Why do left leaning individuals tend to be physically inferior?

Why do left leaning individuals tend to be physically inferior?

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because there is a correlation between physical and mental health.

Why do you think there is a link, user?

Because they lack self respect.

I'm guessing they live by their flesh more than by the spirit. The flesh is weak. Spirit, not so much. Noticed the same thing too with a lot of upper management type people. They just get out of touch with the ground floor and next thing you know, you got a whole bunch of waste because you didn't want to listen to the guys on the floor who actually do the job. Ignorance, arrogance. Yeah. No good.

Weak minds weak bodies

me in the back reading


Because you base everything in anecdotes and things you found on the internet

They don't have control over themselves.

Really makes you think

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Say that to my face and not online faggot, and let's see what happens.

Also, post body.

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Based post body poster actually leading with a body pic.

'mirin hair, what's your routine?

Just because you aren't a liberal, doesn't mean you're physically superior too. I feel like people tend to forget that

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>tend to
Stop taking things personally you egoistic faggot

Pic related.

Did you get scared you brainwashed bootlicker?

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your hair routine fuck face

calm down elliot

They tend to have higher IQ with degrees and jobs in tech or science that don't require manual labor, kind of makes sense when you realize that you'd have to be a brainlet to be right leaning (unless you're rich).

I guarantee you the weakest conservative could beat the toughest liberal

True man. So true. I've seen so many "3%ers" and the like look like they were going to have a cardiac arrest any given day.

I don't see how this gave you such luxurious hair.

Testosterone literally correlates with right wing political views

High IQ is not indicative of understanding political policy, socioeconomics, etc. Nor is it indicative of someone's moral compas. Hence, your point is almost moot.


>tend to

Cause when you’re in the gym long enough you learn that nothing is free, and that if you wanna get strong/look good, it takes time and effort. Leftists don’t like to work hard or earn their keep. They just want gibs.

This is what you sound like

why the fuck should i care at ALL about what the left or the right is up to or any of this bullshit you sissies scream at each other about trying to make it seem like you're going to solve problems when in reality all you're looking for is another paycheck or attention because you have nothin outside of your fuckin fringe internet politics. it's fuckin ridiculous how subversive and shackling politics are and how people are still falling for them, thinking in their heads that politics are somehow going to magically save us from the very problems it created. fuckin absurd.

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Except video games accomplish nothing except a feeding a gamer’s dopamine addiction.
Lifting cultivates strength which is good for the body.

>Giving a fuck about politics in 2019
You're a mere spectator of a giant mechanism you have no control over whatsover. Just enjoy the ride

You're speaking in absolutes and saying leftists don't take time to improve themselves at the gym when that couldn't be any far from the truth.


Why give a fuck about politics? You have no control and you will never see behind the curtain. Lift heavy weights and eat protein and find a more interesting conversation topic

No ones speaking in absolutes. The keyword in OP’s argument is “tend”.

Somewhat related to the topic, but does anyone else find these guys annoying as fuck now? They have taken the BASED BLACK GUY! approach and just won't shut up about how suddenly die hard conservative they are. Politics is just another bullshit route to take for attention.

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Because getting fit means hard honest work. No one else but you is responsible for your own progress, which is similar to the right in the political spectrum.

All of these. Fairness and justice, as understood by the left, is equality of results. On the right, it's equality of opportunity. This is the basic difference that makes the "left-right" dichotomy.

Compare and contrast:
>"Everyone should be able to get same gains just by coming to the gym, because being fit is good for everyone"
>"Everyone can come to the gym and work. All the gains you make, however big or small, are your own. No-one but you is ultimately responsible for making them."

Now which one actually works in real life?

Both sides can be dumb or intelligent, well-mannered or rude but the difference stands.


say that TO MY FUCKING FACE, pal. I dare you

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>"Everyone should be able to get same gains just by coming to the gym, because being fit is good for everyone"
Nobody thinks like this retard

Nice try Vladimir

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To who? Right leaning individuals? Excuse me while Imao for 10 minutes. Most people are fat dyels. That the 10% of people who work out happen to lean right doesn't make it the political party of gains.

