Chest lacking behind

Why is my chest so fucking bad compared to my back?
I train it equally but there's no progress for my chest.
My triceps get bigger and I get doms in my chest, too. But as you can see I have little bitch tits.
Or is it because I'm fat and it doesn't show?

Attached: 1563509174413.jpg (987x1000, 179K)

How long have you been lifting for?

Do some upper chest/shoulder work like overhead and incline press

What kind of presses are you currently doing?

BP, incline db press, cable flies, chest dips, triceps.
That's my chest routine.
Quite a while, I am fairly big.
Dudes always make comments like, "I'm not gonna fight THIS guy, look at his arms.
Pic is at 90kilo.
43 cm arms.

Just my chest doesn't grow.

Attached: 1563510231417.jpg (1026x1280, 388K)

>I'm not gonna fight THIS guy, look at his arms.
t. dyel

That sounds like a solid set of movements. Perhaps you need to vary the volume/intensity of your sets then. Does your chest feel thoroughly exhausted by the end of the lifts?

Nice back.

pb or stfu


I think it doesn't.
As you can see my back is pretty developed and I feel like my traps are assisting when I do my chest exercises. Flyes for example.
Also my arms are stronger so I naturally use them more than my actual chest muscles.
I think it's mainly a problem of my bad posture and form, thus difficult for me to open up my chest wide enough to precisely target my pecs.

How can I improve this

Do push-ups wtf


Yes do widearm pushups

How have you not been doing push-ups

post benis first

I do push ups for warm-up on chest day.
Like 3x25
Sometimes I feel like pushups are the only thing that actually work my chest lol

Yeah fixing your form should be priority #1. Ideally have someone there help you with that, but if you can't, read up on positioning. SS has some good info for this. When you're gonna bench, remember the queues (shoulder blade pinch, arch, butt on bench, etc) and really mentally focus on activating your chest for the movement. This might mean going down in weight at first.

>Sometimes I feel like pushups are the only thing that actually work my chest
You'll know you're doing it right when you feel benching is doing that.

I did ask some PTs and they said there's nothing wrong with my benching form.
I do have little bitch wrists tho, so when I go higher in weight they hurt

Chest lacking behind?

Work harder. Eat better.

If you can't put a lot of weight on, then you need to make up for it in reps. Obviously keep working on adding weight as you can, but by the end of your sets, you should really feel like you'd fail the next rep.

If the push ups feel good, do more of those. Try wearing a weighted vest or putting a plate on your back so that you can't do sets of 25 anymore.

is the weight of your bench lacking or do you feel like your chest should look bigger for the amount you can lift?

Sorry bro, but your arms are not big at all lol, what are you on about?

Anyways people react different to stimulus. Thats why not everyone can look like Arnold even though they follow his programs (because of different genetics and strong points. Some people have naturally stronger legs, some have naturally stronger shoulders, etc). This means that you have to tailor your workouts towards what you wanna improve.

TL;DR add 1-3 more chest days a week.

What's your arm circumference Bru