>Going out for a date in 3 hours
>tfw nervous as fuck and don't want to go now
Going out for a date in 3 hours
Do some pushups or something to get that j00cy pump.
Just relax bro, enjoy yourself. Remember she’s gonna be nervous too. Good luck user
i believe in you user you're gonna make it
Have a work out and jack off. It will get better. If the date would have alcohol involved, better for you.
Who goes out on a date at midnight?
Have 1-2 pre drinks and maybe a spliff, nerd
>Everyone in the world lives on my block.
>reminder that you have already gone further than anyone else has on Jow Forums
Use that anxiety to push yourself forward. Like that other dude said. Do some pushups. Get that pump. And have fun at the date. Get your eyes off yourself and actually listen to the girl. This will alleviate the anxiety. Force yourself to be present. Anxiety is not the enemy. It's just a feeling. It doesn't have to own you.
Also fapping or any sort of degeneracy is self sabotage so forget it.
They all want to fuck
Story time
>girl comes over because we mutual friends
>shes always wearing yoga pants
>small her ass a bit especially with a spatula
>she finally comes in my room unannounced to " watch a movie"
>getting real nervous because its fucking lol
>we hangout a couple of times
>eventually she comes in with no panties on
>chest is in my bed
>not responding to my questions just mumbling
>play with her ass a bit and puss out
>she eventually asks if I'm gay
>say no
>she storms out
>never, ever talk to her again.
They want to fuck.
You want to fuck.
I would probably disappear for a half the year desu
Are you so fucking stupid that you think everyone lives in your timezone?
It's better to act, and fail than it is to not act at all.
The inaction makes sure you fail. Action believes you can succeed. Believe you will. Own it.
>small her ass a bit especially with a spatula
Not always. For example, it’s better to not play the lottery at all than to throw $5 away trying to win.
some girl rubbed her ass on my dick when i help her to squad, and now she thinks im gay becouse i dont fuck her, she doesnt now that i am a khv who lives with his mom
Ha. Ha. Hhhhhhhhhaaaahahahahaha.
Damn though, I'm just as bad. About as bad as yours.
>they just want to fuck
True. They want the safety that is being a strong man's property.
Also take it from experience. This becomes a habit of pussing out. Never certain when you should make a move? Do it. However if you do get in trouble for making a move, you really arent.
>tall skinny bitch
>watch sherlock Holmes
>move in to kiss her
>she flips and tells all our friends.
>they mad
>later she still comes in and flirts.
>get to fucking
The getting mad part is a whole fucking charade.
Stick your fucking willy in any and all girls.
Smack sorry
>I didn't small her ass
>I spatula'd it
Still wtf. Are you European?
>taking women seriuosly
"If you're dealing with a cool female, [then] it's all good. But if you're dealing with a bitch, THEN BREAK HER ASS AND SHAKE HER ASS."
>chilling with chick after work
>go to her house
>shows me her bed, says she likes to be tied up
>think nothing of it
MFW think anything of it for a couple years, then realized she was DTF.
Dude screw off with your splitting hairs crap. I wasn't talking about playing the lottery and you know that. Even a half retard can understand context. C'mon dude stop trying to blow your ego up with stupid posts like this. Why waste your time.
Being right all the time usually doesn't help you grow as a person, does it.
Tre bone nibba
Guys is it too late to cancel it?
Yes get that pussy
I feel like i'm going to throw up, maybe i got a cold? i should stay at home.
don't be nervous man.
worst case scenario you have a bad date and can think about it later and learn from it
but what will most likely happen is that it'll just be mediocre and weird because you're trying to get to know each other better.
that is, unless you already know her, in which case you shouldnt let it worry you too much
there is also a slight chance its awesome and you really get along with her, so just go man
go be nervous or whatever and work through your flaws so you don't have to be like this anymore
Don’t be a faggot user. YOU ARE GONNA MAKE IT!
Bitch, YOU asked HER out. SHE wants to see YOU.
>splitting hairs
I am so sick and tired of being told that. I just don't like being misunderstood, and ample articulation is the only way to prevent that.
Therein, among many other discrepancies, lies the basis of such wonderings as that which my original comment expresses.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with your comparison or its eschewment of double-standards, but that comparison also strikes me as just the tip of the iceberg every time I hear it. I feel like there's more there to understand and that not enough people make an effort to do so.
Like really, being a "slut" in the negative sense is more about the reasons behind a woman's actions and not the actions themselves; but what's the deeper why beyond that? That's all I was getting at.
I was so nervous during my date I kept trembling and couldn't say a word. She said she had to use the washroom half an hour into the date and never returned haha.
Realize that women know nothing, and are nothing except for the help of men. You're basically speaking to an airhead who wants to feel that someone is in charge. This goes for 98% of women.
Where are you going and what are you doing on the date?
>play with her ass a bit and puss out
pls delet. biggest regret of my life
I understand.
OP already failed. ()
More for the rest of us heteros.
But I suppose that after being rejected by enough females, OP may switch teams, becoming a female (male).
I read it from plebbit, thought it would be funny.
Dumb+Submissive in day to day life+Literally masochist. It's most of the times come with this package.
Hard to know what you mean..
It's OK op, even in the past only 1/3 men actually procreated. Really, the odds are against you.
Oh. I thought you were serious. Hahaha
it's sad that it's true
>it's sad if true
I wouldn't say it's sad- it is what it is.
Realize that things are the way they are because they encourage survival throughout time- being strong isn't the only way to get by- consider that part of getting by is not writing cheques that you can't cash- and suddenly you see that transgenderism may actually be a survival mechanism for men.
based retarded ESL poster
Just had a shower boys, going to shave now... clocks tickin.
Bro just go there you're good.
Ask yourself - What's the worst that can happen ?
Yeah right not much.
You'll be happy to have overcome your fear when you'll be done.
FTFY on Jow Forums*