Wisdom Tooth Removal

What are your experiences with it Jow Forums?
The surgeon says that my bottom two teeth are "impacted", that is they are growing in an angle that will cause them to hit the other teeth.
Anyone who was diagnosed with impacted teeth chose not to do the surgery? How did it work out?
Also, they will remove the top two even though they come out later to avoid risks. I really feel like I'm being Jewed but I don't want to risk it...

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I got them done in my late teens.

Docs put me under, cut all 4 out, took tylenol 3 and washed out the hole with salt water until the wounds healed up.

ew imagine if your teeth were under your gums... it would feel so weird when you press on it you just wanna scratch the tooth but your gums are in the way ew

more or less the same.. doc gave me vicodins but I had to go to work later that day so I held off...
vicodins gave me weird dreams so I try to stay away from them.

I had all 4 removed at once. Recovering was pretty easy. I had them out in the morning, was eating soup for lunch, and by dinner I was eating pancakes. The empty sockets take longer than you'd expect to close up, and it's annoying if food gets stuck in them, but overall it was no big deal. I've heard some horror stories, but my experience was totally the opposite.

Look at the x rays yourself if you don't trust them. They legally have to provide them on request. Compare them to examples of impacted x rays of teeth just using Google and YouTube. My girlfriend is a dental hygienist and is obsessed with this shit, so she talks my ear off about it constantly. I also had all four wisdom teeth pulled a few years ago for the same reason. If what they are saying is true, and it probably is, you aren't being jewed. You were already jewed by the environment, diet, and genetics that led you to not have a big enough jaw for all your teeth. I would try to get some clarification or a second opinion on them pulled the others "just in case". That isn't a good reason. A good dentist should be able to look at your mouth and your x rays and have a very good idea of whether or not you have enough room for your wisdom teeth and if they look like they are coming in straight.

my brothers was kind of a horror story.. he wouldnt stop smoking weed so he ended up with dry socket.

I got mine removed last week desu. I’ve never had surgery before so I thought that it would be a painless process but when the anesthesia wares off it feels awful. I was given ibuprofen and prescribed some other painkiller. First 3-5 days you can’t even eat normal food without your mouth hurting. First 24 hours you can’t do anything and will most likely be in bed napping. Oh and your face will swell up so you can’t go out in public for the first 4 days without looking retarded. The only real risk to the surgery is hitting a nerve in your gums but apparently that’s really rare and there are procedures to fix it if that happens.

Had it done as a senior in high school before I started lifting. Had me on pretty strong meds so it only hurt a bit and honestly that whole week or two is a blur. I remember my cheeks were swollen up like a chipmunk. Prepare to eat a lot of protein shakes, apple sauce, and anything that isn't solid.

E-Z. All four of mine were impacted and I had no problem with surgery or recovery. It doesn't hurt much, I was in mild discomfort for maybe two days. However, I will say that all food tasted weird for a long time after surgery, but I've never heard of anyone else with that issue.

Got them done 3 years ago, i was terrified at first but surprisingly enough the surgeon was amazing, i literally didn't feel the slightest pain during the surgery.
It was kind of uncomfortable for the next 2 weeks because of the stitches but the painkillers fixed that problem. It's only a small time of discomfort for a lifetime of shitty dental issues. Do it user, it's for the best

Pointless...removed at 24 just cuz but never felt pain

he is not saying I have to get my other two pulled out too, that was more my choice
he said that I may have to come back later to get it pulled out and I really don't want to suffer the recovery two times
the x-ray showed the bottom teeth contacting my regular tooth at an angle and the top ones were high up, so it's too early to tell if they will impact
thanks for all of you guys input so far, so I guess I should just get it over with

Scam unless you have subhuman genetics. Doc was literally screaming at me to get them removed because they would be "impacted." Now 21 and they have all grown in perfectly fine. Fuck most uneducated dentists

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got 3 of mine out, other one is way too deep into the bone so we didnt bother. was expensive cause my insuranace sucked but i was done within 30 minutes. a little pain after surgery but i took motrin and was all good.

