>lift for aesthetics
>never go outside
Lift for aesthetics
Why would I share my aesthetics with unworthy outsiders?
>cut for summer
>dont take shirt off once
>cocoon mode
>get fucking shredded (7-8% BF)
>hit the pool
>everybody stares
>girls smile
>never go out again
Every single summer I get extremely ripped and shredded and I don't even go to a beach.
>He isn't cut year around to pop the shirt off at moment's notice if needed
>Get shredded for summer
>go to pool
>spend entire time making sure I look the best there
>go home
T-thanks fit
>lifting to get """"""""""mired""""""""""" by random strangers
Why the fuck do people need this? I absolutely hate any attention or interaction I get at a random. I go outside with purpose-- to buy shit, to meet actual people I know, to jog-- and I get bat shit irritated when people look at me. My fucking god, mind your own business, lift for yourself, and let the rest of the world burn
>tfw i cut year around to pop the shirt off at moment's notice if needed