I've literally lost all sensitivity on my dick, literally ALL sensitivity. Fapping does not even feel pleasurable anymore, not even when ejaculating. 2 weeks ago i was mad that i was feeling no pleasure, so i said to my self "i'm going to either destroy my dick, or at least feel something". I stopped masturbating on the 7th time when i finally felt a hint of "pleasure". My dick is so numb that i did not even feel any pain from all the beat my penis took. This is a terrible contrast to when masturbating two times in a row would make my dick sore for the rest of the day because of how hard it was (and i also used to edge for hours and hours). Images like pic related do nothing to me anymore, i have complete ED, no morning wood and i don't even get hard to porn (not even to extreme porn). I'm extremely low libido, and i feel like i'm going to be forever sexually frustrated...
You’re hopeless dude there’s no hope you can at least chop your cock off and become a tranny
Austin Edwards
Try nofap lol, if it doesn't work go to a doctor
Christian Walker
You think these fake threads will keep me from spreading the truth? All that will happen is eventually the mods will ban all nofap threads and I finally win completely
it's more likely you have an underlying issue and you've been associating them with masturbation. Get your homrone levels checked testosterone free testosterone estrogen estradiol prolactin do you have gyno?
Alexander Cox
I want to clean her asshole with my tongue day 4 of nofap
Chase Robinson
take as many vitamins/supplements as u can, go on nofaps, and moisturize ur dick and hope for the best
Sebastian Ramirez
i went to a doctor once on an unrelated issue and mentioned this to him. he prescribed a testosterone test i never took but nonetheless said "i can guarantee you have nothing physical, dummy" (his actual words) "all in your head, bro" (me paraphrasing him). i'm not sure if i can trust him, doctors are faggots
Christian Cook
or inject 200mg of test a week and have a dick hard enough to cut steel and be able to fap 8 times a day
Henry Thomas
>do you have gyno no with what product? do you mean just normal body moisturizer, the ones that mom use?
William Gutierrez
if youre circumcised I hope you arent dry fapping like a tard
Lincoln Collins
i'm uncircumcised and i'm dry fapping
Anthony Brown
try anything with shea butter and Vitamin E, i heard of something called man1 man oil but it might be a scam, if u have the money u can try that as well.
for supplements, look up anything that can help sex drive and nerve health. (l-arginine, horny goat weed, high amounts of b12 come to mind) are u circumcised?
u could also have low test or nerve damage to the penis, might as well go to a doctor too but like others have said in the this thread, they might tell u its all in ur head.
Eli Garcia
nofap 1 week at least + cardio helped me, if i start to fap a lot my dick becomes like this, if it doesn't works go for longer nofap and it will also help you to have stronger erections and feel more pleased
Zachary Gray
thanks, i'll look into these supplements. if it's nerve damage i'm literally killing myself, anyway, i doubt it is. you need to cause some serious damage to your penis to cause nerve damage, at least from what i've heard form doctors. you'd need to break it or stab it
Josiah Moore
Restore your foreskin
Connor Baker
why would that be bad?
Andrew Lee
irritating your skin, possibly causing what OP is suffering right now
Jackson Sullivan
Who’s rhis
Alexander Brown
The only case when you should actually nofap
Dylan King
Aaron Stewart
I was in the same boat as you, at one time I had watched every hardcore and softcore porn video there was across 4-5 websites that I visited and jerked off for hours everyday to videos I would have laughed at earlier in my life at the thought that someone was pleasuring them self to it while my dick went limp multiple times while jerking off
you just gotta go cold turkey or at the very least stop watching porn for hours on end and try to only masturbate to normal sex or pictures like in the OP also if you're obese or overweight the quality of your erections will definitely go up if you shed a couple pounds and get back to a healthy weight
keep in mind that rome wasn't build in a day, do baby steps if you have to but dont forget whats at stake if you keep giving yourself more and more leeway until you fall back into old habits and then you find yourself relapsing over and over and over again
this or a tablet whatever you prefer. have 2 servings a day. dont touch yourself when you get hard. stop fucking looking at and posting porn you retard. more cardio
Jeremiah Price
>watch usual hardcore porn half assed erections if i dont commit to it >look at clothed pic of thots like ops pic, feet pics and using imagination a or watching normal amateur porn Instant 100% erection and strong orgasm I dont know what happened but im glad it did.
Just put your dick away for a few months, you're not forced to use it lmao
Hudson Ross
>have to jerk off through a glove and boxers because of the friction, my dick gets really irritated >have to focus mainly on underside of dick and frenulum because cut >tried to use some lotion last week and it made my dick so dry and itchy, finally clearing up now
Henry Gomez
you'll never "win", and your life will be significantly more pointless and pathetic than the rest of the human race.
Evan Robinson
Not even a nofapper. That's honestly pathetic.
Zachary Gutierrez
Full retard, OP. Anyways I got in for dat massive ass. Dayum.
Connor Butler
Lauren Alexis
Ethan Fisher
Go to your doc and take your anxiety/depression pills you colossal faggot
Xavier Peterson
Need to use lotion to fap because mutilated dick is useless.
Lucas King
Time to invest in a chastity cage and mail yourself the keys with the slowest possible mail
Jason Sullivan
Get checked for depression. Or just fap less often and try to only when you're horny.
Nathaniel Torres
Not OP but similar problem. Last year I tested my prolactin levels and it turns out it was 10 times higher than it should be, and test is all time low. Now I'm taking cabergoline and it works, prolactin low, test high but no difference in libido. I'm doing no porn and I think it starting to work but still I just don't want sex
Xavier Diaz
Brandon Nelson
fucking top kek, imagine being a jew or worst
Hunter Scott
try choking out a middle schooler in an dark alley followed by forcing down your hard cock into her untouched paradise followed by dismembering her once youre done with it and disposing her into the nearest trash bin. always works for me