Yes, because it's patently false and easily proven so, just like the fatlogic we love to laugh at in /fph/. People who are THIS stupid about physicality make up a ton of excuses to avoid going to the gym anyway.

In domains where results are not immediately visible (economics, for example) this type of thinking is harder to debunk and can be layered with additional complexity to make it less obvious. Et voila, you have lefties of all stripes arguing for redistributing our economic gains to the people who had no part in making them.

There are fat and healthy individuals all across the political spectrum. You only see the healthy right because you've placed yourself into the position where you only see them and refuse to acknowledge anything else.

There is zero link between political views and fitness

this, and soi. They're basically women

I don't see it

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>fat and healthy
jesus fucking christ, now we have health at every size retards infiltrating Jow Forums? burn this place to the ground already

leftism = collective
rightism = individual

>why try super hard on a single task when everyone else can do it for me lol it's about EQUALITY AND FAIRNESS you fucking bigot

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I think you may be retarded. What that post means is there are fat people and there are also healthy people.

>I think you may be retarded.
prove it, dipshit

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This. I'm actually surprised at the amount of retards here who actually think every action is politically motivated.

They always fucking sucked and were annoying. Shitty jokes, shitty memes and retarded advice.

friendly reminder that left and right wing ideologies are inherently flawed and true peace and prosperity can only come from disciplined authoritarianism

>Be me
>Fairly left leaning
>Fit and liked by people
>Have an acquaintance
>He's a diehard right wing
>He's also short and fat with an annoying personality and inflated ego
Geez it's almost like your political views have close to nothing to do with fitness

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>look at my anecdote
It's a scientific fact that lefties tend to be low test. Nobody is saying ALL lefties tend to be low test. I do think you're low IQ though for not understanding this differentiation.

>It's a scientific fact that lefties tend to be low test
Where is it?

Scroll up there are screengrabs of articles. Go to the articles.

>calls other anons low IQ
>uses clickbait titles as an answer
If you aren't going to link a study, then kindly fuck off.

>you have to link shit for me on Jow Forums
Time to climb down from that oversized dildo you're riding, buddy.

I'd like to see the supposed studies that confirm it (and no I don't care about random articles on the internet, peer reviewed scientific journals only). From what I've seen around me most conservativels/rightist are out of shape but it's just personal experience of mine

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>"say it to my face"
>posts back

a lot of the people who write articles like these don't even read the entire studies they cite and over exaggerate the results

If I become more right wing will my lifts increase?

>i really want something
>but I don't want to go and get it
>i want someone else to go and get it and bring it to me

Because in Amerifat there's less hard left revolutionary socialists around

>i'm right and I can prove it
>but I won't post the proof
>and it's not because I base my opinions on click bait articles from the web
>it's because the other person is lazy
It's funny how it always turns out this way isn't it huh...?

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Yes it is

Because leftist pseudointellectuals (a pretty large percentage among young males) think lifting is "beneath them".
Have a friend who is basically the archetypical reddit browsing basedboy, whenever I tell him to hit the gym he tells me that "it's a waste of time" and shit like that.

>too lazy to go and get something i want
>make up convoluted story to make another person look bad so i don't have to do anything
You saying you regularly get told to put effort in?

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Being this confident about being this clueless.

Do you like being this way?

Posting Pepe won't save you from looking like an idiot. Stay out of politics if you can't back up your claims.

it is a waste of time for them. time in the gym is time away from consuming their favourite entertainment/product.

so, prostrating themselves in the name of feminism and onions milk

>remarking upon a simple fact means you're a hyper-invested loser like me

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Because right wing politics appeals to the strong and self-sufficient, and leftism appeals to the weak and dependent. You have your causality reversed, leftism doesn't make people weak, those sorts of people are drawn to the politics of leftism.

in their world that leads to a promotion and admiration from their friends

You know how people usually just post their evidence instead of deflecting, when they have it of course. I can see your new to this whole conversation thing. Let me help you. If you make a claim you have to support it with facts, otherwise it can be disregarded without a second thought.

