How Lean Are You Right Now?

Be honest, no judgement here. I'm built-fat and sitting around 19%. I hate it more than anything.

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11 or 12%. And thats just how I like it. My abs are visible, my body is defined, my face looks lean and i dont feel weak from over cutting.

Right around 10%, according to calipers. Cut down from about 18% a few months back. Cutting till I hit 8% on calipers, then I'm going to go get an air displacement test

This is where I want to get. That kind of lean where everything is visible, but not where I feel lethargic 24/7.

You'll make it, brah. Just always remember that calipers are about 3-4% off usually.

Stop posting whores

I estimate around 10-12% need to cut a bit further then bulk. Got veins on my abs now which I like a lot

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were you fat before this. or were you naturally skinny

around 8%

it's a mixed blessing since i can't get fat no matter what i do but maintaining gains takes significant effort. there's also the frequent lethargy you guys are talking about, i guess my body just doesn't know how to store energy.

post pics

I'm over 25% body fat pls help


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probably 25% if im lucky. 194lbs at 6ft

Down from 300lbs last year but this last 20lbs or so is killing me

Losing about 0.5lb a week and everytime i try and cut harder i instantly drop 2-3lbs and my lifts drop 20% and i feel like total shit and want to die.

Guess im just going to have to be patient.

fat, 205lb 6ft2 or 6ft3. My goal is to reach 1/2/3/4 and then I lose weight to 180ish

skinny-fat here, 20.2%

went from size 46inch pants to 38inch

It was 14% a couple of weeks ago. Still got some bellyfat and flab around the triceps... but as a 38yo boomer I could be doing much worse. Goal is around 11-12%

Do you guys see your abs without flexing them? I thought I was getting pretty low % wise but no matter what my stomach always looks like a smooth, soft mass.

16-18%, not entirely sure, could definitely be more, wouldn't be surprised but wouldn't be too surprised if I was less. I'm probably not less though.

any tips you guys could give me on getting leaner,I feel like im stuck at 18% body fat

do more cardio, eat less food. It's taht simple. Or take steroids.

You made me lose by 4 day streak nofap


dont feel bad i lost a 32 day streak to the same pic 2 weeks ago

>dem titties has a flava :9
10-12%. Would like to get it down to single-digits by September, I have a time-trial I'm going to do.

~20%, 190lbs at 5'11. I like the way I look honestly, I do want to cut since Ive been builking since last year, but Im doing landscaping rn and theres no possible way to go on a diet and not pass out halfway through the day. I thought I would lose weight landscaping over the summer but I gained 15 pounds, I might have been chronically dehydrated or its just from drinking more soda and eating more junk. Ive never weighed this much in my life but I feel full of energy and ready to wake up every morning at 530 its honestly great.

This is me rn.

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Stop lifting fork start lifting weight.

23-25%, somewhere in that area.

It's literally all in my gut and lower back too. I have fucked fat storage and it's kinda made me regret dirty bulking.

Currently sitting at 16% 187lbs. Going into a hypertrophy block after just peaking for my meet!

Good job, dont stop.

idek, probably low teens but I’m also a scrawny bastard

morbidly obese fat as fatass with no muscles.

like 24 or 25%, its shit, i feel like a lady

>unavoidable week-long family beach trip approaching
>try to cut down to abs from 167lbs, 25%+
>poorly follow 1100cal/day deal for 2mo while liftan
>made it to ~20%, 146lbs day before trip
>no abs
>eating like shit because family cooking
>no exercise at all

here's the kicker:
>another trip 2 weeks after this one

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5'9 with like 26% bodyfat using bmi shit. I'm 2/2/5/6.
>I have carpal tunnel so fucking bad I need gloves and foam else my entire arm goes numb and I do the roll of shame

Wrist curls not even once.

1st world problems.

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but user, I live in the US

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20%+ 230lbs 6'7
down from 350lbs

I'd like to lose a little more bodyfat but im also interested in getting stronger so i'm mostly eating more than I need currently as 230lbs isnt too far off a good weight for my height so just gaining some muscle is the play rn I already have a gf so i'm not really worried about being shredded

builtfat life. Stop working out and you turn skinnyfat mode fast.

Can someone with either with abs or beginning to get abs make a gif of them jiggling their belly? I want to see what's a normal amount of jiggle

5'10.5 162.6 lb and 14.8 percent body fat according to my scale.

its shit

Can you do this please?

How many hours of cardio per week? I do 30-45 min power walk on an incline. Is that enough or should I switch to HIIT for more results?

leg raises off your bed work the lower abs

>just ate a fuckload of popeyes and had a lemonade

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more of this ekhazar whore

Somewhere between 13-15%. Ribs stick out more than stomach but lower belly is a little soft. Look awesome in the right lighting and DYEL in all other lighting

A dexascan supposedly clocks me at 11%, with a hand thingy clocking me at 7%, and calipers clocking me at 12%. This is at 161 lbs and 5'10".

I have noticeable definition and vascularity. I'm inclined to say I'm likely at 12-13% as I have that stubborn layer around my gut, and I don't think I'll drop it unless I do a major cut. I think I'm at a decent spot as it's maintainable without going hog in either fashion.

man imagine succing those tits till ur lips turn blue imagine


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~25% but I look yolked with a tank

7%, just finished my last fucking 3 day fast

17%, 192lbs at 6’3. Been trying to run more lately, trying to get down to about 12%. Bulked up to 210lbs last year and was around 22% but feel way better now. I fucking suck at getting big so I’m going to try my hand at getting shredded.

6'4, 192lbs. Probably around 12-14% been bulking for 2 months and it's starting to show.

why do women do this to themselveS?

The only tattoo I see is fucking tiny

fat fuck 5'10 at around 25%(probably more) bf. Don't even care about getting protein in anymore. Just gonna eat like a rabbit.

How lean is this?

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Can I get a BF% estimate?

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I am builtfat, I'd say about 23-25% but I don't know. How do I take a good full body picture that can be posted in threads like this and /cbt/?

Best way to measure?
Best fat to be?

Lean enough to have visible abs/obliques/bicep and shoulder vein. I'm a stick though