Where do I even fucking start

Im soon turning 24 and I dont want to look like this anymore.
Im a piece of shit that likes to eat and I have a sugar habit that would make heroin addicts donate money to me for rehab.

Do any of you have any suggestions on what I can do? Should I just do cardio till I drop?
Also, how do I lose this fucking sugar addiction?

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop eating sugar. eat less. lift and cardio 3 to 6 times a week. bye faggotniggercunt.

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just stop eating fatty boi

read the sticky

You don't have a sugar addiction given that sugar addiction doesn't exist. Your diet is too high in fat, and you have a habit of consuming high-fat junk foods. Replace it with healthy foods.

Yes it is as easy as "eat healthier, eat less lard-o" but here's a quick little tip to get you STARTED.

Just quit soda. Keep eating your twinkies, your chips and fries, get that second burger. Just don't chase it down with soda. Replace it with water and see if you can last a month.

If you can't even ONLY do that then there's no hope

>Also, how do I lose this fucking sugar addiction?
Tell your self no. Then do it again. Then do it every single time you crave sugar, reminding yourself that you don't want to look like this anymore. Then when you say "fuck that I don't care", you still tell yourself "lol no". Then when you go to the store and you see things with sugar in it, glance at them and then tell yourself "no".
Basically you have to say no and not eat sugar.

I dont touch junk food, and my diet consists mostly of fish, chicken and vegetables, but I always have a craving for candy and shit like that and every time I have tried quitting I dont last long.
So its obviously the sugar thats the problem, and me not having any self control. I have tried exercising more to burn the extra calories I get from eating sugar, but then I just crave more of it.

Yes, Im a weak willed piece of shit

Fair enough. Ill do that.

I dunno man. Just do some curls and most guys on here will think you're a power lifter who can BTFO anyone no matter what the situation.

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I guess thats the obvious answer, and I cant avoid it if I want to lose weight...
Do you know how long it will take before it becomes a habit to say no?

I guess some curls wont hurt, but my sagging belly probably wont fool anyone

The sagging belly is a requirement for powerlifters.

Look up a TDEE calculator, subtract 500 calories from what it tells you to eat and aim for losing 1lb a week. Anymore and you risk losing muscle mass or fucking up your hormones which will be awful. Ultimate you want a good body fat percentage so start lifting. Do a beginner 5x5 routine and focus on form.
As for what foods to eat, I’d figuring out exactly how many grams of sugar you eat a week and tapering off. Look for filling healthy foods. Aim to eat your body weight in grams of protein and half your body weight in grams of fat. Carbs can be the rest.

Weight loss is mostly a mental challenge of learning how to eat correctly, avoiding crash diets and building consistency.

We’re all gonna make it friend.


Also as far as cardio goes I’ve heard low intensity cardio can be good for weight loss but don’t go nuts with cardio and run until you pass out.
As far as I know your body isn’t efficient at burning calories even if you run hard, it won’t burn that many calories. People like Michael phelps who have trained there body to be good at burning calories can burn calories like crazy (forgot what video I’m stealing this from). Anyways, do some cardio because it will probably make you feel better and it’s healthy for you but in my opinion, weight lifting will be more beneficial. I say this as a 5’10 guy whose down 110lbs.
Muscles mass will help you loo better quicker, will burn more calories.

>eat your body weight in grams of protein

Yeah don't do this. For a guy your weight impossible to get that at a calorie deficit.
Most of that guys post is shit advice for someone your size. You should to a 5×5 routine yes, add cardio as much as possible. Don't worry about gaining mass. You need to lose weight first. Eat one meal a day and make sure it's less than your maintenance. Try fasting a day or two a week as well. Repeat until you're 200 lbs. Then you can worry about your protien intake and building mass.

Fuck cardio. Just STOP EATING. Fast with water for 12 hours, then work your way up until you can do 24-36 hours between meals. Eat ONCE between fasts. You have more than enough energy on your body to survive the periods of fasting. I dropped 70 lbs in seven months just fasting.

