ITT: Your food kryptonite

ITT: Your food kryptonite

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Not a food but Dr. Pepper

semen, and the smell of sweaty cocks and balls

Bunny tracks ice cream. I ate a half tub with preworkout last night. I think I have a problem.

taco fucking bell

I used to always get their shredded chicken burritos. Cheap as hell and filling.

*blocks your path*

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These fuckers

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Bruh the Spicy McChicken is bomb.

At least this stuff is real food with nutrition.
A lot of people's kryptonite would be some shitty junk food like cake or candy.
Me personally, it is cheese dip.

McDonald's isn't that bad if you don't eat the fries and drink the soda.
If you have the opportunity go to places where they wrap your burgers with lettuce. It's heaven.

Cool ranch is for fucking narcs. Sweet and spicy is for fucking chads.

Based and purplebagpilled

regular choco chip cookies out the oven with whole milk.

Can't even drink the zero cal variants because my brain identifies that I'm trying to fool him and makes me crave even more for the real thing.

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Only if it has lemon or lime and hot sauce.

Crunchwrap at Taco Bell
Eight layer veggie burrito and chicken soft tacos at Del Taco

How does it compare to Burger King's crispy chicken sandwich? I have a bunch of free coupons for them.

these fuckin fucks

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Same. I can stand Cherry Coke, Barg's, and Sprite too. Cherry Sprite and Vanilla-Orange Coke are horrible.
I got that Stranger Things Coke special edition sets, comes with two cans of New Coke. I might drink one of them just to see how it is.

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based spicposter


>drinking kike piss


>Real food
Fucking Americans baka

Donuts. Oh god, donuts.

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curry katsu don and beer reeeee

Kill yourself cereal is the realest of foods. This one is literally just oats and honey

these and frosted mini wheat, I've eaten a whole box in one sitting.

based and beerpilled


they're so fucking tasty

I will bet good money the very last thing I ever eat will be from Taco Bell, probably a Beefy Fritos Burrito

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I haven't had T Bell in ages. Why do I still fantasize over it? I'm going to get baked and get some this weekend fucking try to stop me.

Not even gonna try because I want you to eat it. Enjoy.

omg based!

>literally just honey and oats


>unironically saying baka

kys yourself internally forever

There’s a reason these are on every “cheat meal” and “calorie challenge” videos

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any of these nibbas

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Holla at me niggers

Gasthaus & Fleischerei Fruhmann

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based pastry user

Hey fuck you buddy. Coca Cola may be terrible for you but it's a goddamn American Treasure. I have two a year. One on Independence Day and one on December 25th, the birthday of Jesus Christ, AKA the greatest American who ever lived.

oh say can you see

based euros showing these filthy americans with their junk shit what cheat meals are supposed to look like

lurk more newfag

based nordic bro

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Sometimes I have chipotle 2-3 times a week

However I only put brown rice, chicken, cheese and corn so it doesn’t completely devastate my gains

this. exactly this.

Fuck! I want them now!

breakfast burritos... can’t stop eating them. where my burrito addicts at

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I, too, love breakfast burritos.

Chips, then a layer of lamb, then garlic and bbq and chilli sauce.

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shits cash, we call it a HSP in aus... you can get them anywhere and its why I break my diet more than i should

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None of that is bad. Maybe the corn syrup.

Fries bro.
You mean white sauce?

Is the secret ingredient cocaine or nicotine?

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Alcohol and pepper steak with noodles from this hole in the wall chinese place closw by. Goddammit even thinking about it is making me upset.

These, you American mutts will never understand what a cheat meal is unless you come to Holland.

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Bacon cheddar eggs stuffed hash browns at holiday station stores. It's taken every ounce of my will power not to have one this month.

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Wrong again eurocuck, we have doughnuts covered.

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Me too bro

that will put you into cardiac arrest as soon as you bite into it you fat mutt

any mohrenkopfs?

>afraid of cardiac arrest
Do you even know how to cheat meal bro?

these little shits

are those like beignets?

forgot pic

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Taco bell was a very pivotal part of my journey to the weight rack. When I started college there was one right done the road, so I'd eat there first breakfast, lunch, and depending on my schedule, dinner. I was still in my teenage mindset if being able to eat whatever and I hadn't yet started getting fat. The crunchwrap supreme was a dear friend to me, a brother and a father. This went on for probably 6 months when suddenly, one day, I got sick. Horrifically ill. Diarrhea and vomit of all kinds. It felt like my gut was turned to cement. Spent a week off work/school and just ate veggies as I was living with a vegan at the time.

By the time I felt better I returned to my good T bell only to find my guts rage and roil the instant I opened the door. I walked down to buy a deli sandwich and have not eaten taco bell since. The thought of it makes me nauseous. I developed some kind of taco bell allergy and never looked back

That might be my favorite beer of all time.

Peanuts. I fucking live peanuts jesus christ why is it so good.
> buy a 400g pack of unsalted peanuts on saturday
> teehee I'm gonna eat this all week!
> gone by monday

I can't buy them anymore because I know I'll stuff my face with them.

right now it’s strawberry shortcake

Shut up you cuck

Dutch cuisine is without a doubt the worst in Europe and definetly worse than American one

You niggas will deep fry anything and call it food

how new?

These are it. I used to buy 3 bags at anyone I stopped at Walgreens. I would eat one on the way home, share one with whoever was in the living room then eat the last one at my desk. I really cut back, but sometimes I just need a bag.

That sounds like a win if you're bulking

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laughed out loud visualizing ((them)) pissing into the coke reservoir.

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No one finds this gay shit funny besides that one dude that posts that shiny anime thing
>inb4 Jow Forums has always been le xd gay

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unironically rent free

Never enough, it's the perfect deset

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These are actually good

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Never tried those

But mines is hot cheetos

mouth watering bastards

Very much this

sweet fuck based

Sometimes I’ll get two spicy mcchickens no mayo, and I’ll take the lettuce and patty from one and put it on the other, making a double mcchicken. About 550 calories.

Are Jelly Belly Jelly Beans™ unironically the height of hedonism? 49 flavors, most of which you either do not like or only tolerate to get to the ones that you do, and two pounds which equals dozens of servings all for like a tenner, AT MOST. It's completely ridiculous.

Christ I thought I loved gummy bears


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I can eat 12 in 1h

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focking dominos deep dish