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Fitness #516
RED PILL GYM MUSIC. don't tell me "heavy rap" or normie shit. I only want music to unlock ALL of my adrenaline
I made a thread yesterday about body dysmorphia and some of you asked me to post body so here you go...
Now that the dust has settled, is milk healthy?
Name 1 pro and 1 con of your genetics
If im eating 3300 kcal/day and I'm only supposed to have 1g/lb body weight, protein...
Redpill me on rest days
Jow Forums video games?
Working out
Creatine is the most bullshit supplement there is...
Oatmeal is unedible
Soil depletion is the real cause for both obesity and the decline in testosterone levels
Can you mog a cat Jow Forums?
How many addictions is Jow Forums fighting?
Wanna rub your lips against my abs?
Carnicuck vs Whole Food Plant based
When I buy supplements from these faggots half the time the shitty box comes either partially or completely damaged and...
My friends call me the Monster
Gym shoe thread
How do I get this body?
Um sweetie are you really going to the gym again?
Yeah, I understand that Blaha is ugly as fuck, has mental disorders...
Do you take a shower every day?
Can someone send me the meme about they guy who lifts for girls and then realises that they aren't worth it and keeps...
How do I fix premature ejaculation?
I’ve never felt so proud right now...
What would you say your testosterone level is?
So what's the deal with gym chicks and muscular girls?
Things dyels say
/fph/ - Fat Porker Hate
Hip dips
If you are lifting and you still struggle on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge, you're an idiot
The Onion vs Jow Forums
GFs are the ultimate gainz goblins
Does mewing actually do anything for your jaw or is it just bullshit pseudoscience waste of time?
I recently found out i have anterior pelvic tilt and i’ve found some exercises that can bring it back to nornal but i...
What would be a good routine for getting massive shoulders?
Tfw you are older than zyzz by now and far, far from making it
Based and Chadpilled
Is this show accurate in regards to fitness? Seems legit so far
Can't do a pull-up
Woke up to take a shit (rarely happens)
How much vitamin D daily is the best for someone pretty pale, who doesn't go outside much...
5'11 vs 6'0
Henry Cavill
Why are all of my mires illegal
I can squat 4pl8 but can't sit in a slav position for more than 30 seconds...
What other boards do you visit
100-lb girl here
For me, it's the OHP
How do i achieve this physique?
ITT: We post the exact motivation that got you to start getting Jow Forums
Did traps yesterday
Does wearing tight underwear stunt growth
Fell for the squat meme
Post the most moronic fitness "advice" you've heard from friends and family. I'll start:
Scientists have discovered the reason white women love BBC so much is because they have melanin receptors on the inside...
Give me support and motivation i don't want to go to the gym anymore and want kfc and Pepsi I want to abs its not fair...
Do you ever lay in your bed and wonder what you could have done to change things...
What mode is this?
How Jow Forums do you need to be to pull off wearing just your underwear to a rave?
Redpill me on NoFap
Wisdom teeth extracted 9 hours ago
Go on date w qt gym bunny I met on okcupid
I want to keep it short and sweet. I need help with this training plan/diet plan I made for myself...
Nofap is god tier but holy fuk
Had sex
When y'all talking about how much you lift are you referring to your working weight or your 1RM
Push-up thread
Head to gym at 10, surely its empty
Srs what would you do if this happened to you
Holy shit...
What's your go to pump up song?
Is lifting in a group better than lifting alone?
How big is too big, Jow Forums?
Stop giving money to homeless people
What is the single best bicep exercise. i want 18 inch pipes
What's your ideal female specimen?
Tfw lifting for my imaginary girlfriend
Red pill me on rest days
He doesn't drink at least 2 litres of water a day
Does lifting affect lifespan? I heard a while back calorie restricted monkies live years longer...
Does this kill gains?
/run/ - cardio is king edition
Redpill me on mastubation
Post fictional goal bodies
Western Women about to be BTFO
Ladies of Jow Forums
Hey man, come jump in the pool! Come on now!