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Oh shit based niner

>i want this
>go get it then

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Left: sharing society & equality of outcome not opportunity
Right: Competitive murderfest

pretty self-evident why the weak would go left

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>I want this
No I don't. You do judging by how you're the one making the claim. At this point I see no need for further responses as you've made it crystal clear that you do not have anything of value to show

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weak ass shit, youre a manlet

Those arms are fuckin Popeye mode

>>I want this
>No I don't.
>leftist admits he doesn't want evidence to prove him wrong
I'm looking at the abstract on right now. It talks about how only physical formidability is correlated with being right. Physically informidable people tend to be left. Facial formidability and attractiveness is irrelevant. Eat shit forever

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Anyone ever think about how easy it would be to fuck some thirsty cosplaying thots? Show up ripped wearing some shirtless Final Fantasy costume waving both your big swords around. Holy shit. Maybe convention pussy is all rank but imagine then slaying.

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>I'm looking at the abstract on right now.
Great if you have it at hand you sure wouldn't mind posting it to prove yourself correct, right? Unless...you wouldn't happen to be lying on an anonymous forum would you now user?
>leftist admits he doesn't want evidence to prove him wrong
But I do, as aforementioned feel free to post it here. That's all. I won't be wasting my time further unless you actually post something of substance

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lmao nice

>Great if you have it at hand you sure wouldn't mind posting it to prove yourself correct, right? Unless...you wouldn't happen to be lying on an anonymous forum would you now user?
Except my problem was never with providing source, it was with your expectation that I should spoonfeed you. And the issue isn't that proof wasn't provided, because it was, the problem is your idiosyncratic burden of proof was not met so you insisted we meet you instead of you putting in work to meet your own idiosyncrasies yourself.

>At this point I see no need for further responses as you've made it crystal clear that you do not have anything of value to show
>I won't be wasting my time further unless you actually post something of substance
You can't stick to your own rules but you expect everyone else to stick to them. Typical leftist

Oh fuck off. Leftists are the softest weakest faggots there are, that's why they need a dipshit collectivism and progressive social policy so that the world is safer and easier for faggots like them.

I'm not speaking in absolutes im just genuinely offended you're here like "w-well i-im a leftist and i-i bench 135!". Cmon dude. Leftists are supremely beta faggotted human beings and that being one of the core ideological differences that creates so much problem, because the truth is you're free to be as much of a dipshit or a rags to richest success in this country, doesnt matter if you are a nigger or a woman, just both and leftists fail under their own ineptitude, and want to blame white men

you both are sincerely fucking morons if you can't see (scientifically proven btw) how political views have their basis in the way you see the world as a human being, weak or strong, and there's a party that panders to the weak at the expense of the strong, and there's a party that says you should fail under the ineptitude of your own responsibility and be solely responsible for your own outcomes

imagine thinking that there's ZERO LINK. Come the fuck on you dumb leftist nigger. Turn your fucking brain on.

It's thoroughly tested and known that this is the case. If you can't see how a party of pandering faggots is weaker than republicans then im gonna go ahead and confirm which party that you belong to because they're the ones with the most outrageous intellectual dishonesty and lying there is.

Imagine a system that redistributed your gains that you worked so hard for

>tend to

leftist gym
>40% of your gains are taken from you and redistributed to people too lazy to work-out
>if you can or are above 1/2/3/4 then the gains tax increases dramatically.
>every white man HAS to give up bench or rack immediately if approached by POC or woman and either spot for them with permission or leave immediately.
>if too many white men are in the gym at any given time the staff are allowed to
Throw you out to allow more room for minorities and women

Imagine the system where all your gains go to the descendants of people who were born into gains rich families

The most accurate post in the thread, yet no replies.

But that’s literally how it is, it’s called genetics. Look at Arnold’s mutt-son. That’s right wing inheritance right there. His legitimate son was raised with Californian (left) values and that’s why he’s lost all his inheritance and gains to the tax

Because people want to argue and if the post isn’t funny or ironically retarded no one cares.