Log every single one of your calories in myfitnesspal and eat at a deficit every day, fatty. And also lift. Full body would be good for you 3 times a week to start

Throw away all the sugary crap and other processed junk in your house go to a gym eat good food and drink more water

Completely disagree. Maybe you’re right about 1lb per bodyweight but he should eat some protein. You can gain muscle mass while losing weight when you’re new as well.

Also if he’s worried about losing his stomach, lifting will help him with that more.
Also I never fasted for a day and I wouldn’t recommend it. I think long term weight loss is about building reliable habits.

>fat causes fat
I didn’t know there were time travelers from the 1990s on Jow Forums


Decide what's more important to you: Sugar or living longer and looking better.
Sugar is practically poison in large quantities. Fucks with your teeth, your heart, your brain. Is it really that important to you?
And no, don't just do cardio. The biggest mistake fat boys make is only doing cardio and avoiding weights because they don't want to put on any more size, even though muscle looks way different on your body and will help you burn fat at a faster rate. Ever seen a fat guy who got thin only through CICO and cardio? Looks like shit next to the fat guy who did CICO and weights.
Lift, man.

I did do Omar and IF*. I like IF more

No, no, no, no, no. There is no grace period where you are waiting for it to become a habit and for it to all happen by itself. It starts now and continues for as long as you keep exercising self control by saying no.

Can't outtrain a bad diet, user.
And stop telling yourself you're a piece of shit. No, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you look good. We both know you don't.
But you're giving yourself the option to fail by saying you're this worthless piece of shit. You'll go at it for a few weeks or months, not get anywhere because you're not motivated enough, and then decide that you're just not good enough to get fit.
Fuck that.
"Fitness" isn't something reserved for other people. No one was born running marathons or benching 500 pounds. They had to work for it.
You are the master of your own destiny. Only you can decide if you're going to lose the weight.

You wanna get shredded? Follow this to a fucking t cunt:

>wake up 6:30am
3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites (hard boiled are cash), a serving of fruit, either oatmeal or a half bagel
Chicken breast, atleast 8 oz, serving of beans, cup of rice, either 1.5 cups of steamed veggies or one small serving of fruits (I like melon and berries)
>dinner same as lunch
>if you’re hungry as fuck before bed eat eithe rONE Greek yogurt or whatever the serving size for your favorite nuts are. Then take 3-5mg of melatonin and fell asleep in 40 minutes.

Good post user. Weight loss isn’t just about disliking your current state, it’s also about building yourself into being the person you want to be

If you want to end up with tons of skin hanging off of your body when you're done, cut calories. If you want to look decent, start fasting today. Do a 48 hour snake juice fast and then another 72 hour one after refeeding on some small amount of food. Then fast until you're about to die.
Fasting is faster and will produce better results for someone your size. Just stop eating. You have ten thousand snickers glued to your body in form of fat.

>carbs for breakfast

Is there any science backing any of this up?

Second this

This but Cardio until failure and by failure i mean heart failure fatty

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There is a lot of talk about the benefits of autophagy but it’s not fully understood in humans. Anecdotally, pretty much everyone that sticks to a fasting regimen of 24+ hours between meals reports some kind of health benefit that they attribute to autophagy (ie, scars clearing up, skin looking better, inflammation going away. What does OP have to lose, other than bodyfat?

I'm down roughly 110llbs and what I always think about is how many people relapse.

I do OMAD right now and I want to get away from it. I would say I have minimal loose skin but I dIdn't do OMAD while losing weight, maybe some IF.

I'd like to see studies proving that dry fasting is good for anything. It seems like an awful way to lose weight because you're not building healthy habits

actually just watched

Maybe OP should try IF

I had the same problem with sugar. You just need to stop buying it, it's way easier to not have it around. Whenever you buy something, if it has more than 5% sugar per 100, forget it. If you have multiple choices, try to go for the one with less sugar in it. It's going to be hard for the first 2 weeks. After 2 months you'll be fine.
Cardio's good but if you're gonna do running, better get a coach. It is possible to prevent injury by running with good form at your size (albeit your first few times you'll most likely bottleneck with your leg muscles), but it's difficult if you're new. Brainlet cardio that's impossible to fuck up is cycling. You can also try swimming, because no matter how bad your form you won't injure yourself (and fat floats so you shouldn't drown).
Also read the sticky.

