A reminder to disregard pussy and acquire gains

A reminder to disregard pussy and acquire gains.

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Mostly gays and incels here

The dubs of truth, it shall be thus.

I lift for pussy.


What is that thing next to the shaker?

His squat plug

A wojak

Easy to say until a cute girl comes and sits next to you

Seriously what hoodie is that I know it is the uniform of Jow Forums but have no idea what color name to search for

Underarmor. I'm no /fa but it's clothing for boomers supposedly

no man like what specifically is that mixed grey with green highlights called

Are you unironically asking what a television remote control is?

Talking to girls is hard
I always seem to get to a point where it is even harder because it seems like they are waiting for me to say something but I don't know what

anyone wanna help me workshop a text where I ask for a second date
just got back from the first date, which I think went alright, but I'll hit her tomorrow morning

its not like people autistically analyze the texts you send them, just ask her to go out again. like just literally say "hey, i had a good time last night lets go out again"

Looks like chicken breasts

sorry I'm autistic
I was thinking something like that though

"I had a good time at *place* with you last night. Do you want to do local X with me on *date*? Could also invite to your place to cook dinner if you're feeling bold. Or to the gym but that's for max autists like me. Breweries are pretty safe bets too

>disregard pussy
onaholes are fine
>acquire gains

my guy, what do they feel like never had one but highly considering it as of late.

Fuck females, Get gains.

I got hurt yet again today, Jow Forums.
I don't get it. I have dating experience, people tell me I'm attractive a lot, I'm 6'3" and 209 pounds and I'm a smooth talker. Wouldn't one of these times work out eventually?
My parents met in middle school. My paternal grandparents got married at 18 and 16. My maternal grandpa just fuckin said "I'm going to marry that girl" when she was his waitress. Is there no hope? What's wrong with me so I can fix it?

Sounds like the #metoo era is the end of your genetic line.

Disregard pussy, acquire frens

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I wonder why you put that picture with this, seems inaccurate. Reminder that if your life is suffering, to make it not suffering

>I lift for pussy.
Lol, what a meaningless pursuit. Enjoy putting the pussy on the pedestal and that brief moment before you bust your nut where it stilll feels like a worthwhile time well spent

You're probably just a gigantic pussy and it shows. Simple as that. Mentally emasculated and nobody wants to be around that shit because its pathetic. Probably a result of cushy upbringings

Thanks OP but I'm actually not getting any pussy so there is nothing for me to disregard and now I can 100% focus on gains

You're so stoic and alpha, can you teach me more, Alex?

My name is not Alex.

View yourself as the most supreme being on the fucking planet, then reinforce said belief by performing impressive acts, such as lifting more and being better looking than everyone else, until you force your perspective onto everyone else by proof of work (read:results) and it becomes accepted as reality.

Something along those lines. Except it has to be applied mentally too, not just physically. Wouldn't expect you or anyone else here to understand.

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>This fucker can't even tell when I'm memeing

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I'm sorry that your sex life is so dead and your crotch is covered in cobwebs that you resort to spending your free time 'memeing' on an anime imageboard.

Enjoy your life, if it even is one, if not a miserable existence.

When did men care more about relationships than women?
When the meme, “only men are capable of love. Women just sleep around,” started going around? Stacey is out shopping while you’re seething on incel forums.

How though? I just seem to do it. Like everytime I see an attractive girl outside or even when I connect with a girl I know irl, I always come up with stupid scenarios in my head where we're both together in a relationship. I fucking hate when I do this. I know there's no way I could start anything with those women. They're either taken or just way out of my league. I really wish I wasn't like this because I know I'm just mentally fucking myself up.

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Why not get both?

You are insecure. Based on environment, upbringing etc etc. you also hang around here probably and believe everything

this. lifting purely to attract a woman who you think is hot is the most retarded thing ever, plus very high chances are she's a fucking whore who's fucked like 30 guys, plus the #metoo movement has made this all the worse since women are dangerous now and can exploit our corrupt government for their own personal gains. if anyone calls you a faggot or incel for not lifting to impress stacy remember to tell that faggot that he is a beta woman worshiping dickbag and you are lifting to be stronger and defend yourself, remember bros that lifting for your own self benefit is the best way to go about getting Jow Forums

Shame is their weapon. Also lifting to save lies is honorable but lifting for girls, yeah, no. God himself advised against spending your strength on women.

Look at the way you speak to yourself. You are your own worst enemy.

I've seen the most average potato tier guys do just fine because their perspective on themselves wasn't warped by society or negative and shit expectations etc.

Go look up bradsocial on instagram.

Absolutely average body, absolutely average face, complete abundance of women, go figure it out

Your self esteem is garbage, and when you view yourself as garbage, guess what, other people pick up on that too and will treat you accordingly. This isn't rocket science

You shouldn't be lifting 'for' women anyway. Getting women should be a by-product of you being successful in your own endevours you take up FOR YOURSELF, like improving yourself through lifting. It shouldn't be the be all end all goal

Someone said a while ago that they discontinued that particular sweatshirt

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just talk them like they're you're friends, maynge. i call all my female friends bro, homies and man just like with the boys and i never have any issues. still autistic tho.

>go for months without thinking about girls
>usually this lasts around 6 months
>insidious desire to fuck creeps up around then, won't go away
>always culminates in me debasing myself on a night out, usually involves alcohol: talk to girls who clearly aren't interested, try to dance with girls, try to act cool, worried about trying to make them like me, generally hinge success on whether or not they like me, act like a fool
>wake up the next morning with a deep regret at betraying my own integrity and jumping through hoops all in pursuit of pussy
>path of the monk begins again
I wish I was asexual. I hate being so stupid when I get so horny. I hate how much I want women.

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>alcohol: talk to girls who clearly aren't interested, try to dance with girls, try to act cool, worried about trying to make them like me, generally hinge success on whether or not they like me, act like a fool

What a complete waste of time.

This is not OHP! This is some power clean and jerk.

>I hate how much I want women
I feel you bro

>people who haven't have sex telling people not to have sex

where have i heard this before

Pretty bases advice. If the girl is into you they’ll be wondering why you’re treating them like just a friend. Makes them seek your validation which is how it should be.