I've got a story i think you retards will like
About to turn 25 next month and scared bros
/plg/ powerlifting general
Why are muscular men bodyshamed?
The hell you twinks eating rn?!
I feel really embarrassed at the gym. I started last week and I’m still very lost...
Why are so many men balding these days? Its increasing more and more each generation...
Wet dream=relapse?
Progress Thread
I hit my 30s and just noticed I don't get morning wood anymore. Do I have low T or something?
Will I see gains if I do push/pull 6 days a week? I feel like a lazy fatass if I work out any less
Chad Cavill versus virgin Reeves
So what are the best rep ranges to get big?
Will there be a cure for male pattern baldness in our lifetime? I still have all my hair, and my Dad does too...
Do you guys genuinely enjoy working out?
What workouts can help reduce aspergers?
Just reached 100kg/220LB in DL after a month of training. Celebrate with me brother's and post your victory pose!
I'm sore to the point of being put into a wheelchair after every leg day
Have you taken the Senegalese workout pill?
What do you wear in the gym?
Does /fit lift high?
How did he develop so much discipline and motivation?
Sugar, kills you
/fat/ - no copelords edition
Tell me about your experience with 'powerlifters' at your gym. What are they usually like?
Weekly Asceticism Challenge
Is smoking good for social gains? I have maybe had 10 cigs in my life...
Testosterone test results
He consumes more than 90g proteins a day
Did the reasons you lift change since you began?
Remember to be kind, Jow Forums
Another year
If you get gyno, is there any way to get rid of it, except through surgery...
They aren't even trying to hide the agenda anymore
Chipotle is the best meal around. I’m serious chipotle bowls are so FIT and so damn tasty, good for cutting...
He lifts after his 9-5 office job
What are you afraid of, user? Hop on!
What do you need to bench in order to get a gf like this?
/fraud/ - general
How do I deal with constipation bros?
Dying at 22 for this
What did you have for breakfast Jow Forums?
When on sale, for the price, the protein and the size are these still the king of frozen food and value??
How the fuck do you avoid looking DYEL in clothes?
Chow time
Since the last time it went so well
How bad are nightshades?
What is Jow Forums's opinion of 'superfoods' like spirulina, goji and acai etc... Legit or horseshit?
Calisthenics is for those who want to have the ability to save themselves
Is it gay to fap to photos of yourself after getting Jow Forums?
What is it about Indian diet or fitness that gives them all pudgy faces even if they aren't fat?
Best ways to boost test?
Gym fear
Why do some people wear hats to the gym?
Preworkout food
Jow Forums this is your daily reminder to
At what age is it too late to make it? when do males peak aesthetic wise?
/fast/ - #468 - Always and Forever Edition
Daily reminder chasing roid physiques is retarded and this is the lowest bf that's worth it as a natty
Post your Athlean™ challenge time
What do I need to do first?
How do you throw a punch Jow Forums
Is a dumbbell-only routine enough to get Jow Forums...
Mental health general
Why does getting fit have to be so complicated? You have to use math to calculate pyramid sets and 5/3/1 and shit...
You know a lot less about fitness than you think you do
>ywn be 6'9 Icelandic warrior
Have sex
Do you wish there's a restaurant catered to lifters? Something with high protein and low fat/sugar diet...
It's me, the god of gains
Does this body require exercise, or is it all genetics?
What do I train to be able to comfortably lift and hold a woman during sex?
Is protein overload required?
Both vegan and virgin start with a v
Since I started getting bigger and leaner my gf became more and more demanding with cunnilingus and rimming...
If you were to get isekai'd tomorrow, would you physically and mentally be ready for it?
Beard and attractivness?
That varbie who always reracks weights, wipes equipment, keeps the volume down even though she's using earbuds...
Going to the gym is the easy part, eating enough is the hard part
Seeing this girl for over a month now
Is this otter mode?
Im hearing voices ever since i started lifting
The faces of fit
Routine Rate Thread
What it roids?
How long until my hair's gone?
Big man has spoken, pls follow his advice
You're smaller than a vegan
How do I overcome this?
