Guys with stretch marks , how did them affect your sex life and confidence? I have them like everywhere on body...

Guys with stretch marks , how did them affect your sex life and confidence? I have them like everywhere on body , I never had a girl so I'd want to know how will they react to guys with stretch marks. I got them from gym but idk how telling someone this will make it better.

I want to know what femanons think too.

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Honestly? The slimmer I get the less I worry. Yes, I've got ugly ass stretchmarks on my belly, but I also have badass stretchmarks on my shoulders where the muscle grew, so it evens out.

I feel like loose skin or fat is worse
just have the lights dim the first time and it wont be a big deal

Same I got tiger claw stretch marks across my chest to my shoulder for whatever reason and it's just cool as fuck

Same. But I also have some on my belly, left bicep, and under my balls. My body is a horror show.


To be fair, I also have quite a bit of regular scars, acne scars and other horrifying shit. All I can do is get a buffed musculature under that failure of a skin.

just turn off the lights nigga lmao

it's OVER

What, just because of the skin? Nah, the bigger problem is my face, I look like a surprised turtle with Steve Buscemi's eyes.

My ex used to run her fingers over my stretch marks and say they look good, I cant make them go away completely so why should I care.

>My ex used to run her fingers over my stretch marks and say they look good
Damn. Why'd you break up with her, she sounds nice.

i have them like your pic related but not as intense in the exact same spot, and some on the right abdominal section, and on my bicep. I dont pay too much attention to it, especially the bicep since i expect it will even out when i get more muscle. Kv though so cant say too much about sex life

Personally I got stretch marks as a kid (back and near the armpits mostly) from getting tall and working out (I was never fat). Never really affected my confidence, of anything I feel proud of them as they show the work I put in. Besides I kind of like scars

That picture looks bizarrely appealing to me. I wonder why.

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OP here , I have them on my forearms too wearing a t shirt will get me a lot of looks I don't want especially a lot of questions . It's just a pain in the ass that gets me asking what is even the point if I'll forever have these things on my body.

I’ve gotten laid being a fatty with stretch marks by qts. Confidence is key.

What kind of questions? Also post forearms

How do you got them? Do they hurt? And looks like being grossed out by it.

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265 to 185 here (on a cut). 5'11 36yr old king manlet. Got them from depression eating in 01 to 03, then shrank down starting about 09. My experience was that I physically looked better not being a fatty, so ladies were more approachable. They are still there and I've been 170-185 for about 10years now.

They will never fade away completely, but are largely unnoticeable. It's always going to be in the back of your mind, but your confidence will grow enough to compensate. Your overall fitness and ability to carry yourself well matters more.

>how did them affect your sex life
what sex life?

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A lot of people have stretch marks. it's not a big deal

Anotha one

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just grow out hair, bro.

Meh fuck the people who ask that your arms look fine. Miring the veins in the second pic. Juicy as fuck

Last one

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I mean fuckin honeslty those veins are aesthetic as hell. Are you jucing or simply have the good genetics for them?

Not stretch marks but I have a crazy amount of acne scars on my back and shoulders. Both girls iv been with had the same reaction.
>What are these
>Nothin just old scars lol
And then it never comes up again. If you don't make a big deal out of it they don't either. I also have gyno and girls are like
>Ou man boobs hehe
And fucking play with them

>sex life
what sex life lmao
.t 31 year old wizard

I'm not. My forearms are genetically predisposed to grow , there I was on a cut and they still looked big. When I'm bulking it's even worse.

Hmm guess you`re fucked.

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Looking good lad screw the people who think otherwise. And if somebody asks just do this If you don't make it big of a deal they most likely won't as well

I have stretch marks on my biceps. Girl I'. dating doesn't give a shit. She has stretch marks on her butt and hips and I don't give a shit either. Unlike Jow Forums wants tou to believe, people do not fixate on minor flaws

Brother,mirim hard ,how did you get such huge forearms,some of thebiggest i ever see.Couldyou post a full body? (No homo)

Didnt work out in other stuff, mutually agreed that it doesnt make much sense to keep going

Forearm routine?

I'm sorry bro but I can't post a full body pic. I'm too ashamed.

I used to work in construction a while back and what I figured it out from that experience is that you have to do a lot of carrying . Farmers walk or just take the heaviest dumbbell and stay still while holding them. Get on a bar and hang on it , do sets where you use only your fingers . And the classics barbell wrist, behind , on knees whatever. Also those grip things , actually aren't a meme for me it wasn't. Do them heavy and also do like 25-30 reps after that.

It turned me gay since all women have rejected me because of them.

I've got stretchmarks everywhere because I was obese at 16 years old. I don't have much loose skin because I'm still somewhat fat (200 lbs and 6'0 with intermediate lifts). I've been intimate with 4 girls and none of them seemed to care. 3/4 of the girls I was with also had stretch marks. Photoshop and social media make you think everyone else has a perfect body but most people have flaws. Yes, my stretch marks are much worse than most others, but I'm healthy, I look good in clothes, and I look like I lift. that's what girls care about.

>from getting tall
i got them on my back because i grew about six inches in a year when i was 12-13. i'm 30 now and they're still there. any girl who has ever said anything about them has reacted positively so i don't ever worry about them. i might be more self-conscious if i had them on my stomach or something though from being fat.

Motherfucker! This is perfect.

I have strech marks but im skinny as fuck, they don't really affect my cofidence really, in fact i kinda like how they look

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how much can you deadlift and curl ?

you have crazy muscle genetics for what i see if you are really natty

also height weight and age ?

I have them around my chest/shoulders/biceps and my inner thighs from bulking. I think they're pretty common in skinny guys who bulk up a lot. I wish I didn't have them but I have other shit to worry about so I honestly don't think about them at all.

You're gonna make it bro

Find a dumb girl and tell her they're scars you got from the time you fought off a mountain lion with your bare hands

most women have stretchmarks on their ass/thighs I doubt that they would care that much imo

also why do skinny guys have stretchmarks on their knees

They don't matter in the long run user, it's better than being fat. Everyone has them, you're gonna give a hell of a lot to your future woman when she pumps a baby out.

I think we tend to overestimate how others perceive us because we only see our little flaws. Honestly, most, if not all people dont care about skretch mark because it's so common.
Besides, even some models or fitness models have them, they just photoshop them out or hide them with makeup

okay real shit, need some love and support here guys

>be me 22
>start lifting from computer nerd physique
>3 months in find a subreddit for laughing at retards on normal Reddit fitness sub
>they have this rule that you must 'post ass'
>insist it's not gay
>post ass with stretch marks from siding down my whole life
>get mocked for being ex-fatty
>lack the confidence to correct the record
>weeks later delete account so they don't know they beat me
>never post ass online since.

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At first I was really depressed because I felt I looked like I was all carved up. But they fade and now I look at them as a reminder to never get big again. Learn to live with them user, they aren’t the end of the world. It’ll get better but only if you work for it

Mine are starting to look shiny so I imagine that I'm remaking myself in the forge that is fitness.

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If she’s agreed to fuck she’s accepted your faults and doesn’t care at that point. I’m not saying she’ll marry or date you but if you’re in her room and clothes are coming off she isn’t going to turn you down for stretch marks.

My girlfriend doesn't give a fuck about stretchmarks, and I don't give a fuck about hers.

Stretchmarks are gonna happen no matter what. Just accept that shit.

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show us

got them on my side from excessively doing pull-ups
gone now after a few years, family was horrified
no one else ever saw them

also, if you care about what people think about you you're literally a lesser form of life
you're just so pointless

Holy fucking shit. Popeyebrah mode activated