I’m not saying what you said is 100% wrong, but 21 maybe too early to tell.
Regardless, I wish there was an official study that was done disproving the removal but for now I really don’t want to take the risk

was terrified to get it done but turns out it was ez. Had all 4 removed at once(all impacted, one perforating my sinuses) they sedated me, woke up afterwards with just hella numbness, no real pain until the day after. My mouth was kinda sore for like 2-3 weeks afterwards. They gave me some oxies for the pain afterwards but they didn't help too much, ice packs on 20 mins off 20 mins for the first few days helped a ton.

Well I mean they've completely breached my gums and are in straight so I don't know how they could possibly cause problems

Both my bottoms were impacted.. but my dentist didn’t have an anesthesiologist and we didn’t want to pay extra. Her prescribed me some date rape drug which got me high as fuck... Injected the fuck out of my jaw... then he cut the gums open and used a chisel to break the tooth and take out the pieces.. I was awake for the whole thing.. he did need to numb me up again mid way through.. if you have the choice obviously it’s nice to get put under but even after all that it wasn’t that bad... the dry socket that I didn’t know was a dry socket was worse..

I am pretty sure I have two impacted wisdom teeth. Im too poor at the moment to do anything about it due to helping out a family member paying for medical bills on a heart murmur. I hope i can get this fixed within the next 2 years and not die from it

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got all4 of mine out 8 days ago. one of my lower ones was too close to a nerve. haven't regained feeling in my lip since. going on Monday for a follow up. could be permanent. honestly, you should demand 3d xrays so that this doesn't happen to you. other than that, hardly any pain.

>all these jawlets with terrible teeth genetics removing their teeth so they have even weaker jawlines in the near future
Damn dude, it would suck to have bad teeth.

I got put under, had all 4 removed, i think 3 were impacted and might as well do the 4th because I had good insurance at the time

Got a buncha vicodin which I don't really like, and ended up with a dry socket which was the worst part

My girlfriend dumped me during the recovery, what a cunt, we barely even talked during it she coulda waited a week

similar situation here. Sometimes food would get stuck and I would have to dig with a toothpick. If I let it sit it basically turns your breath into a trash can and you smell of rotting flesh.

maann im having war flashbacks i got mine out 3 months ago. worst week of my life i couldnt even fucking eat that i almost started crying

anyway just an advice take pain meds as soon as your surgery is over. i didnt take mine cause i said it seems fine but FUCK the pain after the anesthesia wears off is the worst pain youll ever feel

The most uncomfortable part for me was hours after the procedure. You have these gauzes that fill with blood and you have to keep them in your mouth when they’re all bloody and fuck. It’s a terrible feeling. The next day I looked like a chipmunk but i felt fine I even went out that night to a friends house to watch the McGregor vs Mayweather fight with him and a couple of friends.

cant speak for myself but my dad didnt get them removed until a few weeks ago. apparently he woke up to literally the worst unending pain imaginable for the entire morning, he told me he seriously considered suicide. because of that hes pretty much making me get mine removed now, not that i mind. i say play on the safe side so u dont risk immense suffering in your ~40s

I got them out young and early so my experience was very smooth. Don't take the addictive painkillers unless you absolutely have to, stay ahead of the pain by using the regular ones on time. Make sure you take all your antibiotics on time as well. Complications generally dont happen unless there's an infection

Post age young faggot... wait till your wisdom teeth coming in and start fucking with all your other teeth.. you just can’t afford a dentist

Got mine removed at like 18. Shit knocked me the fuck out for like a week. I have no idea what it did to me but I was sick as shit for 7 days straight. Then I went back and the dentist pulled a huge glob of shit out of the tooth hole. Apparently it was supposed to dissolve on its own.
That was only to of them, though. Not looking forward to having the other two removed.

My bottom 2 were impacted. I got put under and woke up towards the end of the procedure to the surgeon extracting my teeth with hammer and chisel. Unfortunately, I feel numbness in my chin several months later.


Lmao I'm 25. Even my older siblings have all of their wisdom teeth and have never had any issues with them. I went to the dentist for the first time in over a decade a few years ago, and the dentist said I had great teeth and said my wisdom teeth came in perfectly. Tried jewing me with the typical "oooo looks like a cavity is forming!", though. Got an x-ray and there was nothing there.

