Him Wof method

What do you guys think of Him Wof method?

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I cant help but be a little skeptical. Wont get me swole anyways so I dont care about it, but still.

idk who the fuck Him Wof is but the Wim Hof method seems breddy alpha

Same here about the skepticism.

Although I´m curious about the results I could get.

He's the real deal.

I did it for a winter in Minnesota. Ran miles in a blizzard in just shorts. It's pretty cool and you feel like a super hero. I didn't keep up with it because the first 3 days of training up to it every winter sucks.

>Him Wof method
Using Yogic methods that have existed for millennia or at least centuries and giving them your name and surname is truly the work of a complete piece of dung. That's what i think.


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What exactly is the end game? Being able to withstand ice cold temps?

Improving your discipline and immune system

Multiple studies have been conducted on him that show it to be legit. One guy investigated him with the intent of debunking him as a fraud and ended up as one of his biggest supporters.

Were they preventing disease like his method does?
No more disease.

>no more disease
[Citation needed]

That’s an exaggeration, it boosts your immune system and metabolism but it isn’t a cure-all for disease, nor does he claim as such.
Fuck them gooks

yes, its idiotic and insulting to call his method, the some random dude method. These already exist.

He should apologize to the Gods and fuck off the scene.

Is this clown for real? Has he no sense of what he is doing?

it seems he can't really teach his method to anyone

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>>no more disease
>[Citation needed]
I'm so tired of this "I need peer reviewed paper or I won't believe anything" meme. How would you even function 100 years ago? You guys need to learn how to be your own scientist and use your own brain

>I'm so tired of facts. I'll say what I want and people better believe it.

how is your crystal healing going?

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The breathing technique is pretty cool. I tried it for a few days and found it interesting but didn't notice any sort of improvement so I stopped because I didn't want to pay for the program. It's pretty unclear what you're supposed to actually do outside of the breathing, but maybe that's because everything else is paywalled. I'd be interested in doing a program long term if it were more explicitly spelled out.

It's the Wim Hof Method, not the Wim Hof Technique. The specifics/structure of how the breathing exercises are performed and the curriculum he teaches them in the context of are absolutely novel inventions. The underlying skill being developed is by and large the same, but the *method* for cultivating it is absolutely his.

The yogic masters of old themselves would not take credit for his method at all. They would insist that it's too practical/material, and lacking in the spiritual ornaments, beliefs, and practices that they consider really important. His method is a profound diversion from those traditional schools. Why act like this isn't the case?

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Yes, 100 years ago they were still dying of fucking fever and malaria because they thought leeches would heal them. They didn’t even fucking know what vitamins are. Are you legitimately fucking retarded?

>I'm so tired of this "I need peer reviewed paper or I won't believe anything" meme.
This, but I'd word it a little differently. It's more like the "I need peer reviewed paper or I have just the excuse I need to sit on my ass and feel smart about not trying anything new" meme.

It's one thing to write things off that are very obviously stupid and/or dangerous, like switching out tried and true medicines for woo-woo crystals. But the wim hof method is literally just a mix of breathing exercises, breathing/stretching exercises, and cold exposure/ice baths. The only reason not to try it is to feel smug about sitting on your hands while you let other people do all the exploring of new techniques and training methods for you.

There's nothing more brainlet than refusing to explore new ideas/methods. Stop being a lazy faggot.

Quit being a dumbass. I didn't ask for a study because I'm afraid of trying it out, I'm asking for a study on the claim "wim hof means you don't get any diseases anymore".
All that text for fucking nothing.

Can I get a QRD on his method? Only seen YouTube vids about the abilities he claims to teach people in, not so much about what specifically he teaches.

>be your own scientist and use your own brain

You recognize that you need empirical evidence to be a scientist, right? Sitting around in your arm chair imaging how the world works is what a philosopher does, not a scientist. So yeah, unless you're going out and doing your own well-controlled experiments you're going to need someone else's data to determine things

>Controlled hyperventilation: The first phase involves 30 cycles of breathing. Each cycle goes as follows: take a powerful breath in, fully filling the lungs. Breathe out by passively releasing the breath, but not actively exhaling. Repeat this cycle at a steady pace thirty times.
>Exhalation: After completion of the 30 cycles of controlled hyperventilation, take another deep breath in, and let it out completely. Hold the breath for as long as possible.
>Breath retention: When strong urges to breathe occur, take a full deep breath in. Hold the breath for around 15 - 20 seconds and let it go. The body may experience a normal head-rush sensation.
>These three phases may be repeated for three consecutive rounds.

>Do this breathing exercise, start with three sets (1 set = 30-40 breaths followed by a breath-hold) as a baseline session. Work up to more as you get more comfortable with it. You're trying to intensify the tingling/light-headed feeling you get during the exercise as much as possible.
>Feel free do go as long as you want in any given session as long as you're comfortable desu, it's not like you can particularly overdo it. Just make sure to maintain that baseline that you're committed to every day.
>Treat it like a meditation session, where you're trying to maximize mind/body connection.
>Finish every shower with 30 seconds of cold-showering, work up from there to longer periods of cold-exposure. Feel out the same mind/body connection that you develop with the breathing exercise.

