What is more difficult. Cutting or bulking?

What is more difficult. Cutting or bulking?

I think bulking, you can cut enough body fat in a month by just going to the gym and eating semi decent.

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cutting is way easier. eating a calorie surplus using only healthy food is fucking horrible.

Syke, starving to death is worse desu

Personally, I'd say bulking is harder. I constantly worry about whether I'm gaining too much fat vs muscle.

The hardest part of cutting to me is simply dealing with the disappointment of any strength loss.

How long does it usually take for you guys to cut?

I'm 177cm (5ft 10) and sitting at 70kg with 18% bf. I want to get down to about 14%, and I've been hitting the gym for 5-6 times a week the last 3 weeks and eating at a 500 calorie deficit the whole time (yes I count). Starting to see increased muscle definition, but body fat hasn't dropped yet. Should I be more patient or maybe replace a strength day with some cardio?

Should mention I've been going to the gym 2-4 times a week regularly for years. I made it sound like those 3 weeks were it.

Cardio is going about what you're looking for the long way.
Strength training is the most effective for cutting obviously because you burn body fat repairing muscles.

Literally 12 year olds know this

bulking unless your a fuckin fatass

Cutting, but I'm an endomorph and my body builds mass very easily. But cutting body fat is agonizing for me. I have to count my calories very closely, can't skip a single workout, absolutely no booze or going out to eat.

Bulking is stupid simple. I just lift more, eat more, sleep more.

cutting leaves you on edge, fucks your lifts, tastes like shit and fucks sleep too

bulking is literally eat steak and lift more every training, there is no greater joy in fitness

how does it leave you on edge and what taste like shit? Food i eat when Im cutting I enjoy, i just don't eat that much of it

Bulking on healthy food for sure
Cutting is ridiculous, you just need to fast on salt water

I ate 1500 kcals last time, trying to hit 150g+ protons means 900 kcals left for everything else. Cooking chicken breasts with just a glug of olive oil for 1 meal was half my intake. I had to cook almost every day, and when I cant I had to eat shit like fat free quark/cottage cheese and tuna, the latter being poisonous in quantities, and all of them make you want to kill yourself.
half the time Id eat scrambled eggs in the morning with a tiny piece of bread and then 500g of chicken at 5pm, and thatd be it already.
Cant eat any carbs, cant even eat meat/fish thats too fatty, cant leave out protons or you lose muscle mass and worst of all, even if stick to it perfectly, lifts will progress slower, stagnate or go down, depending on how progressed you are

I had the willpower but in the end I still had to go to sleep hungry or had shaky hands part of the time.

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Bulking is tough, cutting is so easy as you can basically eat what you want, just in a controlled quantity

>using only healthy food

Serious question, why does it matter what you eat for calories, as long as you are getting enough protein along the way?

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Trying to hit all your macro goals while cutting can be tricky depending on your needs.

There is only so much food you can eat in a day. Protein is very heavy on the body and your body on wants to eat a certain amount, despite its benefit for bulking out and getting big. You can't eat what you want and try incorporate a vast amount of protein into your diet are you'd physically be sick

Because your body still needs carbs and fat to make sure you have enough energy to exercise. Not to mention all of the other vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally.

If I just ate smaller portions of the things I enjoy when I'm cutting I could probably still lose weight, but I'm sure I'd feel like shit the entire time.

>eat what you want
no you cant dyel
just eat less of all and see how much lean mass youll keep

If enjoy eating and would go out of your way to do so, cutting.
If you don't care about eating, bulking.

if you get all your calories from really shitty junk food you're going to fuck your body