How do I lift for the next 40 years and avoid injuries anons?

How do I lift for the next 40 years and avoid injuries anons?

I'm 22 and felt a pop in my lower back doing stiff legged dumbbell deadlift and now I want to take lifting safety seriously.
Should I avoid compound lifts? Should I just focus on feeling the burn and mind body connection instead of weight? Redpill me please

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Stiff legged exercises are always risky IMO. Most people don't have the mobility, and even if you do then trying to get into those positions with added resistance is almost always a recipe for disaster. Just stick to deadlifts and if you're really worried about hamstring development then add GHRs


I took a month off. I was doing a home dumbbell routine as well.

Just came back into the gym doing the reddit PPL, did 2x225 on deadlift when I came back. That was yesterday and my lower back is now sore.

I think I need to stretch more and take it slower still. Any advice is appreciate.

Thanks user, I really dislike stiff legged deadlifts.

This. RDL's > Stiff legged, unless you have very good mobility

deadlifts are literally the dumbest shit for your lower back - literally bending over and picking something up as heavy as possible.

Oh no! I hurt my back!

What'd you expect?

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what other exercises can you due instead of either of those

Deadlifting with weight you can work with and good form is fine. You're a retard

I had to quit deadlifts altogether because it aggravated an nerve in my upper back that I pinched years ago, even with good form. Nothing to really be done about it, but I'd rather give up deadlifts and focus elsewhere than to be out for a few days to a few weeks because of that fucking nerve every time it starts hurting again.

With proper form you complete fucking retard.

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so if I had proper form, I could deadlift for the next 40 years?

soreness =/= bad
i did a killer deadlift regime yesterday and my lower back is sore but that isn't indicative of damage
if you just got back and 225 is near your max then you should take it slower

it also feels really tight

i want to replace romanian deadlifts with some sort of machine tomorrow. Will leg extensions work? also ty


Your muscles are tight around your joints and they’re off alignment. Why? You don’t stretch or foam roll. Once you do that you should hear less popping during a workout. If you hear it during dude you haven’t tried or investigated any recovery methods. Magnesium helps too

I'll break it down for you because you obviously don't get it.
>start lifting with light weight at first to establish muscle memory.
>gradually add weight.
>gradually do more advanced lifts.
>gradually add more weight
>once you have your desired routine in place >gradually add weight.
Stop rushing yourself this shit takes time if you want to be able to do it for more than a few years.
Also don't be a fagg and ask for a spot

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To add if you’re in your 20s and have pinched nerves or back problems or feel tight all the time.....

In no reality should a ripe 20 something feel anything but great, unless you feed yourself trash and processed food like a FATTIE hahahahahhahahahahahahah

Ps staying healthy is the only way to "make it"

Or if you actually were an active child and abused the shit out of your body jumping off of roofs and shit. And eating shit after tying to 360 flip off a loading bay. Or crashing your bike or hell playing a sport like football perhaps.

I did used to be 120lbs heavier

How do I visit Gandy bros?

Spotting is good, fuck you

Yes and no.

Good form prevents obvious injuries. But you can totally over do it. If you aren't getting appropriate recovery you can still hurt yourself. I used to do dumbshit like deadlifts to failure three times a week, combined with ATG squats to failure three times a week on the same day. Back and knees ached horribly. Hit flexors were inflamed. I was out of the gym for a while. Even with could form you can still do shit like herniate a disc if you don't control yourself with these big compound lifts.

t. illiterate

user for PPL tomorrow it wants me to do romanian deadlifts. Can I exchange this with leg extensions?

Also thanks