Is this what veganism does to you?


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fuck off

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I don't get what im looking at. Why does this keep getting posted.

He is a homo

Frank Tufano, carnivory advocate and anti-vegan, has shown himself to be a petty backstabber, attacking his own side (other carnivores) on YouTube, so a lot of people are fed up with him as a traitor and useless.

So the veganbot faggot is actually helping us to expose Tufano as a gay NYC twink, ironically like 99% of vegans.

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He was on a onions formula as a baby instead of being breastfed and he had hormonals problem as a child +he was eating a standard grains based American diet his whole life that explain why he have gay behaviors like this and that's the same reason a lot a vegans end up gay or transitioning bc of ONIONS and all the grains you vegan faggot eat

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that's a big dick

>Angery vegan.

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he still makes good videos though

No, aging is actually caused by time.
And McDougall had the same wacky personality 30 years ago.
Further, health problems that vegans experience are not automatically caused by veganism, or any dietary factor, just as health problems that non-vegans experience are not automatically caused by dietary or lifestyle factors.

Stop giving your own images timestamp filenames. It is unbelievably cringe and pathetic. Nobody would repost that shit in a million years.

Inuits (who mostly eat meat) all have heart disease by their 30s and die in their 60s. meanwhile 7th day Adventist (vegans) are the longest living population on earth.

vegans have less tooth decay, retard.

>Lycopene is a carotenoid − a natural pigment that gives some vegetables and fruits their red color. It is an antioxidant (a substance that protects against cell damage).

Protects your teeth.

This whole board is full of fucking frauds and kids who never grew up and dont wanna eat their god damn fuckingh vegetables.

Your vegetables are man made shit full of anti nutrients.

I guess you are right, but tufano is a backstabber. So fuck him he's a net negative for the carnivore movement.

But being a flamboyant queen is good for YouTube views, so maybe she'll be the next Jeffrey star.

>7th day cuckventists.

These idiots are the ones pushing the vegan cult. Prove they live long (protip--you can't) it's self-reported and they have a conflicting interest to make their cult look healthy.

Plus why is a Christian (so called) sect driving a godless athiestic cult like Veganism?

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All vegans their entire (vegan) lives

>Vegans have the healthiest teeth it's proven by science!!

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>Inuits (who mostly eat meat) all have heart disease by their 30s and die in their 60s.
not true
>meanwhile 7th day Adventist (vegans) even if this was true, so what? life isn't a competition to see who lives the longest; if you have to season your food with 30 different things in order to make palatable, if you spend multiple hours a day eating or thinking about what your next meal is, if you spent majority of the time hungry even though you eat a massive volume of food or if you can't even think or talk clearly, where is the enjoyment in life?

Life-long vegan responds to sv3rige cringy slander

Note this man is 43 years old
>loooooooool veganism makes you look babyfaced, you don't age enough
the absolute cope

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Jesus, his brainfog is really noticable with all those cuts, the way he's repeating himself and the way he's barely able to collect his thoughts.

If you want to look like that gender-ambivalent ageing twink by all means stay vegan.

>I don't look like an unhealthy zombie!!

Vegan dietary deficiencies literally show on the face.

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His wacky cult-leader mannerisms aren't the problem, it's his corpse-like appearance.

>Vegan medical doctor
>Licensed MD
>Career is being "healthy and robust vegan"

>Looks like a living cadaver who escaped the grave.

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4 u

no, his content is trash.
he thrives off drama, but every time he gets involved in it he says his same fugaze disclaimer, "I'm really not this kind of person and I don't want to make this kind of video."
all of his "nutrition videos" are just like those wikipedia text-to-speech channels.

I hope this was bait
veg-x can't even outlive general population.
plants come with more oxidating shit the anti-oxidants that come with them may barely cover, meanwhile meat comes with none of that shit but has anti-oxidants in it as well.

RIP American vegan society founder. Stone dead at 66. I guess he'll never finish his magnum opus

>How to live a long healthy life as a vegan

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A common cause of delirium is a thiamine deficiency which is typically caused by alcoholism but easily possible as a vegan.

Unless you're eating a balanced diet from a traditionally vegan culture which over thousands of years have figured out how to get their nutrition without meat, you could easily get a B vitamin deficiency.
Actually even if you're from a traditional vegan culture, it's still very easy to be vitamin deficient and that's why these people lived in mudhuts until Westerners showed up. Veganism is a dead end.

Just take a B12 supplement moron. There were no vegan cultures but people got B12 from untreated water and produce as well as meats.

Thiamine deficiency is impossible except in cases of severe malnutrition lacking vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, whole grains and legumes. So basically everything.
Stop posting.

Is milk vegan?

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>>Ask a vegan:
>>Is milk vegan?
>>Total meltdown. Cannot answer.

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Even if Frank is gay, so fucking what?
That's irrelevant to the points he is making

his sexuality is not the concern.
it is all of his other personality traits that is the concern. you need to lurk more before posting here.

suck my dick you ducking spastic

Frank Tufano pls go.

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go eat cow food you brain damaged lunatic.

Cows are my food. How about you?

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you bitch nigga, stop talking shit about my boy Frank, he does a good job spreading information and debunking vegan retards.

She spends most of her time attacking the biggest carnivorism channels. She's an in-fighting backstabbing helping the vegans bitch.

If she brings the gay community away from Veganism and towards carnivory, she still might be useful, but I doubt it.

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