What are you afraid of, user? Hop on!

>What are you afraid of, user? Hop on!

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Best piece of cardio equipment on earth

Nah your mom is way better

>with no survivors

N-no you

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If you've ever rowed before you know the pain watching normies use this shit

I'm afraid of wasting my time with ineffective meme machine exercises when I could be training properly instead.

My gym doesn't have it

How row?

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It's the only machine my gym has

except rowing is considered most effective way of cardio

i feel your pain, nothing gets me pissed more than bunch of normies moving their ass forwards and then doing that stupid loop over knees with hands

yep pretty much everyone who uses it has shit form


Where at bruv? Rowed in hs at Pocock RC in Seattle

pls teach me row form 先生

I bet no one here can beat my 5:50.7 2k

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every single time
>they set damper to 10
>take like 5 seconds to do a single stroke
>look at screen, pace at like 3:05
>no visible exertion
>handle path looks like topographic map of colorado
>torso completely upright, no change in angle throughout stroke

no way, what weight are you

This is why AirBike is better. No real form requirements. Just get on and flail around.

>tfw I hit sub-7 once

Eat more and more steady state you lightweight twink


Ive only used it like twice with no real frame of reference, first few rows felt like nothing was happening
so I knew I must of been wrong because rowing is suppose to be some sicko mode cardio
so I tried moving all of my body simultaneously to basically yoink the handle
is that proper?
like at closest my knees are bent, my back is at like a 30/40 degree angle towards the front of the machine
then as I extend my legs, I also switch my back angle to like 120 degrees so im moving at multiple parts
im not normie am I

guess my angles are exaggerated but yeah torso forward, then torso back when pulling, pretty sure thats correct

set damper to 5
pull hard and fast with low stroke rate (20-25 spm)
extend fully (handle to belly, lean back, straighten legs)
handle goes straight back/forth, no up/down

go hard/fast on pull, slow on return

how bout you tell us of the perfect form instead of being a faggot

Not the guy you responded to but

1) You should know how to use a machine before getting on it
2) Proper form takes some time to explain
3) It's enjoyable to see people look like fucking dumbasses

210 at 6’5

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lol I made both scholastic and club nationals every year and outright won states twice and never broke 7:00

You need to be trained by a rower. Even with good form it puts stress on your back, and it can really hurt people who don't use it correctly.

And leave the damper on 3-5. 10 simulates a heavy headwind and is murder to do for long.

its a rowing machine how many ways can there be to row, these virgins love to over complicate everything

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