Sugar is addictive you dumb fuck. Dumb fat ass OP needs to immediately start a 72 hour snake juice fast.

I retract this comment.

Fuck IF and fuck anyone in this thread telling this guy to continue eating in any form.
Look at him, he has energy for months and months on his fucking gut. Just stop fucking eating until you aren't a fat fuck anymore. Giving him an eating routine will just make it easier for him to relapse, as I bet he has 0 self control once he starts putting food in his mouth. Fasting is simple and you literally can only fuck up by eating ANYTHING, which makes it considerably easier for someone that is addicted to food in the first place.

Start out by cutting pop from your diet and measuring ALL of the other food and drink you consume.

If you prepare it, weigh it. If it's junk food, weigh it. If you're eating out look up how many calories what you just ate is supposed to have, then multiply it by 1.5.

Hopefully this will naturally progress into lifestyle changes and eventually overall fitness.

Ty man. Thanks for the support

Undoubtedly it's easier and healthier to lose weight slowly while learning about nutrition, lifting and making life forming habits.

Now the question is how much does fasting actually help with loose skin? I do OMAD now but I'm curious if you can link me any single person on the internet who had loose skin, who dry fasted and then got less loose skin.

>fuck IF
>do fasting
Niggawtf? “IF” is anything from 16:8 “eating window” type fasting to extended fasts. He can do 16:8, OMAD, OMEOD, two-day fasts, etc etc. I think OMAD is a great choice for OP, but he might need to work up to that and can reevaluate after he consistently hits 24 hour fasts.

eat less run more

Why the hell would you do OMAD, when you can just do one meal a week or even longer fasts. He needs to completely reset his relationship with food, true, this is doable without fasting, but it sure as hell is a lot easier by just straight up snake juice fasting until you are lean. OMAD is for people that aren't morbidly obese.

But isnt OMAD the complete opposite of what every doctor and nutrition expert recommends? I thought you were supposed to eat small amounts 6 times a day?

I’d still fuck you only because I hate myself

>The best diet is the one you can eat for the rest of your life
There you go.
Is the rest of your life 60 years, or 15?
Figure it out my dude.
You don't have to eat perfectly or ignore eating out with friends. I eat these big ass slices of new york pizza with a soda/beer every Wednesday, and I eat out with friends whenever we've got something planned, every other week or so.
You claim your diet already consists of staple foods, but it doesn't really matter if those staples are deep fried. Start eating what you know you should be eating and the RIGHT VARIATIONS of it, I.E. grill/bake your fish instead of getting a fish o'filet from McDonald's.
Learn to cook, if you don't already. If you're making meals yourself you'll have such a new respect for food (and your money not disappearing under the weight of utter low quality garbage).
Cooking is such a lost pastime. It's so fucking satisfying and cooking "healthy" while not being some ultra-health nut is so fucking easy and tasty. All those years eating shit fast food and a terrible homecooked dinner twice a week at best.
Fuck you, Mom. Goddamn such a shit cook with no respect for life or taste buds. Sugar on pasta? What sort of cunt shit is this?
Anyway, lrn2cook. It's not necessary, but it'll instill a newfound discipline and respect, and if you've seen the prison food pic related eats you'll gag.
Also if you do take the advice, cook yourself a proper dessert once a week. Get the fuck off cheap, processed candy. That shit is so gross, and I say that as a former longtime consumer of chocolate bars and gummies. Shit is GROSS, motherfucker. It's nasty. Fuck Hershey, I hope their "chocolate" factory fucking explodes. Fucking fake ass goop. The goddamn dessert equivalent of pink slime. Willy Wonka can suck my peanuts.


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Dude, just look up the snake diet on YouTube and disregard the opinions you hear from any mainstream source that tells you to eat multiple times a day to lose weight.

I was in your position 3 years ago, OP. Listen to that user who said to only drink water. It gets easier after that. Lift for 45 minutes and go for a walk 15 minutes every workout.

I'm the guy who talked about losing 110lbs. Some user brought up fasting and I somewhat disagreed.

I watched this and I found it to be pretty interesting.

I still cannot stress how important it is to build healthy habits though to maintain long term weight loss.

