
Does this shit do anything? Seems like an r9k meme, but I wanna take any advantage I can get.

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look at yourself in the mirror with your tongue behind your top front teeth and than look at yourself with your tongue sitting at the bottom of the mouth.
That is all it does

read about bones or watch his videos you brainlet fucking brainlet

I tried it, instantly saw it improved my facial appearance, (although I already had a strong jaw etc). After a few months I find it extremely easy to hold the tongue in position. I have always kept my mouth closed while breathing, however I find mewing improves my breathing further, (especially while exercising). These alone have convinced me to keep it up, and if it keeps my face from drooping and/or improves it, all the better. Also, if I have children I will instruct them to mew as well.

To be completely honest, I see no proof that someone, say, 16 or older can start mewing and see significant facial changes (other than genetic development).

Health wise, mewing is completely worth doing, as it will fix your breathing. This is something you will feel in a week or less. Especially for actual mouth breathers. Yes, it is healthier to take advantage of the filters in your nose for everyday breathing.

definitely works my friend.
Combine it with martial art, preferably wrestling, for maximum face gains. Fighting makes you a hunter so therefore nice, big jaw.

mewing is just proper tongue/oral posture
anti-mew fags fail to admit that and urge you to mouth breath, that's their only alternative

just do it there's nothing to lose, worst case scenario it would prevent further vertical growth

His practice goes far beyond mewing and is chiefly concerned with curing maloclusion in children. People should first and foremost make sure they are providing their young children with the right foods (no pussy purée shit) that requires lots of chewing.

Mewing saved my life, I'm a ltieral male model now and I got an acting career lined up, I mewed and even supermewed for five years and I got sharp cheekbones big jaw solid gonial angle and much much bigger palate it's fucking ridiculous mate

I tried to start mewing, but my tongue always leaves the position and I forget about it. I'm also confused on how firm I should press my tongue against my roof.

What's supermewing?

Mewing upside down.

Hard enough that you feel tightness/tension in your jaw when you do it but not so hard that you cannot maintain it, and as far as remembering to do it goes, just ascociate it with something you do regular on the daily that doesn't require you to be talking, i do it everyday when travelling somewhere, either walking or driving i try to do it for the duration of the journey

Attached: 1552306616465-mewing-works.png (2000x1125, 936K)

I just looked this autism up and it turns out I've been doing it my whole life. Where is my übermensch Chad jaw? This is a fucking scam

Yes it works, but it is no miracle, any structural gains will be much, much slower than muscular gains

>Orthocopics meme in 2019

It might have a factor, I've changed my face quite drasticly for 2 years. Not sure if its muscle/fat gains or if mewing played a part in it. Either way pic related is me at 22

Attached: 1.jpg (951x960, 84K)

And after 2 years (24)

Attached: 124513221145.jpg (1078x1423, 294K)

>it turns out I've been doing it my whole life
How does your cock sucking face look?

Nice! You literally turned into a chad. I would let you mount my boipucci any time

Thanks for the offer, but I like women(female)

So you got a haircut eh

>Also, if I have children I will instruct them to mew as well.

I think there's like a whole "ologist" about teaching kids to have proper tongue posture and shit, isn't there?
Also: have you noticed how much push back you get about mewing vs how little you get in a jelq thread?
Actually, to be honest, I haven't looked at much of those so I don't know enough to say. Seems like people are happy to believe in magic dick stretching but not magic jaw stretching.

>magic dick stretching but not magic jaw stretching
I think the difference is jelqing and stretching gives you easily measurable gains in a relative short amount of time, while meowing seems like a slower process and harder to measure the gains

Post pics nigger. You won't. Nobody does because they subconsciously know that any change they're seeing is barely noticeable.

By that metric I could say six plate diddlies are literally impossible unless you can already do them.

>By that metric I could say six plate diddlies are literally impossible unless you can already do them.
I have no idea what you are trying to convey, but I get the feel you feel I attacked you in some way. I did not


Bump for blackpilled looksmaxxing.

>what are angles and distance

Total fraud. Says ancient skulls had better development and therefore it has to do with the Western diet. But he forgets that we have had dysgenics for over a century now. Of course, they had better jaws and better teeth, they had better blood and higher test levels.

No dolt, it's about chewing.

it's not hard to measure if you're not retarded. Keep track of
- inter molar distance top teeth
- inter molar distance bottom teeth
- canines distance
- incisors to top of nose
- bottom teeth to chin
make 2-3 face photos every month and measure the angle between chin, base of nose, eye bridge

It's more work than measuring your dick, but it's better than just hoping for the best

Attached: soyTits.png (638x644, 237K)

But his chin has actually changed or am I just seeing things?

