Sup faggots

sup faggots
how do i cook this stuff? its too hard to eat raw with milk
i used to get instant shit and eat with milk directly but this one is still hard with milk so how do i cook it?
gib recipes and bonus points for peanut butter

Attached: oats but no squats.jpg (1024x768, 305K)

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Soak it in milk overnight if you're too lazy to cook it in a pot

>how do I?

Don’t worry someone will invent google soon. Only a matter of time

>eating raw oats
this must be a meme thread

Could someone actually be this retarded?

Soak it in milk - 20-30 minutes will do.
In water (you are spartan warrior right?) it soaks 5 time faster. The fat in the milk probably slows the absorption somehow.
Add a scoop of whey and you are set.

Don't do this.

Hey guys, how do I eat this? It's very hard to chew.

Attached: a828d2a846968df3dcb8ffef3a86f19e.jpg (1920x1080, 1.83M)

i used to get them in this form and just add them to milk and eat them

Attached: instant.png (662x944, 1.57M)

Oats are already cooked and edible.
Holy shit, Americans.

It isn't too hard to eat """"raw"""". People do it every day all around the world. Are you a fucking toothless toddler?

Grind it and snort it nigga

based and satirepilled

I eat it raw with scrambled eggs, the eggs help to expand the oats and when i throw it in the pan it combines with the scrambled eggs, kino taste

I soak it in milk with protein powder for 10 minutes

hot water some cinnamon and sugar

Blend it with chilled milk and chocolate whey for a tasty thicc smoothie

Boil them in milk for a couple of minutes. It vastly improves the flavor.

>Are you a fucking toothless toddler?
im wearing braces so maybe that's why

Braces stop you from chewing? What braces are they anyway, invisalign? Regular old fashioned metal ones or something else


but also cooking in a pot makes it gross
it's way better soaked overnight

Braces don't stop you from chewing but can make eating a pain in the ass sometimes, some shit can get stuck between the brace and the tooth and you have to use those little wire floss things to fish it out or rinse your mouth out with water, also some tough foods can damage the brace. Invisalign aren't really braces, they're like casts of your teeth that you fit around like a gumshield for boxing or retainer, and you take them out to eat

This is what I usually do:
- Mix oats with one scoop of blueberry cheesecake-flavoured whey.
- Add cinnamon and cardamom.
- Add some stevia if you want it sweeter.
- Cook in microwave.
- Add some frozen blueberries and stir.
- Wait until room tempreature, then add milk. I use some protein enriched milk that tastes like vanilla.
- Enjoy a bown of oats and milk that tastes like a fucking pie. Greatest pre-workout meal ever.

Add 2 cups of water to boil and add one cup of oates, set for 20 min
Stir and add water periodically to prevent oates sticking to bottom of pot
At this point you can do whatever you want with them, add whatever you want to it, cinnamon, turmeric, milk, protein powder, etc. The consistency and flavor plain is much better imo

Attached: download (6).jpg (199x254, 12K)

milk + banana + peanut butter + cinnamon = godlike preworkout

Invisalign straighten your teeth, they're braces alright.

Stop eating this shit
Are you doing it for the carbs? Then actually eat something useful like bananas

I hate the texture so I used to add 2 scoops and a diced apple to 2 cups of oats and eat them raw. It took an hour to eat them though because it was so dry

blend 40g oats with 2 cups milk, 2-3 scoops whey, and 2tbps peanut butter, also add a banana if u want

Are you retarded? You have to cook it in order to sterilize it and make it digestible.
Unless it's the pre-cooked type.

Wait these are oats right? Are there really people who don’t either put them in a pot with milk or put them in the microwave with milk if they’re instant? I am so confused

>You have to cook it in order to sterilize it and make it digestible
Not everyone is 80 year old boomer

Yeah they straighten your teeth, but braces are attached to your teeth and have brackets and wires that can only be removed by an orthodontist (unless you force it or break it obviously). Invisalign are removable plastic aligners. You can use an axe or a chainsaw to chop down a tree, that doesn't mean an axe and a chainsaw are the same thing