Serious question - should bald manlets even try lifting? what is the end game?
Is this image an accurate reflection of reality?
What are your thoughts on using pic related to find a decent gym partner?
I had the dream again
Post em
How do you rank on the chart? How old are you and how many push ups can you do?
Paleo is retarded
If I want to be a fucking machine during sex would I have to do cardio? If so how much?
Swallow the bald pill
I have done PPL for 5 months and my lifts have barely gone up at all
Mog thread
Am I big yet?
PPL vs UPPER LOWER : which one is the best ?
Movies that boost testosterone?
Eugenia cooney is getting healthy finally
Why do people rate this guy? He only has one gold medal from 14 years ago and 0 world records...
Scientists have discovered the reason white women love BBC so much is because they have melanin receptors on the inside...
Whey or Pea Protein?
What's wrong with eating mcdonalds almost every day if i exersise everyday and eat fruits, veggies...
Help me make a change
Bagel Manlet
Will cutting improve my face or am I fucked?
How do I achieve this look?
Hey Jow Forums
Is this peak aesthetics?
If you met your childhood self, would he be miring you?
I fucking love whole eggs
What's the best Fast Food if you're a fitizen?
How do you cope with the fact that if you dont have a gf before getting swole but get one after...
Well fit/ might be going to prison for bashing some cunt
Democrats are now the party of crime. Truly terrible giving healthcare for illegals and open borders...
So I got myself some peanut butter, what should I do with it?
Gonna lift and workout extra hard next session for this dude
How bad is my gyno?
About to go to the gym for the first time in my life fellas
Fuck it hurts bros
Anyone else look down on boxing after discovering MMA?
Intermittent fasting
Daily challenge
Goddamn marketing jews got me again
Mire thread
To the aesthetic chads that browse-
Can lift all I want
The blame for this obesity epidemic shouldn't go to fat people but the piece of shit trainers who enable them
You guys are wasting your lives
Inspiring people to cut sugar/carbs and believe in themselves
What good is getting fit if I'm a highschool dropout?
Just edged for 8 hours. Deathly serious. How do i stop porn? I am going to ruin myself, help bros
Who are some good lifting related people to watch?
Is there any sort of whey that doesn't taste like ass?
What are some unironically Jow Forums fast food items?
Upper back jammed up
What are some subtle signs that tell you a guy is good with women?
Vegans unironically believe that humans eating their natural diet which hey thrive on is immoral
Is no fap a meme?
/fat/ Determination edition
Need advice
How to become god tier?
Mogging thread
Swimming for otter mode?
Memes aside is this an okay gym to get started...
Sup Jow Forums Male Stripper AMA
How many people are on this board right now, can we get a rollcall?
Fact: Men with high testosterone prefer chubby/thick girls
What is the ideal amount of fat for a woman?
Fit Humor Thread
Is CBD oil good for anxiety?
Fat Family
What's he drinking, fit?
How can I get myself to the gym?
How do you prevent aging like this?
Sleeping on the floor
Don't ever quit, bros
Best 5x5 Variation for Strenght and Aesthetics
Are curls really the only lifts for big biceps?
Besides running away...
Is there a cure to adhd and ocd perfectionism, being neurotic
Hot girl
Who else here /martialarts/? Which style is best for fitness and self defense?
Who here eat when they're bored?
Do you have any autistic reasons for lifting?
Here's your bench bro
Just got my paycheck, Shill me on what supplements I should get and why
6ft 120kg
How is Jow Forums coping with the heat?
Massage therapist touched my dick
Summarize your gym/fitness progress in one picture
Parents are fucking stupid
How many push-ups are you able to do without stopping?
*blocks your path*
Gain 30 pound in one month
Mode thread
I have body dysmorphia
White girls do squats for this body
Can you get fit by just swimming?
I haven't told my gf why I stopped going to the gym
Gf is getting fat (heres a recent pic)
Achievable natty?
/plg/ powerlifting general
You should consume 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight daily
How do I give up drinking, Jow Forums...
