How to cope with backpain

5 months working out here. I started to get serious a month ago, going 5/6 times a week (without working out a single area twice in a row) I did my first deadlift on Monday, with a trainer checking out what I was doing. Thing we're fine. Got a little bit sored, nothing out of the ordinary. On Wednesday I did it again with just a little pain on my lower back. On Friday I gave up before the first set, and this weekend my back started hurting so much it became hard just putting on shoes. I'm avoiding stimulating it but it doesn't seems like the usual gym pain that goes away in a couple of day. I can't even do proper cardil. I'm a fucked? What should I do? Keep going on or just force-rest?

Attached: backpainwere.jpg (800x480, 32K)

you should know if it's doms or spinal pain, there's a distinct and very noticeable difference in feeling. if it's the latter take a break from movements that put any pressure on your back and fix your form or drop the weight until you're strong enough to support your spine

I get both. Work fries my fucking back to the point that to ever really be at 100% id need to take like a rest week or something ridiculous

This, it’s good to know if it’s actual pain or if it’s erector doms. I get really bad erector doms from deadlifts and from low bar squats.

stop doing pendlay rows and deadlifts

Damn, I would say spinal. I should probably kill half of my current training (should I avoid running too?)
I'm not sure how to train it to make it more resistant without hurting myself. If it's just a matter of getting through with it and leave with backpain for s month, I would do it. I would likely just avoid breaking myself and be forced to quit for a while, I really just did find my perfect routine.

Do you do a complete ab/core routine 4 or 5 days a week?

Your abs and core are connected to your lower back. If your skipping ab day but using your back mucles for lifts then your going to get back problems

>pendlay rows cause lower back pain
First time I’ve heard this, as far as I know pendlay rows are much easier on your back than other forms of the barbell row because you aren’t supporting the weight while bent over for long periods of time.

I basically started focusing on a full ab routine only in the past month (2 times a week). The first month's was just doing a couple of regular sets at the end of the workout, so I would probably say I neglected it a little bit. Can I still doing some abs workout with backpain?

Try to figure out which bothers it the most (load, volume, certain parts of the movement, etc)
You can cut back on whatever bothers it and very slowly increase that dimension.
If your back is always tired from work then you will likely never feel at 100% and will have to cut back on something. After a while of dealing with back problems you need to learn how to modify your training based upon how you're feeling.

thai massage and yoga! stretching for 20 mins after cardio.

do you stretch?

they gave me pain, but it might be because i didnt drop the bar on the eccentric

Not really. Just some very quick warm up before the workout. Should I start a full 15 minutes stretching later at home, after work out?

take at least a few days off from everything and then ease back into things. take a few workouts to get back to where you were before the pain started. if you still have pain when you start working out again, stop and rest for longer. in the long run, taking a week or two off is infinitely better than snapping your shit up and having to take a few months off.

Foam roller, hanging, reverse fucking hyper extensions, walking up a hill, rest. The source of the pain is you. You should evaluate your workout.

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Keep in mind the amount of work you're doing in your lower back. Deadlifts, lower squat, RDL all work your posterior chain.

Back Pain? Need to build some lower muscle
Back pain? Need to stop working out those muscles

Balance sometimes is a bitch.

My lower left back has been painful for a while now, but I tried doing lower weight deadlifts today and got sharp pains in the area, same with OHP. What do I do? Go to a doctor? Just rest it off? How long?

Seems like good advice for where I'm at?

Stretch them hip flexors. Erector spinae are stretched as your flexors are shortened pulling your posture forward.

Once you start foam rolling, stretching and doing some core/glute strengthening you will feel so much better

Got any recommended links for how2foam roller?