I agree in everything you say, but a little bit of sugar (a tea spoon or so) in the tomato sauce is decent. It removes the tart taste.

you can find low calorie ways to season your food instead friend

Why would you fuck someone with low self esteem? It could only be bad

Quit soda for sure. I went cold turkey and haven't gone back in 8 years. Used to drink 3-4 cokes a day minimum. Had a sip of coke recently and it tasted like fucking shit. Sugar fucks with you. It legit changes your brain. First month is the hardest but you can do it. Dump that shit.

Because very few people can just jump into multi-day fasts, and it’s not even advisable to do so. Crawl, walk, run. Fast a little, fast a little more, than see how long you can fast before you break.

then LIFT

yeah it does, but like said, finding more unique seasonings is much more satisfying than just "lmao dump sugar on it"
that was pretty much my mother and her mother's answer to everything
Fuck growing up in Georgia

That's because most people are weak willed crybabies that don't want to suffer a bit for their results, even though it was them that got themselves into that state in the first place.
Like I said, 48 hour fast, 72 hour fast and then fast yourself to the fucking bone.
I'm out of this thread, good luck, OP.

Because I’m a sex addict and I hate myself

>Lose weight in six months
>Retain enough loose skin to keep yourself warm during the harsh winters
Great advice you dumb niggers.
There's no quick fix solution. It's just common sense.
You spend years working up to that weight, it's going to take a year to properly get down naturally to a healthy bodyfat.
Do you want your body and mind to be consistently healthy and eventually aesthetic, or always unhealthy and gag-inducing?

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I was going to meme on you and be snarky but you deserve a serious response. First and foremost, I think general practitioners and “nutritionists” are often full of shit. I had a nutritionist through the VA who was fat as fuck. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what’s healthy and what’s not, but she wasn’t practicing what she preached and it really destroyed her credibility.

Ultimately, I think people should eat in the manner than works for them. I found that “six meals a day” worked for me when I was 21, had my own kitchen, lived next to a grocery store, worked at a gym, riding a bike to work, lifting every day, and chasing pussy at night. Now that I’m in my 30s, at a sedentary job, tired of cooking and doing meal prep, and only going to the gym 3 times a week, six meals just isn’t good for me. I don’t want to prep a bunch of small meals, I don’t want to eat all day long, I don’t want to shit twice a day, and I don’t want to keep jacking up my insulin and replenishing my glycogen non-stop. If six small, clean meals worked for OP, that’s great. I doubt it will though, because it’s just encouraging him to eat eat eat but slapping his hand any time he tries to eat something he enjoys.

What worked for me (having lost 60 pounds using this method) is OMAD. One meal a day, don’t have to stress about how much I’m eating or what I’m eating. Don’t have to spend endless time shopping, prepping, and packaging food. Only shit every other day. And as an added bonus, it compels me to eat healthy food any time I eat something less than healthy.

I recommend OMAD only because it has worked for me and changed my life, and changed my relationship with food.

I had a really bad suger problem. I was in the same place you are now. Basically to change you have to work at it bit by bit - change one habit, normalize it, only then change a another.

First change - switch to water, seltzer, green tea, basically no sugar/soda. I found seltzer helped me the best

Next- work on eating, change what you eat, how much, over time begin to meal plan, use calorie counter app, weigh food, etc.

Next cardio- don’t injure yourself running unless you know what your doing. try swimming or the cycle machine.

You can work in weights to help create muscle to burn more calories - just research proper form

We’re all gonna make it user

Imagine being such a tough guy that you have to fight people that agree with the method (fasting), but who want the person to apply the method in a reasonable way so as to be successful...

Then don't eat tomato sauce.
You can eat things that taste good and still lose weight. Make smarter choices. Stop making excuses for your sugar habit.

I use alot of garlic, onions and leek for seasoning. I usually fry or cook my food so it works on everything. Not cod though.
Sugar in my dinner is something I use rarely, but after on the other hand...