Don’t have to pay for tabs at bars/clubs
What's wrong with Tsuu's upper body?
You thought I wouldn't find you quitting motherfuckers here? Well merry fucking Christmas...
2 months of training for a single pull up
I just dont get what's wrong with me
Is just clen worth it for cutting?
I’m doing a one day water fast (not eating any food, only drinking water). How do I fight food cravings?
How do I make myself shit so I can lose more weight before my weigh in tomorrow?
Minoxidil application
How fit do I need to be to stop this from happening to me?
Get fit
Fph . Fat people deserve this. Last thred closed
Any chance I'll find a hot anime loving gf at the gym?
How do I work out like this
Natural Soap
Is coffee good or bad? Worth drinking?
Pushup thread
Alright so i'm doing my first session of SL5x5 tonight, what should I keep in mind?
Another wrist cope thread
If you're worried about longevity and long term healthy, is being big and strong healthy? I am 6'2, 245 lbs...
Obesity: Port Mortem
Remember to go for a run today, user!
I miss him so much guys
Reminder you'll never have this
Why are we balding Jow Forums?
Getting mired so hard other girls hate your gf by association
Plant based diet is literally the healthiest diet you can do...
Mfw i just reached LMAO 4PL8 hip thrust
Give me good 4day split hypertrophy routines beside PHUL
The fitness red pill you don't want to swallow
/fitfeels/ tfw no gf edition
I AM Fitness Youtube
Why yes we exclusively train Calisthetics , what gave it away?
Alright Jow Forums I’m going to eat an entire pizza
Hi fit
How do i become a fitness model?
Are pants like that actually more comfortable than looser fitting pants or are femanoids memeing us?
Eat your god damn vegetables
At what BMI/BF% do you know if your a chad?
How important is jaw gains?
How to make social gains as fast as possible ?
Has anyone done 5/3/1 boring but big variation? If so, how did it go
Jannies delete tranny threads
What do you do if you fail reps on SSLP?
Tfw I will go to the gym with my mom today and teach her the basics of strength training
Seriously, who use this shit?
Recently started going to the gym but how the fuck do I eat about 2700 calories a day?
Martial Arts General /MAG/
My parents are saying i dont need to eat alot of protein since ive been going to the gym and they wont leave me the...
Tfw the gym roidmonster is causing earthquakes again
Just failed 116 days of no porn
Back Thread
Too heavy to start working out?
U mirin ceps?
Fuck leg day
Who do you lift for user?
Gastric Balloon
Post fiction ideal bodies
We're getting back on track bois! I'm aiming for more than 9 days this time
So what's your opinion of SS? You think It's the best for beginners...
Didly form check
Peak female form is large boobs and hips with defined musculature
Tell me about the first time you felt like a chad, Jow Forums, how was it?
What does it take to become a top strongman? How many years of lifting?
Real Talk Hour
How much could the average Neanderthal bench?
This might be a stupid question, but is it possible to become stronger than a chimpanzee? With steroids maybe?
Supplement Thread
Tfw cold shower in the morning
Exercises to lower endurance?
Daily reminder that despite what disgusting fat bloatmaxxers tell you fat is estrogenic and that the human body...
Who is the mog king and why is it Denis Cyplenkov?
That one guy that still does upright rows and behind the neck presses
How to get over depression bros?
What kind of exercise should I be doing while on HRT?
What's his routine?
What is the most Jow Forums city?
Wow user you're getting really buff!
Natty lifting
My oneitis who friendzoned me my freshman year (and took direct pleasure from it) is now borderline obese while I...
What workouts/diets would you anons suggest? I'm 5'9" and 170 lbs
Still looks like shit
No carbs today?
Drawthread: Colored Pencil Edition
Tinder/Core and Grip
Are there any Jow Forums approved literature?
You can’t spend all your time lifting anons...
I need to lose like 11 pounds in 3 weeks. What do your bros recommend? Fasting? crossfit?
Why men have wide sexual preference
So I'm a beginner fitizen and has been doing mostly home excercises...
Post your most hype workout song
Im 20, still a gymcel, and dont know wat to do...