Sorry about your shitty teeth, user.

I had four horizontally impacted molars and apparently it was the worst case scenario for all of them

it wasn't that bad, I couldn't eat solid food for two weeks and I was badly bruised and looked like a chipmunk for a week but it wasn't at all painful

get the surgery, most people do and it's honestly not that bad. it'll fuck your mouth if you don't get them removed

Had all four removed at once and was awake for it. It totally sucked but I felt like a total badass cause everyone chooses to go to sleep. However my dentist said I had the hardest wisdom teeth he had ever removed And I knew he was telling the truth cause I couldn’t eat solids for about two months. If you can thought go to sleep unless you want to experience the smell of your own jaw bone being drilled out and hear the loud cracks of your teeth being broken and pulled out.

Post high manlet

Got my wizzies removed when I was like 17. It's not a huge deal. Just have them yanked.

Perfect wisdom teeth here too. We should have heterosexual conversations about art, science, and lifting while naked in the shower together.

Had a pair growing horizontally, doc needed to cut open my gumline and use a drill to break apart the teeth piece by piece before extracting the fragments.

Even under anesthesia, I could feel the drill's vibrations echo through my skull.

Only 5'11, so that's manlet king to you, homo. What does my (just) above average height have to do with my good teeth?

True. Dentist told me to go check them at like 17, now 23 never had problems.

We need to have a perfect teeth club and keep the shitty-teeth-genetics normies out

I took 4 shots in each corner of my mouth since the last 3 weren't enough and I could feel them cutting.
Took a couple of days for it to go away.

You can remove them but don’t have kids unless you have really good genes in other areas. The mouth jew relies on the future generations of tooth-lets and the only way to stop them is to end the generations carrying malformed wisdom teeth.

im 22 and i never had them removed and they havent given me any problems thus far

itt inferior dental genes

i have the exact same problem. all 4 of my wisdom teeth are growing at a 90 degree angle towards my other teeth and they are all INSIDE my fucking teeth gums. cant find the xray picture right now, might post later
got two of them removed over two separate surgeries. separate surgeries because cutting all that meat just adds to the swelling after you remove the tooth, so removing two at the same time is not only a little bit risky but would have also rendered me unable to chew at all. the surgery wasnt bad, just long and boring. around 30% of my surgery time was spent cutting through my gums in order to reach the bastards. i was given painkillers, so barely felt anything. oh and the odontologist was an amateur, so each surgery took around 1.5-2 hours each.
>I really feel like I'm being Jewed but I don't want to risk it...
wtf is so jewish about wisdom tooth removal? lmao

my dentist said i should remove them but they grew in fine. idk. some dentists just want ur $$$

They told me it might happen. That my Wisdom teeth were in a shitty angle and might “eat” the teeth next to them, I said “let’s wait and see, 6 years later I still have them

Operating is for women, not gonna let the tooth (((fairy))) steal my teeth and money

It's painful the more you put it off, I got it done young, they had to wake me up mid surgery to tell me to stop fighting the doctors or they wouldn't finish.

>how well did it work out
Your surgeon is required BY LAW to explain to you the outcomes of not doing it. Why the fuck are there so many attention larping faggots on this board? Why do people lie so much?? In no reality would your surgeon not lay out the pros and cons of not doing it. You fucking moron that is called malpractice and you could sue the SHIT out of him or here to the point of them not having a practice. Fucking larper.

Had my dentist rip them all out when I was 16-17 I think. Bottom wisdom teeth grew in a way that would have fucked up my teeth like in your pic.
>local anaesthesia
>took about 1-1.5 h iirc
>doc had to use a small saw to get one of my wisdom teeth out because he wasn't able to just pull it out
>didn't really eat for two days
>third day normal food was possible again when I was careful and only used front row for chewing
>no swellings in my face or anything like that
Had no real issues overall desu.

I got four done while asleep. The bottom ones were full-on sideways and impacted.

Everything went better than expected. Thank God I didn't have to do it awake.
