All these DYELS droning on about their fluffy cable lat pulls at 15 different angles alongside their gay ass facepulls, I think the BARBELL ROW needs some well deserved attention - it is the most underrated yet most effective back thickness builder of all time, after all.

>Your go-to Row
Bent over cheats
>How much you pull
120kg 5x5
>Other back exercises you do
Deadlifts bi-weekly and some Bw pull-ups here and there to make sure I’m keeping lat strength

Attached: 7A88C508-6128-4B3C-BB19-11880C2DCED3.jpg (736x804, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Was doing yates row before pretty great exercise now I switched to the t-bar row with V handle. I love this excersise so much especially how sore your back become after finishing a set while squeezing your shoulders blades together, during the set.

Attached: t-bar-rows-landmine-handles.jpg (600x301, 42K)

>tfw slipped a disc
I've recovered my Deadlift and Squat and don't get back pain as long as I wear a belt, but Barbell Rows always BTFO my lower back and leave me crippled for days.

will i ever make it if I do these seated?

Just use belt

Stop doing barbell rows

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

My bw is too light to do them at a significant weight. Literally just not heavy eough to stand still without straining lower back like crazy

I do. Spine is RIP even with a belt.

Belts don't protect your back you retard

do a seal row or chest supported tbar row

Do pendlay rows

not everybody do them like you, old fat man

>manletism lets me do pendlays even with crappy hamstring flexibility
I gotta start doing them more than once a week

Do inverted rows you morons

they lack an eccentric component though

I've always called them body rows, thanks for the info

One of my elbows goes up higher than the other when I row and I have no idea how to fix it. Any anons that can help? I’ve tried just using the bar to practice but no matter how I position myself or otherwise it still happens.

Interestingly enough, my opposite arm goes up higher when bench pressing.

Terrible advice

No shit DYELs would stay away from BB Rows, they're risky as fuck to start off with.

Attached: 1562092818169.jpg (828x794, 100K)

leads to more in the tank = more volume. is there even a significant eccentric component if you’re rowing heavy?

I really prefer the way pendlays hit the back. theyre the anti-ego lift and you’ll almost never see any basics doing them

Why, pendlay rows are much less taxing on the lower back since you aren't supporting the weight at an angle

There’s an imbalance. Could be your lat that is weak. Could be a million other things. Lower the weight until you can properly do it, eventually it’ll even out. Maybe do dumbbell rows with only the weak side to get it up. You use your lats/ back when benching. So yea, probably an imbalance

For those interested, the OP pic is from Delavier's "Strength Training Anatomy." It's excellent, if you can get your hands on it.

>no one appreciates rows...

>120 5x5

Instead of posting you should get back to the gym and increase your crossfit level strength to that of a normal gym bro.

My left lat connects to my back higher up than my right and is a little less wider, will do dumb bell bench and rows for a few months then. Thanks user.

How important are deadlifts for aesthetics? Are they necessary or will rows and pull ups do?

I started lifting a week ago, the stripped 5x5, and I love doing these. I have two problems though. I never feel it in my back, like the muscles working, and on my last set one elbow seems to stick out more. I am on a calorie deficit so I am not pulling much and my forearms get a lot of work out cause my grip sucks right now.

they’re not necessary but they get a lot done in one movement.

deadlifts help more with lower back than anything else in the back. do all 3

Just read about an imbalance further up. Might have to lighten the load by 10lbs till it evens out.

if you're not supposed to round your back during barbell rows then why does Rippetoe look like a turtle when he does them?

Fuck, are you supposed to do them with underhand grip?
>that may explain some problems I've been having with them

Grip is up to you. It'll work you slightly differently, and make the exercise somewhat easier, by recruiting your biceps more heavily (similar to a chin-up vs pull-up).

Not a concern for most people, but be aware the an underhand grip can lead to injury when you get heavy enough. Yates (for whom the Yates Row is named) tore a bicep doing underhand rows and never used that grip again.

I love barbell rows

I weigh 154 lb
My row is 170 lbs 3rm

How do a dude's nipples even get that big? Some sort of steroid abuse/misuse?

>limited gym access
>can't afford gym membership
>just a pullup bar and gymnastic rings
A-Are bodyweight rows enough...?

Attached: fatcat.gif (480x360, 2.77M)

Yes, go up to horizontal then decline then switch to adv tuck fl rows

I do underhanded grip specifically to hit biceps more, didnt know about Yates injury though, I might rethink

Yeah, horizontal bodyweight rows are the shit. Pair that with different variations of pull ups and that's a good back day

Thanks frens. Current pull day is 5x10 wide-grip pullups, 3x10 bodyweight rows, 2xF tuck front levers, and 3x15 bodyweight facepulls

Fuck rows. I do poverty pull ups on my barbell (set at a height for squatting) since I don't have an actual pull up bar/rack/climbing frame. My feet touch the ground, so I have to curl my legs up towards my body, shifting my centre of mass and making my pull up something closer to a row.


I train my back every session. Weighted chinups, T-bar rows, seal rows, bb/pendlay rows, meadows row, facepulls and cable rows are in my rotation right now (not counting DLs).

Does anyone else feel nothing from cable rows though? I try it but it never feels like it trains anything.

I don't like cable rows much

>do Pendlay rows with >bodyweight for 5x5
>everything is fine
>do ligth cable rows for fun once
>get a contracture on my mid traps which required 3-4 physio sessions

Never again

I try to switch all my exercises up, so I occasionally do rows with my palms facing the other way, as well as sometimes doing croc rows.

Would you guys generally agree with this paradigm?

Attached: 1316068524429.jpg (519x600, 139K)

ughh do them lighter until you get stronger then

>bw is too light
false, core is too weak. focus on direct ab training for a while

bent over barbell row btfo my shoulders. never again for me lads