How do you push yourself to eat more?

How do you push yourself to eat more?
I'm ultimate skelly and the tips I got was to eat more but it's hard.
Pic related is all I ate in 24hrs

Attached: download.jpg (248x203, 11K)

eat higher calorie foods. keep a big jar of peanut butter and eat a spoonful every once in a while

Eat energy dense foods like nuts and chocolate bars, pizza and burgers pack a lot of calories in grease and carbs too. Ramen is too light I eat that on a cut kek

Don't just eat when you feel like it, you need to plan. Set up a schedule, ideally prep meals so you don't have as much reason to skip the schedule and it'll be easier to modulate macros

Also keep a healthy snack around, nuts or seeds or some shit, when you're working or chilling on the computer. I use that tactic for water to keep hydrated. If there's a bigass bottle of water and a bag of dried fruit at my workstation i'm just gonna mindlessly snack on it and that's one of the easiest ways to pack on calories.

Thanks currently taking spoonfuls of my peanut butter

This, ramen kills your appetite fast while not actually giving much nutrients or calories. All the hot water fills you up.

Pizzas and chocolate bars, isn't that bad for you when trying to get fit or is it just a myth?

Well it depends. I’ve never tried to bulk before but that’s how I got fat. I’m guessing when you’re doing it right you’d need more protein, so I wouldn’t know how you’d get that as protein is the most satiating food.

DRINK YOUR CALORIES. Make high calorie shakes. Whole milk, protein powder, peanut butter, bananas, berries, oats

Thanks I'll keep this in mind? Any other foods like this?

if you actually need more calories you should not be afraid of fat and sugar, just don't live on junk food exclusively

If you're bulking, you can eat kinda whatever you want as long as you're getting your requisite macros. Still, you'll be generally healthier if you bulk "clean" as in less sugar and processed greasy bullshit -- more energy, less mental fog, stronger immune system, non-horrifying shits

How do I track my calories?

milk helps, if you can add more fats

I used to buy bags of chocolate and snack throughout the day while doing chores. When I realized what I was doing and how much weight I was gaining I had to lock my snacks in a very inconvenient location and eventually stop buying them alrogether.

Vegetables, especially leafy greens, are like this too. That's why they're great when you're cutting weight -- a big salad can feel like a full meal but only be a few hundred calories tops. You want foods with a lot of starch and saturated fats and protein.

Alright so a meal prep would help a lot, I should prep for breakfast lunch and dinner or should I add more? As in a second lunch

Are you fucking serious?

There's a million sites and apps and stuff that will give you a sense of what a given dish will contain, just google "calorie tracker" or some shit.

You can also use online calculators which take in a bunch of factors and calculate your daily calorie reqs for losing, maintaining, and gaining weight, as well as your protein requirements. google "macronutrient calculator"

Chocolates like MnMs or kit kats or more healthy chocolates?

Depends on how much you actually need and how big those meals are. Do the math yourself -- If you can't comfortably get your calories in 3 meals, add snacks and/or a 4th meal.

Thanks that was a dumb question

Party sized bags of M&M’s, bags of Kit-Kats, Snickers, Almond Joys, etc. Like, the big 10 lbs bags. At my lowest I would dip the Kit-Kats in Nutella.

People don’t believe chocolate is an addiction. The withdrawal when going cold was real.

If you’re only going for calorie goals, the other user is right. You need to get highly processed sugary foods, A. They’re calorie dense B. It’s harder to feel full C. You’ll have a crash and immediately want more D. You’ll get addicted. It’s rough on your skin and energy levels though, and wallet if you’re buying things like cake.

Alright thanks for the advice fellas, really appreciate the help

I have a peach tree that is full, literally breaking branches from the amount of peaches. I ate nine yesterday.

>nuts/nut butter
>fatty meats aka pork belly
>put olive oil on your food as a condiment

Be careful of what you stuff your face with. Diabetes and hypertension may bite you in the ass if you’re not watching it.

A habit like any other. Just gotta keep working at it mang. Set a timer on your phone to remind you every 2 or 3 hours to eat. Focus on carbs, since it is easier to overeat with carbs than any other macro. White rice, oats, hell make PB&J sandwiches. You will be hungry enough to eat again in no time.

Dont listen to cico macro niggers. If you arent in post exercise state and your blood sugar is stable and muscle glicogen stores are full, eating a sugary snack just spikes insulin and a lot of that shit is stored as fat. Obviously nothing bad will happen if you indulge once in a while and you tren hard, but time your biggest carb intakes around your workouts.

Fast for a couple of days, then you'll have such a massive appetite that you'll eat more than your stomach can take, forcing it to expand. Afterwards you'll be able to eat more due to having a larger stomach.