Jow Forumshumor time boys, let's go

Jow Forumshumor time boys, let's go

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I don't get it

It’s high iq bro

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"guns" are slang for arm muscles in the US of A

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I've been lifting consistently for 2 years now and can only bench 165 lbs.

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Where do you think you fucked up? I find it hard to believe you could stall that hard if you TRULY were consistent.

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OP's max

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woops wrong one. guess that ones funny too though

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you had one job, nigger

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my sides fuckkk

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eat more

glad you laugh

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>i stay asleep
always a good laugh

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Heh I get that reference

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How is that even fucking possible? Please tell me it's for high reps at least

Switch to nsuns

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Actually meant kg
Female or literal midget

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The same happened to me with a rat. I hunted and eventually impaled it with a shank of copper pipe, then manually set off a rat trap on its skull. Picrelated it's me.

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Jesus get this normie shit out of here

nigga that's fucking brutal, just get a cat.

Aspie violence

It was squirming and squealing to beat hell as I activated the trap.

I tried everything else, had to resort to extremes.

you remind me of the guy who stomped a lobster to death with cleats.


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I did it not out of any malice or pleasure. It was the most humane way to execute the beast instantly, although I felt Pitt for its suffering. I could not allow it to remain in my home, so it left me no choice. I disposed of it honorably.

That dude planning out his pizza order always makes me a little sad. I feel bad for the guy being unable to have a simple interaction

Top kek

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I've been lifting for 4 years any my bench is 185lb for the last couple years. I just accepted it

I know, the lobster guy autistically panicked too. Me though I had a cat I saved from a garbage, she eats any pests that invade.

I had set out traps, poison, fixed holes behind cupboards, over a month, and one day luckily found it hiding in a corner. Laying out barriers and corralling it took 2 careful hours. I don't want a fucking annoying cat.

a classic

>annoying cat
you literally just make sure it's food dish is full, and clean it's box every other day.

tip lewl

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Here's a few old ones

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I tought gym people were joking when they said they fucked twinks

I'm done for 2night. gnight fit

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Always gets me kek

H-his ass? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

old greentext of I think a Jow Forumsizen who got a date, and had no fucking clue what he was doing. Told a thot he was making lobster, it escalates from there.

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He sent that to the other twink he was cucking, not his ex.

Why does he write down the "ummm" parts in his instructions?

How is this even possible? I've been going under 2 months and hit 175 for 2 this morning.

more realistic
i used to write those instructions too

Do you still do it? If not, how did you get yourself past it and how long did it take?


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Ohhhh LMAO

>It was the most humane way to execute the beast instantly, although I felt Pitt for its suffering.
Hammers are the most humane if you can aim good. Instant and complete destruction of the brain. The heel works good in a pinch if you have shoes on.

Made me kind sad for some reason


Are you autistic?

>Do you still do it?
no, due to apps not requiring calling
i think i did ok without those notes when subway didnt have salad and the delivery dude called me
i didnt stutter or mumble



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Haha, if I really wanted a humor thread I would ask OP about his one rep max and to post his body. Haha

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I'm like 70kg and lift the same
Daily reminder that most faggots claiming to do 3 and 4pl8 within 6 months are obese

wtf is this app

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Kind of autistic but also based

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a bro meditates on his gains this way
v chinese secret

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what app is this haha asking for a friend


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I imagined him doing that in his best basso voice, a freight train horn kind of CHOOOOOOOO, and my sides are now in orbit.

Is this УBAЖEHИE guy?

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>implying grocery store eggs are fertilized

these are the people giving you nutrition advice. friendly reminder

What the fuck where does the time go?

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Based and normiepilled

Oh god, /ck/ humor is almost as great as Jow Forums humor

Pretty good! I want to believe that this happened

You mean Grizzly?

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