Dude just 2800 calories a day lmao
>cheat day
It is safe to take horse protein?
What does the average woman want/find attractive?
It's impossible to look muscular in professional clot-
Name a better preworkout than Bangs
Friendly reminder that theres no gym for your face
General Tso
When will Jow Forums realize that constant bulking and eating above maintenance just to chase bench/squat/deadlift...
Eat me*t
Be at the gym
Questions that don't deserve their ownntheread qtddot
What supplements increase test if its below normal beside d3 and zma?
I guarantee that when he's off camera he does workouts right out of Arnold's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding...
These are SO fucking cash
Best supplements for Men Libido?
Who do you trust more for health an fitness advice?
Post area codes
I masturbate regularly (once a day if Im not having sex) and im still making more gains then you...
I eat 3000 calories worth of potato salad a day and I still can't gain weight...
Please give me alternatives to dips for a fat man
Are Milk and Eggs Good For You?
Penis straightening
Can a briefcase hold my gym clothes? I usually work out at lunch in the campus gym. Anyone got a good reccomendation
Started a beginner routine 2 months ago
Hi - should I cut or bulk?
How am still fat at 170lbs 6ft ?
I've been researching on how to not get the gymcell look when you train. Some conclusions I have made
The autist with his gallon jar of water
One month of pull ups and push ups, pls rate
ITT: Weight loss inspiration
Is there something wrong with me...
Boomer molests gymcel
Post your dream physique
The Mog King
Has anyone ever recovered from full-blown nihilism and become happy (or at least content with their life without being...
Can finasteride stop this from advancing? Can it grow back? I’m using Rogaine but I’m sad as fuck
How much do you OHP?
Shits too fat
Wow, boogie is looking absolutely amazing! You guys insisted he would fail...
How do I achieve this body brehs
I do bodyweight exercises 3x a week, push ups planks slow deep squats and bridges...
Push-up thread
Do you think this board has a positive impact on your life?
Why tallness even a healthy trait aside from societal norms?
Anyone workout shirtless in the gym...
Jow Forums Elite Cup Day 2 Gamethread
Weekend fph to get us all through
What is the most fat loss/muscle sparring diet out of keto, intermittent fasting, and fasting?
Yall need to understand this
If you had to choose between sticking to either barbell or dumbbells for the rest of your life...
Day 1419 nosex
Can you sit down on your ass and get back up without using your hands, shins, or knees...
Is ensure enough
How much does frame matter in strength training...
Thank god I did all those pushups and pullups
Tell me why I shouldn't get a backpad and fill it with one gallon soda cans filled with concrete
Daily reminder 12-15% bf is the most worthwhile bodyfat as a natty and anything less is gymcel cope
Remember to go for a run today!
What makes this fat 5'8 manlet so special?
Good base to start with?
Mirin thread
Reminder that no amount of lifting will get you this
I thought you guys said height doesnt matter outside of Jow Forums ?
Just lift bro
/cbt/ greek god edition
Is /nopoo/ a meme or does it actually work in giving you Jow Forums, luscious hair?
For those who did did it feel? I’m ready to give in at this point
Gymnasts dont even touch weig
Daily Reminder: Women don’t care about big arms, legs, shoulder and chest. Its all about the hair and face in 2019...
First boss of fitness is also the final boss of fitness
What do you listen to at the gym user?
How to get good at chin ups? I can do dips easily, but chin ups are always hard
As a woman of size, i'm nervous about joining a gym. i feel i will be judged...
Why are women at gym like this?
Whats a respectable number of Pull ups?
Scientists have discovered the reason white women love BBC so much is because they have melanin receptors on the inside...
Some guy who I’m friendly with and have known for a while has apparently said shit about wanting to rape my...
Help Jow Forums
AlphaDestiny is stronger than you
Im 29 year old and still have acne like if i was in my teens...
I miss him bros... ;_;
Confess your gym crimes user
Alright Jow Forums redpill me on MJ and T
/fat/ - yes i am edition
How do I seduce milfs/cougars at the gym?
