Confess your gym crimes user

Confess your gym crimes user

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I wear headphones and havent said more than "are you using this?" In 16months of gym 5 days a week

I put the 80lb dumbells in the slot for the 5lbs

I shit in the showers and just walk away

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I wear cut off jean shorts to drive the faggots crazy

I check out roasties directly instead of using a mirror.

Crying in the gym

I smile at guys and girls but they never smile back at me

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I asked a girl if she was working out

I leave a full pl8 on everything I use. If they cant lift it; they have to take it off

I do modified 5/3/1 compounds but usually just skip the 5s and go straight to 3s and 1s because I'm lazy

same but I'm on my 13th month

I loudly talk about far right politics with my mates in between slamming the weights while I deadlift.


Gym has been like the only place I haven't socialized much. Most people in there seem to odd or too self conscious so I just do my thing and get out. Outside I'm comfortable talking to most people and even start conversations when appropriate.

I only go to a circuit training gym.

Honestly you can pretty much do whatever you want so long as you have a smile on your face. I lift barefoot sometimes, take off my shirt occasionally, make a lot of noise and roughhouse on the equipment and nobody gives a shit. Just be nice and friendly and you're good.

I take a known testosterone boosting substance daily. Aside from that I'm not sure what it does

I take all my showers at the gym, even if I'm not doing anything in the gym that day. Nobody has called me out on it and hot water is expensive.

>7 months into the new gym
>haven't told anyone my name yet

new to going to the gym but are you supposed to talk to people?? i only say hi to my past trainer but thats it. I do wanna talk to the guy i always see cause hes hot and i see him looking at me i want him to blow my back out at the shower room damn

I pretty much only nod to the other regulars. My only interaction is if someone asks me for a spot lol.

i never wipe my seat

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I'm currently lifting at 2:30am. I never lift before midnight. Is that bad?

same, i mean im not dumb enough to think wiping down some germ ridden bench is going to make it less disgusting, if anything the salt in my sweat helps neutralize all the germs lurking

I smoke a little weed and go work out.

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What if people see you and give you the stink eye?

I go to planet fitness though... Lol

I do this sometimes too. As long as it's not drenched.

I only wipe down my equipment like 1/4 of the time. No one seems to give a shit anyway. I wipe it down if I'm super sweaty or there's lots of people around.

Also I dont wear deodorant but I usually wear a sweater that contains the stink. I'm not really there to socialize or interested in the vast majority of women I see there so I dont really care if I smell halfway through my workout desu.

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I listen to swedish death metal exclusively whileni workout but anytime im asked what i listen to I say
>katay pay
>tee swiff

I also bang the receptionist ever since i left her a 20 dollar tip

I sing the same stupid hymn under my breathe iver and over but u can still tell because jm breathing hard and i sweat everywhere you could wipe all day you wont get all my juice

I leave my belt on when I do curls

Where did you go to school?

I say
really loud and angry when i finish a tough rep/set

It's a good thing i home gym

I cry between sets.

i didn't do abs today because i fucking hate doing them. good thing im on a permabulk.

I jacked off in the shower room this one time

do u bring soap with you?

I showered at my gym before. I brought shampoo and then realized I didn't need it and felt weird about it. But I wore flip flops so I got that much right.

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I wear a tank top with a pic of Goku ssb kaioken in his battle stance smiling.

I never wipe off any of the stuff I use even though I sweat like an animal

I don’t have a program, I just do the muscles I didn’t do last day

I also turn my glutes towards QTs whenever lifting

This is why you also post in no gf threads

not this

I have yet to wipe down the treadmill. I’ll wipe down the benches but the treadmill seems kinda pointless. You don’t touch where I sweat

yep, also while wearing shorts myself

I honestly feel bad about this. I didnt care when it was me and my bros going at random times but now ive been going early morning and its the same few people there. At least i say
To the counter guy

I owe you one hearty kek you based irritating bastard

>feeling guilty about doing what you want to do
the absolute state...

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Same but I'm going for 5 years now, be it only 3 days a week.

i dont rerack my weights

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He cute

It seems rude af is what i mean. Like all the early regulars usually acknowledge each other or actually talk. Then its like heres this douchebag (me) who thinks hes too good to talk to anyone

if they have an ounce of emotional awareness, they know not everybody is talkative. some people just want to be left alone and decent people recognise that even if they don't understand it.

I had my first gf at 12 yrs old and she was hottest chick in my entire area ty

That doesn't make you a dbag. In fact if other people think that about you just because you haven't talked to them, wouldn't they just be projecting negativity at you and in turn acting very similarly to a "d-bag"? I mean c'mon. Some people can be quick to judge because you wont talk to them and then they refuse to make a move to understand the situation further by not talking to you? What?

Germ ridden from what? The sweat that people immediately clean off of it after use? You're the fucking moron who neccesitates rules, user.

Thank you user. I dont do to the gym to socialize and hate when random thots try and talk to me.

I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because I remember I hate lifting and love running.

She's cute

>I also bang the receptionist ever since i left her a 20 dollar tip
I have so many questions

I haven't said anything to anyone since my friend got married and goes to a different gym.
If a situation comes up where I'd have to talk to someone I'll just avoid it and do something else


Vampire mode

I was so out of oxygen from a set once I walked into the women's bathroom by mistake, nobody caught me.

i don't do squats or deadlifts. in fact, i skip legs entirely.
i lift upper body 6x/week

Is it nice in there? I hear they have couches.

>two squat racks in the entire gym
>everytime I go to the gym I take up one for most of my workout
>do my squats, bench, and rows (Madcow) for 1 hour
>Afterwards, might do hip thrusts, romanian deadlifts, floor press, or weighted pull-ups in the cage adding another 10-20 minutes
>I'm 6'3'' and 100 kg and outlift nearly everyone in my gym
>Betas never challenge my right to the rack
>Occasionally see a sissy middle aged KEKOLD staring at me in the mirror, wanting to use MY rack


It 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) at the gym, and the A/C is out of order. I did my workout + cardio shirtless today. I'm not ever gonna apologize for that.

You don't tip the gym receptionist? I thought everyone did..

I exclusively take dumps at the women's bathroom because it's not covered in piss.

I like to fuck with gym thots. I give them a smile and then they immediately go into their slow ineffective ass routine while occasionally looking over with a smile. one time I managed to get 3 of them doing this at the same time. it was surreal. hot guy feels, everytime you even accidentally smile at a girl they freak out and maximum mating ritual engaged.

Based. Ive only spoken to 3 people at my gym. 2 dudes that i spot and get spotted by and the reception chick i smashed

Spent the last 1.5 years getting shitty workouts feeling super sick and nauseous after, so that I began lessening how intense it was and when that didn’t stop me from puking I started skipping workouts. Dropped weights to try some pushups and chins but was still getting sick and having to cut it short. The other day I realized I was holding my breath on every single set for the entire workout. Tried breathing and doing a simple pushup and chin up workout and was able to keep going nonstop, not only did I not get sick but my muscles took a while to tire out. Also felt really good after the workouts. Feel dumb but I’m glad I figured out what I was doing wrong

i'm studying an extra qualification while working full time, so for the last 2 months my gym sessions have been 30-40mins and cardio only

I took up a whole power cage during busy rush hour to OHP 55lbs.

squatted without a plug in several times this week

Every time I lift I imagine a small string attached to the bar helping me push it up when I approach failure, since I have no friends or bros to spot with.

based & redpilled

post body

How could you forget to breathe lol?


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I want to start doing this but I know all the libtards in my gym would have me kicked out

I count the bar

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>gym closes at 23am so I can't lift in the middle of the night
I wish I could try it some day