That guy who stands in the corner doing a couple of stuff he looked on youtube, never talks to anyone...

>that guy who stands in the corner doing a couple of stuff he looked on youtube, never talks to anyone, leaves after 20 minutes
what's his deal?

Attached: that_guy_in_the_corner_by_beastywizard_d3ci761-pre.png (894x894, 198K)

>a couple of stuff
wtf are you talking about? stuff is uncountable, you can't do a couple of stuff. you do no stuff, some stuff or (all of the ) stuff.
thinsg is countable. he's doing a couple of things he SAW on youtube.
at least he can speaka de english. leave him alone, he's trying, you don't know his life.


Ha! Jokes on you I quit after 30 minutes

based and grammarpilled

fuck off


too shy to ask for help
we've all been there

This, put on your best smile and help him out op


put up dildo your ass a couple of stuff

>that guy who trains alone
imagine being this much of a loser. might as well just get a homegym.

>Implying 95% of Jow Forums isn't "that guy"

I’m that guy but i leave after an hour

im that guy except at home gym

This is literally how I started lifting weights. I had absolutely no fucking clue what to do, in what order or how. I would exhaust myself just trying to learn the movement with an empty bar.

I was ashamed of being so inexperienced that I would retreat to some corner of the gym and fiddle about with gear learning how it works or just slowly doing basic movements and feeling the muscles involved.

Just leave the guy be and let him figure it out for himself.

Attached: 1514264042851.png (1589x1021, 1.73M)

Maybe he is efficient at his workout unlike YOU

>oh look im OP, I can't fullfill my socializing at the gym with one guy, and gonna go bitch on a baket weaving forum.

He’s usually the same guy that comes to the gym to do body weight exercises.

Where do I meet girls this cute?

fuck you faggot

>that guy that doesn't know what to do with his hands in between sets
I'm that guy

Attached: sM77zRs.jpg (709x765, 39K)