Self-Improvement Random Tips & Advices?

share them, user

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lift weights

Get off this site and don't come back

Get a 6 pack. People treat you like a god

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Have sex

all of these + learn programming

>Get a 6 pack. People treat you like a god
Also, get a tan with your 6pack - makes all the difference


Anti-anxiety and learning enhancement, along with antiox benefits.

Thanks. Added to the list

don't learn programming, it's shit

my thoughts exactly. I fell for the meme two years ago. What a waste of time.

>disagreeing with dubs
>not learning the most essential skill of the century
bro rich kids get into programming

This is good.
Being aware of your default reactions overall is a good thing.

it's shit if you have no ideas, then you're just one of those dudes who apply for entry positions because they have no clue

What programming languages should one get into?

Don't get a sixpack, get big arms instead

what did you do, faggot, and how much you're making a year?

if you're pale -

in that order. They're full of beta carotene which can give you a natural tan.

Tans are one of the most underrated yet important factors of attractiveness. It'll keep you from looking like a gymcel.

>Don't get a sixpack, get big arms instead
The lifelong debate right here

Get both, but prioritize arms. And shoulders.

Get both

depends on what you'd like to do, python is easy, c++ for development, java sucks but many big applications are written in that language, so knowledge doesn't hurt

have you cleaned your room user

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I'm professionally a tranny who specialized in eating turds in front of r.abbit audiences

And where should you even start if you want to learn this stuff

>have you cleaned your room user
Way before the faggot depicted started advising losers for a living

unironically SoloLearn

codecademy is good for a newbie

Both is good, but big arms are the best bang for buck, because you get to flaunt them all year and if you attract thots with your arms a sixpack won't matter much anymore.

>I'm professionally a tranny who specialized in eating turds in front of r.abbit audiences

Then swallow your daily dicks, and let the men talk in here

isn't paleness mostly about iron?

Alright lads I'll check them out. I don't really need it for anything but at least some knowledge in the field can't hurt

>let the real men talk

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hour-long courses on youtube. don't view just one as different people teach and write code differently.

Don't post your ugly face here, ya twink

he's a psychologist, he does that for a living


learn the basics at least. what are variables, variable types, conditions, loops, methods(functions), method(function) parameters, classes, constructors, keywords. then build a small application using the stuff youve learned. if youre still interested afterwards look into best coding practices for your chosen language + advanced shit
oh and word of advice: python isnt easy, shit for big applications and theres no good established coding practices for this language. tread carefully

Where is that megaupload folder that a user shered with us?

Why is programming so fucking useful? I always see everyone recommending it and I don't know why

cognitive improvement is always useful, besides AI will make most people unemployable.

Why is this shit thread allowed but sig gets deleted?

I need some guidance Jow Forums. I want to look like pic related. Is this a good routine to follow for achieving this?

My diet would consist of 65% protein, 20% carbs, 15% fats. I would read basically chicken/salmon, zucchini/broccoli, and blueberries/strawberries only. I would consider taking a protein shake in the morning. I'm starting out at 130 lbs and am a 5'8 male. I'm not really trying to gain alot of weight/muscle, but more to build muscles that I can tone up. Any guidance for diet/routine to achieve pic related?

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make 150k a year being a sperglord

how about you read the sticky instead of talking about 'toning up'

Should I fuck an older bitch from my work? She is 40 or something but hot af, I have a gf also. Should I go for it?

Nah, don't be that guy

The good old days don't last forever.

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can I eat the carrots raw or is it more readily absorbed if I cook them first?

bruce lee's physique isn't that impressive. He's skinny as hell and has the physique of a fighter which either means he eats tons of carbs and burns them off in cardio or doesn't eat a lot of calories.

How easy is it to achieve that? Do I have to answer to a boss?

That's retarded