How many pushups could you do in a row after reaching 1 pl8 on bench?

I must be weak af cuz Im gassed after 15

Attached: bench-press_0.jpg (1000x563, 239K)

gassed means out of energy

Dunno but if you want to get better at benching you should focus on benching

when I started lifting I could do
>100 push ups in a row
>bench 35kg
>bench 130kg
>like 30 push ups at most

That's pretty weak, user. I didn't work out for over a year, put on 30lbs of fat, and could still do 30 pushups before needing to stop.

How useless are pushups for benching then? I thought it was somewhat ok since it is my body weight

It's not your entire bodyweight unless you dont let your feet or legs touch the ground.

pushups are endurance shit,before i started training(my bench was 1pl8 untrained) i could do 37 pushups in a row, and thats with the perfect pushup handles which make them harder,so probably more normal.I was 6ft2 220lb

It's not whole bodyweight as said. You can increase the intensity a lot by changing the hand placement or doing them on rings for example

its about 60% of your body weight

if you can do around 50 pushups you should switch to one arm pushups

I never trained on pushups but recently a friend of mine asked me if I could do 30 of them and I did it.
I bench like 65-70 kg tho

Around 30

look at that posting time, amazing

well then post proof of you doing 100 push ups. Can't? Well, that's what i was expecting anyways...

depends entirely on your bodyweight
if youre a fatty then probably not many

My one rep is somewhere in the mid 200s and I'm not sure if I could do any more than 20.

Just tested on a scale and it registers between 60-70 kg of my 90 kg bodyweight.

absolute strength and endurance are not mutually compatible, they're actually two ends of the spectrum of muscular development


About 3 sets of 30. I weigh about 210 lbs though.

I can do about 60 in two minutes, but the last 20 are really pushing it. If you want to get better at pushups, do them everyday and just do as many as you can, then switch to your knees and do those until failure. I used to be able to do more when I was in the Army and wanted to be a PT stud, but now I just do them because I like calisthenics. I know people who can't bench one plate but can knock out over 50 pushups in two minutes, and I also know people who can bench 3 plate but barely get to 42 pushups in two minutes

I haven't even attempted benching yet. I don't want to embarrass myself by not being able to bench one plate.

I've been doing the chest press machines. incline, standard, and decline. 60lbs 3 sets for 8 reps/ 70lbs 3 sets for 8/ and 50lbs 3 sets for 8.

Do you think I should just go for one plate on the bench or hold off ?

>He can't do 100 pushups in a row
>But that's ok, because he believes that no one can

Atleast 35 probably more
But that's if I'm doing perfect form and going as low as I can, and as high as I can.

If I sacrificed form I could probs do 60

>I don't want to embarrass myself by not being able to bench one plate.
Look not everyone can bench a plate starting out. I've seen plenty of people bench less than that. What actually matters is if after however many months from now you still can't bench one plate. And the best way to improve your bench, is to bench. So just bench whatever you can, and then once you reach a plate you'll feel good.

Where the fuck are people like you in the threads full of retards getting tricked into thinking 2pl8 is weak

>retards getting tricked into thinking 2pl8 is weak
They're a lost cause.

no way u can bench 1 pl8 yet

Now subtract the weight of your arms

The first time I benched I did 40kg for 5 reps and it felt really hard.
If you're self conscious about your lifts you're never going to make it.



Sometimes I like to gas myself on lmao1pl8. if I can bench 1pl8 for 25 reps (probably more just hypothetical) does that mean I can do just as many push-ups if not more since 135 is more than 60% percent of my bw?