You need 2 things to make it work:

1.) Hold flawless posture. You have to tuck your chin and lift you occiput to straighten the neck. If your jaws are downswung you will look chinless so yeah that sucks. Look up Mckenzie chin tuck, you should hold this posture 24/7, you won't be able to in the beginning so do it for as long as you can. You will have to progress eventually and make this your permanent posture tho. This is crucial to ellicit change.

2.) You have to mew HARD with the posterior third of your tounge. What does that mean? The reason some people mew (push their tounge to palate) for years and see no change is becuse they push only with the anterior two thirds (which have too small of a surface to apply any meaningful pressure). Forget about the front/tip of your tongue, only tha back third matters. And in order to push with the back third you have to have perfect head posture. Do this right now, push your head forward into bad posture and try to mew (feels weak right), now push your head all the way back, straighten your neck and tuck your chin into your neck as much as possible and mew and specifically try to block of your airway with the tounge and then slowly release it a bit just so you can breat and keep on pushing hard.
Now that should be your permanent oral/head/body posture. At first it will feel hard and you will hardly maintain it for more than 10 minutes but be persistent.

Honorary point:
3.) You want to sleep on your back, without a pillow, in a mckenzie chin tuck position (basically proper posture). It's gonna be a bitch for the first month and you will for sure go through a few sleepless nights but think about it this way. If you sleep with good oral/head posture you get extra 8 hours of mewing in. You're doubling your progress essentialy.

Key points to take from this
>hold perfect oral/head posture as much as you can
>mew forcefully with the back of your tounge

To gain some credibility, pic related is my 2 year progress. From 21 to 23.

Attached: 2 years hardmewing.jpg (3870x3239, 1.66M)

Your jaw stops growing during puberty so if you adopt mewing your jaw won’t change but proper oral posture might offer other benefits. It’s worth pointing out that the Mews’s are quacks who have been reprimanded for using bread and butter ortho knowledge about oral posture to push “alternative” orthodontic care. Look up the write up John mew received for fucking up a girls face it’s pretty lol worthy. Unfortunate truth is that if you have a beta jaw you need surgery or implants or just need to rock it

Fucking awesome man. My pucci (boi) is wet and steamy hot from that right pic. Thanks for the info

No, it isn’t, dolt. South Indians eat the softest shit imaginable and have massive jaws

>lost weight
>sculpted beard
>picture taken at different angle

mewing isnt a meme by a hack doctor i swear guise!!1!

Beta piece of weak shit

I have a bad overbite so mewing actually pulls my jaw forward about an inch and it looks much better.

i still have trouble getting the posterior third up even when holding good posture, seems to still block my airway. Also even if I manage to fall asleep on my back, i tend to roll onto my side in my sleep :/

I can't seem to get the back of my tongue against the roof of my mouth like in the right side. I can only manage the left side. How do i fix this?

Attached: how-to-mew-tongue-posture.png (440x247, 31K)

literally where the fuck is the tongue in the right pic

About 2 years in now and it is very automatic, or atleast a part of the tongue. However, the last couple of days I've been suffering TMJ pain and it is hell. I strongly suspect mewing is to blame. See when you mew, your masseter muscles need to contract to hold your teeth together against the force of your tongue pushing them apart. Result is a constantly clenched jaw and soon to be fucked TMJ. And realistically mewing won't change how you look, atleast not unless you powermew for about a decade or two. Not worth the occasional TMJ agony that never seems to go away.

Nose, chin and ramus are clearly and radically different. Only brainlets will believe this is a result of mewing.

Mewing definitely works. There is no even dispute about this. If you have not tried it of course it wont work.

as a fellow arab your progess inspires

Ok how do you start "mewing"

This is the best MEWing tutorial ever made

>dentist who had his license revoked for spreading disinformation

That's all you need to know

Attached: 2342425556.jpg (500x322, 16K)

Looks like youre the one spreading disinfo subhuman.

He was expelled for thinking out of the box from the British Orthodontic Society which is some worthless and insignificant boomer club.

The back third tongue thing is difficult, hard to tell if im doing it right.

oh god i bet people really believe this

can you combine mewing and jelqing by pressing somebody's penis against the roof of my mouth


>jaw is exactly the same
>looks like he put on more muscle mass
>cleaner hair cut creating more vertical symmetry

This faggot is using a differing camera lens, or the distance to the camera is different. The underlying structure is essentially identical in both photos.

>its fucking bait

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