Why is this shit taking so long to blow up in the U.S.?
He doesn't flush out his ears regularily
Phrak's GSLP
Went on a date last night
What I learned from NoFap is that every man is born with a superpower. That super power is sexual energy. You see...
Quitting Thread
What do you think her routine is?
Chest hair
/fat/ - stop eating trash edition
Skinny-fat dweeb here. I don't want anything crazy, I just want to look good naked...
What time of day do you workout user?
Skinnyfag here, how do you fags eat more than 2000 cals of healthy food
How important are back squats for olympic weightlifting...
User shut the fuck up and get the fuck outta my gym
Anyone found any success with "natural" ways of increasing test?
Fit Demographic
Did i fall for the SS meme?
Is my gf fat?
Am i ottermode?
Horny after working out
What evidence is there that suggests deadlifts are harder to recover from?
You shouldn't starve yourself to lose weight, eat at least 1800 calories
Run 5 miles
Night time reminder that this is what normies think of us, bros
Day 2 of 30 on the Six Pack in 30 Days app
Get the benefits of cardio without doing any exercise
Bonesmashing is so fucking legit
David laid does nofap confirmed
Why haven't you stopped drinking soda? You DO want to better yourself... right, Jow Forums?
It’s over for haircels and power lifters but short kings can still make it RISE UP
Tfw gym thot looks me in the eyes when walking by at the gym
Is it gay to wear penis extenders to have a visible bulge in the gym...
Is this achievable natty?
DYEL stories
How many times a week do you hit the jim?
Where do I even fucking start
Calorie surplus is a myth
Post Workout meals
That's it lads I'm done with alcohol
Push Up Thread
What mode is this and how does one achieve it?
Henry Cavill
>Be me
R8 my physique. I've been on steroids for 3 years
This is more impressive than anything in powerlifting or strongman
I fucked a prostitute
Gym cringe thread
Eating me*t
Now that the jannies have banned the /sig/ threads...
/McG/ Manlet cope General
How much do you lift user
The penis enlargement exercises are working
How do people have the time to eat healthy and lift? I'm a NEET and I feel like I don't have the time...
How much would lifting help in fighting wildlife?
5'11 adult male
Started liftan 6x a week last year, often twice a day
All girls in my uni campus are going crazy over this Jay Alvarez guy. How do I into Jay Alvarrez mode?
This guy is a complete fucking hack. Machines based cardio is bad because it allows you to lean over? So fucking what...
Why lift?
Extremely Weak Humans
Meal prepping
Does anyone else feel like lifting has become a chore? It use to be something fun, the highlight of my day...
Why do you hate the janitors?
What do you guys spice your grilled chicken and rice with?
Has lifting made your life in check?
That guy thread
/fast/ - #467 - Harder, better, faster stronger Edition
Has your political views changed after you started working out?
Seriously though Bros
This guy walks up to you in the gym and tells you to step outside
(5’11” 37 BMI 270 lbs) I’ve been eating 1500 calories a day as I’m trying to cut...
I will never have his face, but how long will it take to get this body if natty?
Bros. Can anyone fucking tell me why there are people who drink, smoke, do drugs, eat like shit, sleep like shit...
Hey Jow Forums how does this image make you feel
Fit jobs
What do i do if I’m non stop tired? Like totally fucked...
Try whiskey for the first time
Ask a brah that raised his test levels to 3x previous natty levels 2 months post cycle anything
Who else cums while doing muscle ups?
Post mires and mogs
Why, yes, I hate dat bland white people food, how could you tell?
He consumes more than 90g proteins a day
How much sleep did you get last night?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Bulk for a few weeks
Friendly reminder that a "pl8" refers to a 25kg olympic bumper plate, meaning 1/2/3/4 is equal to 70/120/170/200kg...
Simple question for you all; what’s your numbers in the big lifts? (SBDOHP)
Tfw 90% of Jow Forums have never even heard about Zyzz
Most Asthetic Anime Physique
Be 182.5 cm
If you could only do 3 exercises for the rest of your life what would those be?
