>Natty as far as I know
>Pretty juicy aesthetics
>Good lifts
What does Jow Forums think of Clarence Kennedy?
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Damn, markimutt looks like that?!
Not natty and didn't make majority of his gains while being vegan.
>implying this is natty
Into the trash it goes
>didn't make majority of his gains while being vegan.
goes over to all vegans
>be normal diet eater
>make gains and shit
>become vegan and start taking roids
>claim your gains came from veganism
Not natty at all, fuck off. You obviously dont know the first thing about bodybuilding. Also he didnt make most if his gains vegan
No shit he didn't make most of his gains vegan
If nothing else he gives me something to aim for in terms of "glasses with shitty hairline".
tren is vegan?
He's cool as hell but
come on lol
Doesn't really matter, if being vegan affected him then he would be losing gains or stalling.
When you have steroids, your diet literally doesn't matter as long as you have enough calories.
I hope he fucked both of those thots in the back afterwards
I've been watching him since his early days and only recently found out he was Irish. Thought he was some kind of gook in the US.
I guess at first he didn't talk to the camera.
>When you have steroids, your diet literally doesn't matter as long as you have enough calories.
You still need to get your essential amino acids, no?
>He didn't make his gains as a vegan
Clarence has packed on quite a bit of size since going vegan. Sure his ridiculous strength base wasn't built on a vegan diet and he's cycling, but he's still getting stronger.
Anyway really enjoy his content. Just lifting and the occasional dicking around with his buddies.
>Guy in the middle of loading his weight has to stop and stare
God damn right.
>Elite level Olympic lifts
Pretty sure he's incredibly open about using gear lmfao
He's got the most perfect squat form I've ever seen
maybe he's natty and vegan, but he's also a dyel, so it doesn't matter.
You made it when the entire gym stops just to mire your lifts
>that cutie with the raven pixie cut mirin
god dayum
is that poster old?
I was going to move there next year
The eternal Austrian fears the BKC (Big Kekec Cock)
>visit Slovenia last year
>See Kekec pašteta
>Buy it for my dog
>He doesn't like it
>I love it
He isnt natty, he confirmed this many times.
why does buff vegan scare Jow Forums so much?
Clarence has literally made video about how he won't compete since they don't allow juicing.
Nothing wrong with juicing, just that he ain't natty.
yeah, but that video was released on april fools
Based and redpilled
if you look closely you can see the two girls on the right actually got a little wet
Based fellow short-hair admirer
I like the guy overall. Great physique, has some impressive acrobatics, really strong, seems like a chill guy.
While I disagree with his moral premises in switching to veganism, I applaud him for doing something he believed was morally right even when it was inconvenient for him. Demonstrates integrity.
insanely strong, i dont think people realise just how strong he is because snatch and cj is not as common as dl and bench.
He is a super chill anime tard who just loves lifting, watch one of his live streams some day.
He has an actual olympian living at his place and shows him how to play minecraft, how can you not like him
His squat form is awful and has done surgery to his knees more than once because of it. Please don't try to replicate it.
Gabriel doesn't actually live with him. He just visited him twice so far.
i know they arent roommates but its still crazy to having him stay for like a week and being friends considering how autistic clarence is and from where he started
i refuse to believe his squat is good, but then again how come gabriel hasnt corrected him on it
Squats look different on everyone.
Clarence is following a model for a high-bar squat. There is literally nothing wrong with his squat.
Despite what fit will have you believe going as deep as you possibly can in a squat is not always healthy.
Does this look like it's good for the knees to you?
As for Clarence, he moves his hips way too much during his squat. Search for "Clarence Kennedy squat" and "Tian Tao squat" on youtube, click literally the first videos you see and compare the two forms from the side. The difference is huge.
It wouldn't necessarily be possible for somebody of Clarence's height to do a perfect up and down squat the way that Tao or Lu do one though, how many people that are 5'11+ do you know who can do a perfectly vertical squat like that? The dimensions are just way different
Clarence is 5' 10, Lu and Tian Tao are 5' 8. Sure there is a difference, but it's marginal. I don't know why you're bringing 5' 11+ people into the equation.
>It wouldn't necessarily be possible for somebody of Clarence's height to do a perfect up and down squat the way that Tao or Lu do one though
Exactly, and because of that his health suffers.
I love how all the evidence is there for you guys yet you still keep defending this. Clarence has literally done surgery on both his knees in the past. Ever wonder why? Couldn't possibly be because of his squatting, right?