>not losing the weight asap before his skin elasticity is gone to shit at 25
if you listen to this retard and dont fast enjoy losing all the weight and having a leather kangaroo pouch at 26

Fuck fasting honestly. All it does is make people think you're weird, dying, anti-social, or have an eating disorder. I know it's a dumb reason to hate fasting. But normies ruin everything. So it's best to do what Jeff Cavalier said and stop dieting. You have to give nutrients to the muscles so that they get so big you could eat anything and still have 6 pack abs.

Drink water all day everyday... like a gallon at least (4.5 liters) if you work walk on your lunch everyday if you don’t walk in the morning or night for 45min to 1 hour on top of what ever other cardio and gym work your doing.. after 3 months it makes a huge difference

Thanks dude. As you probably realise: Im new to this page and I dont know the terms so I appreciate that you took the time to explain things


>>skin elasticity is gone to shit at 25
>[citation needed]
Fuck off you pseudo-science brosef. You may as well recommend a noose for OP to loose weight.

Thanks man! Im fat but not useless. I live on a farm so Im used to hard labor.

Well... Good luck with that. Remember that you are worth something. The fact that you can write and have a computer means that you are better than atleast...20-30% of the people here on this earth.

sure dude lmao just make the guy with skin that's barely holding onto it 's elastic limit gain muscle and do a lot of cardio in which each movement stretches his skin bit by bit for 2 years and when he loses all the blubber and turns into an oversized sock he'll have to get (((surgery))) to fix it
fuck you faggot it's because of asshats like you that don't know shit with their 50s nutrition dogma that ruin people like OP

>Meme juice for a 3 day fast.

Kill yourself my man.

Your sugar cravings are probably due to your gut microbiome. Trying to exercise away all the sugar you eat will not work. You need to basically repopulate your gut with bacteria that aren't sending you sugar craving signals. IN ADDITION TO lifting weights and doing cardio, cut out sugar cold turkey. Take probiotics (get a good brand that has lots of different species in it) eat sauerkraut and kimchi and eat vegetables, meat, and rice/potatoes for carbs but keep that limited. Whenever you have a sugar craving remember that it is because there is a parasitic organism in you stomach that is telling you to eat sugar. Your goal is to starve out the bad gut bacteria and replace them with good gut bacteria and the sugar cravings will go away. You have to have the will power to do this or else you will be in an infinite loop. Throw away all of the sugar from your house right now. Seriously, now. Don't buy any more candy or soda or anything. Just don't. When a craving hits eat a fruit or something. Your taste buds will naturally adjust and you will find fruits sweet and candy will eventually become too sweet and you will eventually wonder why you even liked it. It's not going to be easy but it's entirely possible to do, I did it and plenty of other people have.

dont beat yourself up if you relapse, just remember your goals and get back on it

Do you think that my skin is permanently fucked?

camera doesn't do it justice you have to examine it yourself and be sure to do overexert it with things like really hot showers often
i've been lurking for a bit but one day i noticed a fresh stretch mark forming next to my belly button and went on a fast to immediately stop it
i didn't have the will power though and now even if get lean it'll never look good

>not overexert it

You need to realize food really isn't that great, it's only fuel to your body, nothing else

>"Fitness" isn't something reserved for other people. No one was born running marathons or benching 500 pounds. They had to work for it.

masterfully put user.

72 hour fasting made me realize what actual hunger is and how it is so different from my impulse to eat when bored or out of habit or for pleasure ect. Down 40lbs this year another 40 to go tho

Im soon turning 27 and I dont want to look like this anymore.
Im a piece of shit that doesn't like to eat

Do any of you have any suggestions on what I can do? Should I just do cardio till I drop?

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literally just lift bro. just eat normally and lift. that is all you have to do. it isn't magic.

Get myfitnesspal. Record all of the shit you put into your fat fucking mouth. Your fat ass will go into withdrawals and you will want to kill yourself. You will most likely fail because you have no self control which is why you look like a pile of chewed bubble gum.

Cool watch

Whats your daily diet like right now?
Height? Weight?

>when lobbyist are so good that people believe them almost 3 decades later

Join us, search the catalog for /fat/, your people are in here and we're making it

Want to lose weight? Do these:
No Fap.
No pillow.
Cold Shower.
No shoes.
Sleep on your stomach. It pushes all the fat out.

first you need a rope, so buy a rope. Then we will talk.

Based and motivationpilled