
Why would anyone do this back breaking meme lift? It's literally a one way ticket to snap city.

Attached: deadlift3.webm (640x640, 2.99M)

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it wakes me up inside

Just do it once a week for CNS stimulation and assistance for back, grip and legs. No real reason to ever go above 405 either as long as you're not afraid of high volume.

>That form
I don't dl but jfc this makes me cringe.

Attached: images (1).jpg (200x200, 7K)

it's Fun And u feel big And stronk
no reason to go retard-heavy on them though, 3-4 plates Is more than enough while still very safe

Attached: deadlift1-ns.webm (320x240, 1.19M)

What a weird way to do shrugs

>the way those plates bounce
>the way the bar rolls on his legs

yeah, those aren't 45 pound plates.

He was trying for a max, reached a sticking point and didn't bail when he should have. It happens to everybody at some point if they actually push themselves to improve.

I've seen way more people injuring themselves doing accessories than deadlifts or squats.
That being said, I also don't do deadlifts. I got to 4plate and that's it. Realistically I don't need more than that and unless you're competing, neither do you. The benefits/work put into it is greatly diminished the higher you go.


Attached: deadlift2-ns.webm (400x300, 2.05M)

>commieblock apartments
He probably has at least 5 storeys of neighbours living under him.

It's another one of (((their))) schemes to destroy the health of strong men who are well known to be more conservative and nationalistic.

Hard to fight (((their))) globalist agenda when you're 40 years old and crippled with back pain.

>mixed grip with straps
retard confirmed


If you have no plans to compete it’s pointless to do, just an ego stroke for something that’s relatively easy to lift heavier weights on.

T. 5pl8 max before I stopped

I think that was rows.

Go back to/pol/ bitch

It's the sniffing that looks like the meme here

Jesus, why would you do this to yourself?

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Literally how to spot a DYEL that doesn't know what they're talking about

His form is 100% garbage, he has no business loading more than 400lbs on a barbell until he learns how to deadlift without hitching and with a flat(ter) back.

>from Jow Forums
>is DYEL
Color me surprised

Personally I'm a fan of the mixed grip with straps

Attached: deadlift4.webm (480x720, 2.69M)

It's nothing wrong with the movement, but the person doing it.

Although there are a lot of powerlifters with lower back pains and injuries. Really activates my almonds.


Man deadlifts have to be one of the safest lifts. If you feel even a slight bit of pain all you have to do it drop the bar and the risk stops. With squats you gotta practice bailing correctly or have safteys up and with pressing there is always a risk of the bar rolling out of your hands. I've gotten more pain from pressing than I ever have from deadlifts. Even with squats if you low bar squat and don't have the right hand placement you can either stress your wrists elbows or shoulders

What in tarnation

it's better to do cardio, that way you can't get injured

Attached: katana.webm (512x480, 2.27M)



It's like a catworm trying to vomit carbs

What's that blue tape?

It's like war paint but for athletes. The physio tape signals to other athletes that this person has had injuries and is therefore a pretty hardcore dude.

loool wtf even as a joke

why cunt? you use straps for grip, why would you mix up the training of your shoulder placements for no reason?

I remember the good ol days when bench press was the go to for ego lifting

Sure is oberst in here.

Attached: 20190711_115227.jpg (958x1326, 697K)

>when you were ego lifting, i studied THE BLADE

weights only cause injuries, the blade is much more effective, both in a fight and as an exercise tool

Attached: lmao_2pl8.webm (360x360, 350K)

Deadlifts are great exercise if you do it in proper sets. 1RMing deadlift is where the memes are. Anyone who engages in that is an insecure faggot.

How can people develop such awful form holy fuck

Attached: bench_gravity_anomaly-sm.webm (600x360, 2.69M)

a lot of instagrammers use fake plates to simulate a heavy weight

You're a retard. This guy has videos of him deadlifting 645 successfully with acceptable form. Of course form deteriorates when you're trying for a max, suggesting anything otherwise proves that you're a DYEL. Also how the fuck is mentioning CNS adaptation the sign of a dyel, it's literally true and important and if you don't understand that then you're probably a retard.

fucking what

Easiest lift to add a bunch of weight to the bar. Unlike squats, it's a replaceable movement that's suboptimal for anything but specific strength sports.

she died

>acceptable form
It is not you dumb motherfucker. His back looks like a scared cat, he yanks the barbell and he hitches the fuck out of the weight. In no sense of the phrase is that "acceptable form". Further mentioning CNS is proof you're a DYEL because DYELs use CNS as a catch all term for not understanding how recovery and fatigue management work.

Story here?

