them.
That's what women usually do.

Using the machines, I mean

>Excessive grunting
>Standing by a machine waiting for a woman to get done with it
>If you’ve got enough time to pull out your phone and text, do everyone a favor and and take a walk
Some soi who can't even do one push up wrote this.

Yeah this one was pretty gay. What am I supposed to do, walk away from the machine that I'm waiting for then wait again when some Chad or grandpa comes in and snags it after the chick is done?

2. Wearing sunglasses.
3. Not putting away the free weights.
4. Leaving the weight on the bar.
5. Unsolicited advice.
6. Treating the gym like a dating website.
7. Hoarding the machines.
8. Dropping weights on the ground.
9. Doing your calisthenics outside of the clearly designated areas.
10. Excessive grunting.
12. Sitting on a machine and texting.
14. Not wiping the sweat off of the machines.
15. Sitting on the machines without using them.
13. Trying to talk to a woman who’s wearing headphones.
Reasonable if its about hitting on her, but asking her how many sets she has left or something like that is fine, just like it would be if you are asking a guy
11. Standing by a machine waiting for a woman to get done with it.
1. Wearing cologne or body spray.
Retarded, don’t douse yourself in one million of course, but a weaker cologne or simply a small amount is just fine. The sweat and increased body temperature do make the smell project more, so has to be less than usual

>waaah why won’t he let me in!!

>Wearing cologne or bodyspray
Yet women swim in perfume before "working"out. Also is deodorant bodyspray? If so, sorry but I don't want to smell like arse after 2 hours of sweating.

>leaving weight on the bar
I leave the bar how I found it, if someone left 1 plate on bench then that's how I leaving it

>dropping weights
It's called lifting heavy, I'm not letting a 5plate DL down gently

>Standing by a machine waiting for a woman to get done with it.
If I don't stand by it some cunt will take it

>Sitting on a machine and texting.
Replace machine with bench, and it's called resting

>I leave the bar how I found it, if someone left 1 plate on bench then that's how I leaving it

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yeah author is a retard. im not getting up between sets unless someone asks to work in. i rest for a literal minute, 2 max. fuck off cunt

>don’t want someone to deload my fucking weights when I’m still using them
These people don’t use the gym.

>picking up after people

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You're not picking up after people if you deload everything, instead of half of the weight because "thats the way you found it".
Mindset of a 12 year old and the cause why people leave their weights in the first place.

the first one oh my god, i was expecting bs from this list but it's pretty spot on, so many small browns in my gym just spamming your nostrils with poverty-tier cologne

It really is a childs mindset haha. That kind of behavior just screams insecurity to me. "I'm so worried worried about appearing weak that I'll be stubborn to a ridiculous point".

>implying anyone who lifts cares about this shit
It was written by a normie thot who spends 20 minutes in the elliptical twice a week

Enjoy picking up after everyone for the entirety of your life, cuck

These are all fine.

you sure showed me haha

i've got a pair of these 2.5kg weightlifting collars that tighten with the screw handle, only i''ve replaced the screws with large bolts you can only unscrew using a lug wrench. i put them on to keep my weights secured and take the wrench with me to the toilet when i need to piss and know someone is gonna try to rearrange my whole setup while im gone for 40 seconds. i love coming back and seeing some idiot girl trying to figure the collars out or trying to pull them off

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If you're at the gym to feel comfortable, you're doing it wrong.
No excuse for smelling bad though. Fix your diet and shower

>Annie, 37

>thinks beggars can be choosers

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Wow one woman lifting an abnormal amount of weight really makes me rethink all the hatred I hold toward the exclusively female popualtion of my gym which does cardio for 10 minutes then leaves
(and would agree with this garbage)

>has to resort to online dating
>complains about the low quality men her low quality self attracts

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Always curious about the guys that have to pee inbetween sets. Don't you pee before you start? Do you drink 10 bottles of water? Are you trapped there for 8 hours?

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>thirty fucking seven

He's probably just a boomer, considering the lengths he'll go to to "save his bar". At his age bladder control is a little more of an issue.

This is the most retarded one by far

First of all, women don't only go on their phones between sets, they go on their phones DURING sets

Second of all, literally everyone does this, there is nothing wrong with this. Taking a 1 to 3 minute break between sets is recommended.

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>t. takes union breaks in between 50lbs leg extensions

>Complains about men lying about their height (seriously thou, don't do this)
>"I'm 6'1 in heels"

>Best Squat- 315.8 lbs
>Best Bench- 170.2 lbs
>Best Deadlift- 320 lbs
Oh shit bros, I’m being mogged right now, what do? Do I hop on roids to get a 1.5pl8 bench like this strong wamen? Pls respond

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>Men's lifestyle
>Female opinions
>Presumably female author
Why are they so terrified when there's something just for men? Why do they always need to be included?

Leaving the part out that most men hate it too doesn’t make it any less true.

>Women are somewhere between an adult and a child, not quite a child but not quite an adult
The only way that women are not like children is that children might eventually grow into adults.

i do pee before yes, but usually preworkout makes me want to pee more, and yeah i drink a lot of water, plus i can be in a rack for maybe an hour so that altogether means one or two trips to the loo

>he exists on the physical plane between sets
Ugh, could you just stop?

>Btw you smell bad
>But don't wear body spray
>Standing by a machine waiting for a woman to get done with it
I'm sorry princess

All seriousness your bench is way behind. Good squat though

I always ask myself who these people are. I never meet someone who is that retarded. (I'm speaking of the author of the article and the people agreeing with it)

>if you have enough time to text between sets, do everybody a favor and take a walk
>refers to everything as a "machine" and doesn't acknowledge that certain lifts such as deadlifts are inherently louder
>adult human being who does "journalism" (posting shit-take clickbait) for a living

Holy shit those numbers bros.

lmao she pisses when she lifts heavy

i want to drink powerlifter girl pee


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FUCK OLY LIFTERS AT MY GYM. Genuinely the biggest posers on planet earth.

So ive been checking this thread while getting ready for the gym, and I gotta say Im extrapolating data that was very close to my original hypothesis


Wrong girl

who the fuck wears sunglasses indoors?

>I hate it when men use the squat rack so I can't do 1 rep with an empty bar and then spend the next 10 minutes texting and snapping pictures of my ass

powerlifting girls are asking for incontinence, user

Those are her stats, if any dude actually has those 1RMs he need to lay off the SS right this instant

Ignorant and coarse, straight to the point

Excellent bait

I wear my sunglasses at night

The author has probably never been to the gym before since the first line talks about how going to the gym involves listening to shitty pop music over the intercom. But everyone at the gym except for old boomers wears headphones with their own music and its been like this since ipods were a thing

> 37
> lanklet
> online dating
> journalist

Sorry Annie, but cats will be your best friend from now on

> they are staring at me :(
> yes I wear tight leggings? So? Can't I feel sexy ??

>Annie, 37

I could fight her

Check em

Have sex

Textbook basic white bitch article, god.

Theres only 3 reasons anyone should use a machine in the first place
1.youre in physical therapy
2.youre a woman
3.youre a faggot

I hope you're not skipping half of the diddy's user...