That's the core of it. There's fancier stuff that he has people do (like ice baths, stretching exercises, and sets of push-ups during the breath holding) too, but the basic pillars of the method are the breathing and the cold exposure.

I just take cold showers seems to basically be the same outcome shocking your body repeatedly with cold temperature causing your body to adjust and adapt with breathing techniques and cortisol levels. Its good at training your body under fight or flight circumstances which helps with stressful situations where you can think more clearly

No illnesses for me, and deep effortless meditation.
Suck it bitches.

there is no doubt that the man is special and what he can do is actually proven by studies, even the most insane stuff such as manually adjusting body teamperature and immune system, also releasing dopamine by his own will etc.

however i dont think the whole teaching/school is much more doubtful. He is genetically gifted and uses it for business imo

stop derailing the thread, you and everyone else you quoted.

back to the main subject, we need a lurking fat fuck to volunteer and post periodically, so we can see results with proof pics (I was thinking, getting inside a tub full of ice cubes).

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>Joe Rogan praises him for 3 days then forgets he exists

desu he has taken people with him shirtless to the top of Kilimanjaro, so it's not all unreachable, I think hes just not that great of a great teacher and more of a guru

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Imagine combing this thread and clicking that many times to just post nonsense

ive heard one of his students stories that went to kilimanjaro but he talked about jim like he was some kind of jesus who had sacred powers they could never achieve. All they did was using an actual function of the body to stop producing ATP in the muscles and produce heat instead.
There are yet anyone that has come close to his big accomplishments.
Admittedly im not interested in him or his methods at all, i dont know much about him really

I see him as a genetically gifted in same category as the guy who flushes lactic acid and ran 350 miles in one go

Sorry Hillary
>low energy post

He has an outrageously high percentage of brown fat, but I doubt that it's all genetics.

>planet is getting warmer and warmer
>make stuff about resisting cold.

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literally all there is to it is the breathing+cold exposure(mainly cold showers). You can download the paywalled stuff off of torrents but there isnt much there, maybe some structure. You can find 90% of it on the youtubes

he literally teaches this stuff to people in 1 week and they can do 80% of the stuff he does, especially the boosted immunity stuff. I havent had a cold in 2 years since starting this and before I would have 5-6 a year.
Hell now when I have to shovel snow in the morning I go out in shorts and a tshirt at -5 Celsius and dont feel a thing. I even took a 2.5 minute bath in a frozen lake after only 1 month of doing this.

Says the lib tard too afraid of a cold shower because he thinks it'll compromise his immune system fucking kike sit on it and spin

>t. Wards off cancers with Runestones

>I'm so sick of this "rational thought" meme

das it mane

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it's not that rational when 95% of people cant review the studies themselves and trust that it must be gospel if it's called science

most studies have huge flaws in the methodology/conclusions and I think it's more like 99.9% of people that wont/can't review the studies for themselves

>guy has abnormal brown adipose tissue levels
>"Hey guys if you hyperventilate and buy my program you'll be just like me!"

He tried to climb Everest in shorts and shoes and a couple hours in his "foot started hurting" aka he was about to die like most people and he turned back

Brown tissue is developed by exposure.
And being white.

He claimed Kilimanjaro in shorts, gloves, and socks, and he also brought normies he trained with him, including the author of this

*climbed, its wasnt just a claim dumb phoneposting

there is some footage where he takes a group of people in it, most of the time they actually are fully clothed, even wim has some kind of shit on him. It's pretty meh. They just adapt to less oxygen environment prior using breathing so they can do it "fast". But what really made me sceptical about the guy was that in interviews he always claimed he wants to change the world, reveal bhig secrets, that everyone can do it.. and then puts a 250$ price for his shit. How many people in the WORLD can afford that? It's a dead giveaway that idude is bulshitting you


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I did it for about a year straight, it was fun. Got lots of benefits from cold showers, particularly in the ability to release adrenaline at will.
Got lazy eventually though and now I just do the breathing.

Pretty sure his stuff is out there for free. Try it for yourself

I did all of his courses (all available in torrents, you can find them easily if you aren't a retard)

it's one of the only things I've found that has drastically brought down my severe anxiety/depression levels.
haven't had panic attacks ever since taking cold showers every day + a few wim hofs breathing sessions per day
i could go on and on about how it's improved my life
try it for a few weeks, it's fun

>Using Yogic methods that have existed for millennia or at least centuries and giving them your name and surname is truly the work of a complete piece of dung. That's what i think.
he never took credit for it.
he constantly talks about how he learned Sanskrit to read Yogic writings