Fasting cures cancer

>fasting cures cancer
>fasting cures herpes
>fasting makes psychiatric medications unnecessary
>don't vaccinate
>fasting is not catabolic
>children should be fasting
>parents who don't make their six year olds fast are horrible
>anything higher than 7% body fat is bad
>overtraining is a myth
>you don't need anything, let alone money

Is he the messiah?

Attached: 10-Day-Snake-Juice-Fast-Transformation.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

He is retarded just for posting this. And you are for falling for it. You'll doom your kids to be manlets.
Give them tons of healthy food. Monitor weight, but don't stress if they get to 30% fat. Just start working out when they're 15 or something.

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wait how do you lose 20lbs (excluding water weight) when only fasting for 10 days?
1lbs of fat has ~3500kcal, so 20lbs = 70000kcal
There's no way the body burns 7000kcal a day.

It obviously includes water and whatever food he ate, which could have been 10 lbs on its own since he looks super bloated. Also it would have been a dry fast I'm sure, still hard to believe

10lbs of that is water, he looks like he bloated himself up a good bit. That's about a pound a day, which is achieveable if he's still working out all the time

Babbys first sarcasm

you don't, it's bullshit. he just ate a really big meal and pushed his stomach out, took a picture and wrote "185.4 lbs" on it. Then he went to the bathroom, took a big shit and took a pic with his abs in a normal position and wrote "178.4lbs" on it. Then he resumed his normal diet, waited for his beard to grow, fasted for like, 16 hours, took a picture flexing his abs and wrote "161.4lbs" on it.
also, 1lb of fat is 4000 (four thousand) calories.

The initial dip in weight is just the absence of food in the body; the average American eats like 5lbs a day supposedly. After 3 days your digestive organs begin to shrink, which should mean less tissue to hold water (I'm not a doctor). And finally you actually get a lot of water from food/retain water to aid the digestive process, which if your body isn't doing that then it shouldn't retain as much? Just spitballing

Keep in mind Snek man says you only need 2L of water a day (I personally drink 4L with ease). I like fasting but I think a lot of it is just water weight coming off

>be me
>on fourth day of fast
>start shitting out dead worms
I-I'm gonna be ok r-right bros

Attached: monkas.png (1200x675, 211K)

how tall is this mong

> 10 days
> dry fast
excuse me?

Haha fuck. You're right, that's insane. He probably did dry fast at least the last couple of days.

5'6", think he said his lowest size was 156, 5%bf

He just spews out so much shit and some of it is good while some is retarded.

Most people would benefit from fasting as it improves insulin sensitivity. There is strong evidence that it reverses T2 diabetes and some evidence that it helps in fighting cancer and autoimmune diseases. Vaccines are the only defence we have against viruses and him being an antivaxxer is straight retarded. Fasting children is dumb as fuck. Overtraining is real and can lead to rhabdomyolysis.

Is this an example of why I shouldn't directly hot traps/neck if I have narrow shoulders?

you starved the parasites bro



30% past the age of 8 or 9 is a fucking death sentence. A kid who is approaching 10 and is 30% bodyfat is
>eating like actual shit
>sitting too much
>needs to get active and get playing outside everyday

..or they will have weight issues their whole life. All the fat kids you knew in high school checked some, if not all of these boxes and 9/10 wont ever lose the weight

Im going to send my kid to a military academy as soon as he's old enough

oh good I was worried my natty max would be lower, makes more sense that he's so much shorter than me.

lmao please be real

unironically correct

why the fuck is eating every day considered normal?

We live in Entertainment era. This milenium is about feeling good. Next era will be better.

Lots of people have parasites and don't realize it. It's nothing to worry about. Maybe have a follow up with the doc down the road to make sure you're cleaned out. Gj

What's the next era?

Rofl I hope you took a pic

Enlightenment era. So /sig/ will become real. All people will refuse entertainment which destroy their dopamine receptors and will focus on science and self improvement.

I don't think the society of the spectacle can be usurped without a cataclysm though.

