Do you eat the same thing everyday? If so, what is it?

Do you eat the same thing everyday? If so, what is it?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 195K)

If you meal prep and you’re not a competitive bodybuilder/athlete ur a fagit

Justify this statement

Chicken, oatmeal, broccoli.

same shit whole week, switch it up each week
honestly this is shit. need to add variety.

Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Veggie Stiry Fries, Beef Roast, Stews, Hotdish, Protein Shakes, Nuts, Salted Oatmeal

What's in your pic but with more vegetables.

Idk why but /ck/ gets super assblasted about preparing meals a day or 2 in advance. Of course they hate everything that isn't fastfood but still it seems to strike a nerve.

Cause it’s not that deep. Just track your calories & macros with myfitnesspal and eat fresh food. Not some trash out of Tupperware

Meal prep gets around the issue of not having time to cook certain meals on certain days. The idea someone would cook every meal just before eating it while still eating fresh and healthy implies they're a NEET.

I get meal prep regarding convenience but how you reheat it with out using a (((microwave)))?

I literally refuse let one zap my nutrients so I don’t get the idea of meal prep when I can just cook it fresh