How can i make girls like me

how can i make girls like me

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Just be yourself.

Lift and smile :)

Grape, women love grape

First you must like yourself

how can i make me like me?

Be a faggot

unironically, work on your inner game and self worth, if you always see yourself as a loser women will never like you. But you also need to be able to put up boundaries and not take shit from women, they unintentionally make you take little deaths until you're jumping through hoops doing shopping for no sex or gratification. Finally, you gotta be

Just be born attractive, its fucking easy. Or just become rich, ez too

>Finally, you gotta be
Gotta be what?
Fuck. i guess we will never know. user disappeared before revealing a great mystery to us

Masturbate in front of a mirror.

ask girls out until somebody say yes

Fuck is this th

Be without fear in the face of your enemies.

Be brave and upright that God may love thee.

Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death.

Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong – that is your oath.

Attached: and this is so you remmeber it.jpg (1009x1300, 369K)

Not to sound like a fag but I’d love some scripture to back up these precepts if I’m going to live my life by them.

Supposedly it's as easy as here and pairing it with an ego and some internet delusions about yourself

Or just be yourself and understand women exist, and while many men and women are not themselves if you are they will seek to understand why (this is referred to as interesting or makes me wonder thinking)

I wonder...why he/she is like that..huh it's weird I uh

Heres the magic part, you just lift weights and have a good personality. What else?

There is no need for that user. You already know in your soul all of it is true.

Read The Art of Seduction by Greene. Basically you need to change your entire personality.

Is that the same book where the author tells you to wear silly hats and talk bullshit stories, like once you hacked a pentagon or fought a bear?

>how can i make girls like me

1.) Go back in time and be born attractive
2.) Go back in time and have life experiences that are conducive to being socially skilled & confident

trumpets, trumpets and bookmarks

>date with Hinge girl
>goes great, she talks about more dates, make out
>next day she breaks snap streak
>ask out day after, she says yes but reschedules
>day comes, "I'm not ready to date rn"
>pry further
>"yeah i thought about it and I'm not over my ex, we took a break so he could study for the LSAT, dont wanna start something then regret it bc of unfinished business"
>have a feeling there was no ex, just another guy she went out with and liked him better

Bittersweet feeling. on one hand its nice to know a cute girl would be willing to date me. on the other hand it sucks to get cucked

I don't think so, no. At least I haven't gotten to that part yet.