How is it that so many /fit izens here don't have jobs and can work out whenever they want to?

How is it that so many /fit izens here don't have jobs and can work out whenever they want to?

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we're infested with Jow Forums subhumans that don't lift at all and brag about being worthless pieces of shit.

fuck Jow Forums
for real

They’re in college or are still living with their parents. Most of this board is like 18-21 years old. Anyway having a full time job isn’t shit I work about 45 hours a week and it’s a joke I have so much free time (no commute thank god)

My office has a gym. Out of about 50 people only 3 people actually use it

In my case, I still live at home, I work 8-5, then I drive from my office to the gym with a change of clothes in my car.

It’s 3 days a week for 2hours max a visit. How is 6 hours hard to fit into a week?

you work for 8 of the 16 hrs you're awake and can't find time to work out

What if you spend more 7 hours with transport and food?

I work from 7 to 5 for construction and still go to the gym, stop being a fag

you've got bigger problems then

that's fuckin sweet, is there a rack?


Then you put a bullet through your skull. What kind of slave spends 7 hours traveling to fucking wagecuck?

It’s called discipline. I work from 0730 to 1630, do homework until 2000, then go to the gym after. If you want to do something, you’ll find a way to do it.

imo this board skews older than the average Jow Forums board, but don't have any data to support that other than anecdotes/impressions. I'm late 20s myself.


Thanks mum and dad!

I'm on summer vacation in uni so I'm able to train at the minimum 1 hour a day

that is a fucking grind

>imo this board skews older than the average Jow Forums board

That's a stretch; you're probably all 18 - 21 no older.

With all the whining feels shit and hornyness there is no way that this boards isn't at least 90% 20 years and under.

One of the most important lessons a boomer taught me is to suffer now so you don’t have to suffer later. No one wants to be that 65-year-old that needs to postpone his retirement and return to the workforce because partying at 20 was more important than setting up a stable financial foundation.

I just left work. I was there for 13 hours. I hate my life

keked and redpilled

I don't want to live to 65.

I literally get paid to workout.
t. Firefighter

hey, hey, hey asshat i'm a scientist in the military

Can you get me an interview at DARPA?

Wasting your youth to enjoy old man age, fucking lol at you retard. I'm only 20 and uni but I maximize my pleasure as much as possible, from smoking weed, gym 6 days a week, video games, reading books and stealing $, from my family, already got $20k

I work short term jobs and then cruise on ei

unlikely, i'm not in a science that the military funds very much research in. i'm in medicine. money is in weapons, weapons defense, and weapons delivery systems.

Sure what's your phone number and home address

OP you dont understand most guys here are genius engineers/programmers who work in large buildings with gyms where they can work out as much as they want while getting tons of free great food and making 250k a year

>Thinking a hedonistic lifestyle is going to bring you satisfaction in the long run vs earning a fulfilling life yourself.

Maybe study harder kiddo

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Imagine thinking $20k is a lot lmao.

And then you get diagnosed with terminal cancer in your 40s/50s and miss out on your precious retirement by 15 years. Darn, so close.

Can confirm. 21 here

Same, my organization ha 5000 people but I see 20 people in there when I go during lunch. Two racks, three benches and bumper plates