U mirin?
How to lower resting bpm
How do I get those sweet sweet intellectual gainz?
How to lower IQ by 30 points?
Lifting is literally a meme
That fat co-worker at work that talks about when he used to lift and have a six-pack
Wait is this correct for OHP
/fit BTFO
Which is worse for the waistline?
Join me in the hajj and you will hit all your macros, inshallah
Can't lose weight
Only chads eat this
How close are you to achieving your ideal body?
Big muscles user, now let's see if your penis size holds up as well
When will they learn?
Snake diet
When did you grow out of the defeatist and ultimately pointless crab mindset?
I lift for Bucciarati
Any hairy anons have tips for trimming chest hair?
That face
What mode is this?
Free design anyone?
How do we end the calisthentics meme?
Yfw this average russian chick outlifts 98% of Jow Forums
How can i make girls like me
How do I into ChapoChad mode?
Stats thread
Why yes I am doing calisthenics, how could you tell?
Haha imagine this incel walking into your gym...
How i look maximum?
At what age did you realize that lifting for aesthetic is gay and a martial art is the true men choice?
What do you listen to while you lift?
Short muscular guys
Bulking is harder than cutting, cutting is as easy as breathing...
Impying mental health isn't key to Jow Forums
Why yes, I listen to anime OP's while I lift
/fat/ - just eat less edition
G-guys... the hardgainer myth is real. There can be up to a 2...
Going out for a date in 3 hours
How do you push yourself to eat more?
Conan the Barbarian has legit the best training scene/music of all time
Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread
How in the fuck am i supposed to actually cope with lower back pain...
How do I go this mode?
I spend TOO MUCH TIME IN THE GYM to finish my routine. Help me cut it a little smaller (also any advice is welcome):
How do you know when you made it?
Why is it that whenever I see a WMAF couple in real life the male is always some bottom of the barrel omega?
Why wont girls talk to me?
Go to gym
Is this achievable natty?
User, why are you wearing your shirt? its blazing hot, take it off. I want to see your abs
I usually lift Monday, Wednesday and Saturday...
There is currently an ongoing conspiracy to trick young men into focusing on making their chest muscles as large as...
Chest lacking behind
What are the perks of being muscular and pretty?
*makes conventional deadlifts obsolete*
One should find his death while he can still call himself a proper man...
Is it worth to live as natty ?
Whats a good Jow Forums related cologne for a date night with a qt? I was thinking of picture related...
Wisdom Tooth Removal
I know the workouts of every famous boxer short of canelo, fury, wilder
Mom cancelled my WoW subscription and wants me to start going outside and working out
Running shoes aren't good for leg da-
Bending over outside the gym
Is it possible to look like this without resorting to drugs?
Females and Physical Fitness Requirements
Bought one of these because I don't know how to cook for shit...
How much $ would you pay to have this body right now?
How am I supposed to get huge when I'm broke and the only gym in my area is expensive as fuck...
I tried anons. I really did try. Lifting for myself simply does not work. Lifting for girls is pointless...
What causes Brain Fog
If you are getting bigger, someone else is getting smaller
Does nofap improve gains? I haven't jacked off since Sunday and I'm horny as fuck...
Many I know and work on oil rig (on the sea and on land) is a fucking monster with big muscle
Is this part of my leg supposed to hurt after squatting?
Autistic Gym Habits
Think I'm 5'7"
This is why I fucking lift bros!
Hes 45 year old and strong as an ox
Jow Forums paints
Weed and bodybuilding
Yfw when you finally reach 1pl8 OHP
Is cycling a substitute for leg day? if not why do cyclists have such big thighs?
How to get DIO physique?
If lifting for strength is unironically not a meme...
Too fat to bulk
Is this snake diet shit the most retarded meme?
Addicted to running need help
35 years old
What sarms help with tendon recovery? My minimal research points to Ostarine and Nutrobal...
Why do Olympic lifters say they're more athletic than powerlifters?
Ok seriously
Anyone have experience picking out one of pic related for a home gym?