I never said in that video you stupid retard

This. No one who ever had acceptable form at any weight will yank the bar like that. That alone is a dead giveaway that he's a complete retard, before you even look at his retarded hitching and mixed grip with straps.

Attached: squat_form_check.webm (640x1138, 2.12M)

He does the same thing on every deadlift over 400lbs. Zero tightness, yanking on the bar, hitching.

Think he was being ironic


Attached: 1561349553793.webm (480x480, 796K)

It's fake
>braces before impact
>literally didn't move until the plate hit her
Assuming it's a 45 (or even 35) she would have moved before she could even react. That's a 5lb fakepl8 at best

>>braces before impact
It's almost like people have eyes and can actually perceive the change in light intensity when an object flies towards your face from the side.

They know it's fake. Someone always pretends to not know this everytime the webm is posted

>see 1pl8 hurling at you
>instead of getting out da whey you brace for impact

Attached: 1483912244849.jpg (768x1024, 118K)

post the version of that with sound

No he's just some bitch who celebrated a catastrophically failed deadlift attempt as if he succeeded
Not to mention his instagram is painted on the back of his belt

They look like joke if they compete like this. Just imagine you are in octagon with retard full of tape.

Looks like he's cumming

He was furious, not celebrating

Because they don't develop it. It's a mix of being too weak and trying to lift weights that are way above what their muscles are capable of.

Say that to my face and see what happens...

Attached: me_looking_cool.jpg (1080x1350, 80K)


fucking kek the 2nd rep gets me every time

God I wish I could see him in person so I could tell him what a fucking retard he is.

As you can see I was out of plates so I had to increase the reps to get my training in

>tfw homegym without mirror
>always terrified I'm rounding my back without noticing on diddlies
>scared I'm gonna enter snap city one of these days

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Why would you do them with hex plates is the real question. I see people at my gym grab hex plates all the time for them when there is a set of round plastic coated plates for them that people generally don't use.

use a smart phone to film yourself, if youre rounding, lower the weight til you dont.

Film yourself then. Having absolute shit form is an art in and of itself though, deadlifts are one of the easiests lift, if not the easiest lift, to do with proper form if you actually bother to teach yourself what to look out for.

Hex plates don't roll

Attached: 1559265936567.png (2480x1638, 2.76M)

I fall on my ass one time when I'm 10 and my spine is fucked for life, but these guys can twist and jerk and snap their shit up every day and never suffer for it. IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR!

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Just do Jefferson deadlifts, then it doesn't matter if you're rounded.

Only if you tape your face. Holy mother of keks.

You'd think so, but I have somehow managed to get back pain from doing jefferson block pulls

Yeah, but the ends of the bars do roll around so they land unevenly.

>always do deadlift
>never go to snap city
I guess OP is wrong, and a faggot, like always.

That's true. I guess they don't worry about that

Fuck you motherfucker, I look so much better than your virgin ass

Attached: me_flexing_swole.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

I don’t I just do RDLs for high reps for dem posterior chain gains. Highbar squat + RDLs + calf raises = all you need for legs

I recorded it before but I still can't tell if I'm rounding or not because I'm retarded
I don't think I am but I'm not sure and I'd rather be safe than sorry

Attached: 1533188787297.webm (666x720, 746K)

For the love of god rack the fucking weight, child.

What the fuck happened? When I first visited Jow Forums about 8 years ago everyone loved the deadlift. What changed that it's now a suboptimal lift that only egolifters do?

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so would it be okay to drop conventional deads and just focus on squats and RDL's? i have no plans on competing in anything

Attached: FrailAgitatedBluefintuna-size_restricted.gif (500x345, 1.56M)

you are good

is it retarded to do high volume deads? like 3x6-8 deadlifts?

also nice retard reformed shirt

>mixed grip
>fucking tape all over himself
of course he got hurt

I prefer 8x3 rather than 3x8

Because weak nerds need a lift where they can pull a lot of weight without having any actual muscle. There's a reason its 1/2/3/4 not 2/2/2/2. Because any nerd can deadlift 4 plates in a very short amount of time but you can't say the same about a 3pl8 bench,4 or 5pl8 squat or a 2pl8 OHP. Its just an ego lift where some skinny nerd gets to feel happy about putting more than 1 plate on the bar

thank you fren

in hindsight I wish I bought the winnable one but it still suffices as a workout shirt

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What the fuck are those weights

Good form

what the fuck are all those boxes you dirty fuck. Clean your dick.

thanks user

it's basically our storage area from when we moved in
it used to be even worse until I cleaned it to make space for a rack and stuff

zero leg hip drive, no wonder you guys fuck your backs uo lifting like that

Anyone who gets injured during a deadlift is just natural selection
You gotta be full on retarded to fuck up form on such a simple exercise

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