I likely won't live until the next era :(

God I wish I had some fucking worms. Cutting would be so fucking easy. I could eat donuts and steak all day everyday and i would still lose weight

>I likely won't live until the next era

You won't but your next reincarnation will. Just start your own era now. We have plenty of time i would say unlimited amout of it.

if i fast one day a week, would I lose alot of muscle?

obese manlet here, trying to speed the wight loss process but not lose any of my gains

Attached: 1470014648375.jpg (273x270, 21K)

Exercising while fasting helps maintain muscle, fasting without working out makes you lose muscle, you will not gain any muscles while fasting

Lol I love it when people fast and don't know what to expect.

>Know what is good for their kid.
>Too much work.
>Send them to someone who might diddle them.
>All done being a parent now. YAY!

1 lb of fat is not 3500 calories. body fat is not just oil, it contains water and nutrients.

Might as well post the updated photo which includes this OMAD bulking regime.

Cole is unironically one of the most motivating people you meet, I am lean and relatively ripped already and fast all the time and still listen to every video he uploads. If I was fat and lost weight I would worship him.

Attached: 698533C2-DE44-4687-85FB-BC818AFCA000.jpg (960x960, 193K)

Pic related is me. Fasting is literally the best life hack you learn, from better skin, to more energy, to low bf% just stop being a little bitch and start doing it. And if you are fat reading this right now, what’s your fucken excuse? Just stop eating, start fasting, lose the weight

Attached: BD6262A4-DD9C-4B94-8660-83602A42F430.jpg (1242x1652, 435K)

>You'll doom your kids to be manlets.
"Increases in the Human Growth Hormone (HGH): during intermittent fasting, HGH has shown to increase as much as five times over."


That amount of muscle when fasting... lmao no way

Could be intestinal lining too dude, shit looks like worms.


Attached: intestinallining.jpg (560x629, 36K)

>that pic

Attached: 1531955515493.jpg (1136x640, 76K)

>you don’t need money

Hahahaha what

Friendly reminder to eat psyllium husks, l-glutamine, and probiotics for optimal gut health. I used to have diverticulitis type symptoms and this stuff legit helped. Helped a lot on fart smell too. All 3 are good for your digestive system, so if you eat a lot of meats and have a lot of acid release to break them down. Definitely would recommend.

>guy in pic gets abs after fasting for 10 days
>I fasted for 40 days and cut all sugar out of my diet
>no abs

same boat, his channel is some of the greatest content.
I'm still a weak bitch though, haven't been lifting long enough.

Need muscle to show muscle
Can't fast away thick loose skin either

>he farts

well if you fast for 40 days and no abs you must've weighed like 400 lbs when starting

You don’t need to constantly take probiotics. Stop falling for memes. My guess is you have an awful diet and think that somehow supplements that fact, wrong. Maybe take 1 week stack of probiotic once ever like 2-3 months. Your fauna takes a while to break down and reset itself. Stop falling for memes. Only people who should take probiotics are old people as their digestive systems slow tremendously or if you have stomach issues, flu recovery, massively sick, after you’ve expelled tons of stuff after vomiting whilst being sick, some bowel issues depending on situation
But all go back to a poor nutritional spread/diet. So you only eat McDonald’s user??

>my asshole

>level headed thought looking at both sides in a fair an reasonable way
Get the fuck out

Because you are sub 80iq retard who believes in calories

No, he's a retard. Fasting is utter garbage. There's a reason no professional athlete or bodybuilder does this shit.

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That's not how it works

>Hurr durr

Attached: bait.jpg (300x402, 8K)

There is not a single top sportsman who fasts, retard

No shit. I'm sure they aren't trying to lose weight.

>not a single athlete cuts to fit in a weight class

This is your brain on fasting.

Attached: 1548282277261.png (520x632, 278K)

Attached: 1554329075196.png (600x600, 17K)

>gets called out
>i-it's bait

Concession accepted.

>willingly letting gains vampires into your body
never gonna make it

>tfw no girl will ever do this but lovingly to you
Imagine her forcing her sweaty sock in your mouth and nose forcing you to breathe through it while you get an unobstructed view up her skirt and seeing her panties wetten, knowing that's what's next for your face.

Attached: 1561310646155.jpg (403x403, 127K)

I'm not a virgin so that doesn't arrouse me in the slightest.