Impressive. Let's see Paul Allen's gains
CBT thread, other one is filling up
Is it possible to have a perfect back with just dumbbells and a pull-up bar?
Can I still gain muscle if I count the calories weekly and not daily?
Don't mind me just passing through
This is a 17 year old girl
100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups a day for a month. Are the results solid?
Does /nofap/ also benefits women?
How to get a physique like this?
I am a complete subhuman
Skyrim Gains
Mire thread
ITT: hottest Jow Forumsizens of all time
Drink protein shake
That guy that listens to anime theme songs in the gym
Pictured on the left, NFL player Antonio Brown, 5"10
Got in my first real fight ever 2 days ago
What have you done today to improve yourself user? I studied for my math exam. 4,5 hours, which isn't bad...
Could I get pic related naturally?
So i have worked out for one year and i can only bench 142 lbs what do i do...
Is it possible to cut without losing a single pound of muscle? how? If not...
Is the obesity epidemic a hoax?
Homeless Gains
Going out with a chick tomorrow night. What is the most Jow Forums, non gay non alcoholic drink I should have?
What does Jow Forums think about sports drinks?
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
Hi, it's me again. This time I seared the meat for that extra flavor
Currently in the hospital for heart rate in the low 30s
Keep getting sick after workin out
Day 30 of nofap
Get fucking Jow Forums
My gf is getting super chubby, but refuses to workout and always cheats on her diet
What's a good tinder bio?
Alan Thrall appreciation thread
Tfw 5’5 manlet
What made you want to get Jow Forums?
Can someone explain to me what is cringe about this?
What is the worst type of body genetics to have for a male?
So lets hear it Jow Forums. Do you have "cheat" days? If so, how often? If not, why?
30 year old boy here and new to lifting. Is SS a good starting program or are the memes true...
Pic is not me, but I just bought a new watch and I first now noticed that it is kind of big for my wrist...
Lifting and sexual urges
What's your most attractive feature???
Tfw hardgainer skellyton
How do I get bigger legs?
Why does everyone out there recommend the low fat diet...
Why should I care about diet when my ancestors literally just ate meat and bread...
The Cheater/Fraud Mindset
Will roids change your sexual orientation? Asking for myself
Redpill me on the "Hook grip"
Post your cope haircuts for when you’re starting to bald
Daily reminder to always lie about your gains to normies:
I will always lift for myself but god dammit does this pain me
User proves me wrong
Can any boomers confirm?
Long distance gf of 7 months has cucked me for a month
Gut Health General
Army tests best training
No more caffeine
Vegan Jow Forums posters BTFO Jow Forums
Yesterday I went sunbathing butt naked for the first time in my life. 10/10 would recommend
Why are girls giving me demeaning looks and even laughs when I'm bare chest the only positive remarks I've had are from...
The Press™ is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. You only downplay this because you're a pudgy...
Self-Improvement Random Tips & Advices?
Why not just train for endurance?
Greatest piece of gym equipment ITT
When did you grow out of the self-destructive defeatist crab mindset?
Does nofap affect muscle build up
Take the horsepill
/cuppa/ general
"lol bro just get a glass bottle, stop sucking on plastic enjoy xeroestrogen lmao"
Going out drinks with a girl tomorrow
Is lifting a hobby or not? If someone asks me what are my hobbies can i mention lifting? Because for me...
How long do you wait between sets? What is the optimal time?
Why do some people have excellent vascularity whereas I need a magnifying glass to see mine?
People who use plastic lunchboxes are subhuman
Does masturbation increase or lower your test?
Why coffee does not wake me up?
/fat/ - The Exorcist edition
My transformation
Stretch marks
Anyone have experience repairing scars?
How did you learn to cook for yourself?
Alpha as fuck
I'm building a team
How do i get this physique
How do I achieve this mode?
Hello, i'm a spic and my gym replaced the squat rack for a machine who looks like this.(pic related)
Diet Help for Poverty
Are girls better at squating than males?
What happens if i start only eating enough chicken breast to sustain my protein needs and nothing else?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship