Wtf? When did Alan Thrall get so big?

Wtf? When did Alan Thrall get so big?

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he's dyel

Oh it's that guy from Tom's videos

That's Juj- Sorry, I mean that's Tom and Juji.
It's not all about muscles bro!

whats his new stack?

Obviously Creatine. Just look at that Hairline!

Thats the filthy Aryan that opresses and slaves that nice Jewish fella, right?

Welp, that's it for my hopes of roids curing nocalves.

Wow, Tom is looking juicy

Ugh, tell me about. Ever since I started juicing everything has grown, except my fucking calves. They've gotten leaner and more defined but zero fucking size gains.

Work them more, and heavier. Arnold talks about this in his autobiography. Until he saw Reg Park in South Africa, he had no idea just how much weight you could lift during a calf raise. Do them everyday

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he needs to shave his head

You almost made Tom cry in a 30 min video again

is that tom's golem?

tfw you steal toms gains


Nigger, I've tried absolutely everything. Low reps with heavy weight, high reps with light weight, once a week, twice a week, etc. Nothing helps you either have them or you don't.


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High reps heavy weight everyday a week you pussy

Have you tried 10 to 15 count pauses at the bottom of each rep?

isn't Thrall that green orc dude from WoW?

So is Juji gay or just an incel?

he is le wacky lifting acrobat man. things get pretty crazy once he puts on his horse mask! also dont talk bad about his friend who never seems to get any bigger despite being around a man who lifts all the time and takes roids.

I wonder when he decided to start pinning.

when his master tom considered it was necesary you fool

ugly as aids, face and body-wise

>be Tom
>be the camera man
>Juji is the channel's main attraction, not your dyel ass
>start bitching that you don't get recognition for holding the camera
Holy fuck, it's like the cameramen for Fight Club started bitching about not getting the fame and money Brad Pitt got.

this is a sick comment. cheers!