>lift for aesthetics
>never go outside
Lift for aesthetics
Why would I share my aesthetics with unworthy outsiders?
>cut for summer
>dont take shirt off once
>cocoon mode
>get fucking shredded (7-8% BF)
>hit the pool
>everybody stares
>girls smile
>never go out again
Every single summer I get extremely ripped and shredded and I don't even go to a beach.
>He isn't cut year around to pop the shirt off at moment's notice if needed
>Get shredded for summer
>go to pool
>spend entire time making sure I look the best there
>go home
T-thanks fit
>lifting to get """"""""""mired""""""""""" by random strangers
Why the fuck do people need this? I absolutely hate any attention or interaction I get at a random. I go outside with purpose-- to buy shit, to meet actual people I know, to jog-- and I get bat shit irritated when people look at me. My fucking god, mind your own business, lift for yourself, and let the rest of the world burn
>tfw i cut year around to pop the shirt off at moment's notice if needed
>Tfw you're gonna make it
Already did, coaching 5 dyels irl atm.
Feels excellent man
Based my friend. Keep up the good work
>get shredded
>get attention
>never go outside again in the fear people might actually talk to me
>good body
>good health
>sad face outdoors
>28yo virgin
>Currently look like shitty skeletor
>Work from home
>Home gym
>Only go out to get groceries and spend the night with my gf
I gonna go for a run right now. But it's hell outside. Why it have to be so fuckin hot outside.
>Get mired by classmates once
>Don't know how to react
Fuck you
You aren’t cutting year round, that would mean that you are getting lighter and lighter every year. You are just staying lean, good on you though
Whatever the mire was, just say
"Thanks, hehe, what gave it away?"
Then just walk away.
Post body
>lift for aesthetics
>get as lean as possible so my face looks better
>get a haircut that fits my face shape, test multiple hair products to get the look I want
>Looksmax with a skincare routine
>research colognes and buy the one that would potentially give me the most mires, also use cocoa butter after shower to have a nice body odor
>get contacts
>wear clothing that fits tightly to show off gains
Just go to the gym and the grocery store. Also a 24 yo virgin.
>Lift for aesthetics
>go outside
>get gf
I'm autistic as fuark, if I can do it we all can
>go outside
>get gf
I think you skipped some steps inbetween
How did you meet?
Outside. He already said that baka my head
Alright going to go stand outside for hours till my gf gets delivered.
>been lean all year around for a decade ready to pop the shirt off at moment's notice if needed
>haven't been needed
Idiot you have to GO outside not STAND outside
The moment will come eventually just wait for it
Go to the beach, to a lake, to the park, to social event where you could flex on normies, to the pool, joke around with girls about being muscular etc. There’s plenty of opportunities to take off your shirt
what cologne would you recommend
>Always go outside
>Never lift for aesthetics