Just lift bro

>just lift bro
>*10 years later*

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Lifting actually helps prevent back issues when someone's form is good.

I did diddly 1 week ago and felt a sharp pain. Not sure what it was but it finally stops hurting after a week. Gotta lower the weight and film my form. And do some stretching.

shouldnt have deadlifted

thats why you skip deadlifts

There is a reason chad only does machines and dumbbell curls and leaves the cope lifts for fat incels

You’re not chad

>i do deadlifts with perfect form yet it still fucked my back!!

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should have deadlifted

Why did this make me laugh so hard

>tfw I made that thread and people are shitposting with it
I've finally made it, reddit

sage advice

That's why you should take the calisthenics pill.

I hurt my hip doing squats, there was like one second and I got a shooting pain
for a year since then I've occasionally felt a shooting pain in my hip

>does horrible form with lots of weight
>wonders why back is fucked
If you cannot get your form right, maybe you should use the hexbar instead.

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>I’m so glad I did all those pushups and pullups...

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Keep curving wormchad

What's with all these fatty cope threads?

>I'm so glad I sharted in mart and never did anything more strenuous than picking up a burger

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Fuck squats and fuck deadlifts, just do split squats/landmine squats and lunges.

haha fuck off. Deadlifting is for dorks who have a thing for self harm.

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To be fair, the jews were homeless for significant periods of time during their origins, esp. during Exodus.

You get back pain from having a weak back retard. Not a strong back

> Not doing daily zercher screams
Enjoy your disc slips

>just lift bro
>*10 years later*

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i remember this thread
who dis

Sorry you can't into proper form, dyel

>He believes the Jewish mythology about being enslaved in Egypt

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Ancient non-Jewish and non-Christian historians often report Moses and the Exodus. It's simply historical fact that the Jews did come out of Egypt to their current location

For instance the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus in his Library of History, book 40, chapter 3 at attalus.org/translate/diodorus40.html) wrote that "In ancient times a great plague occurred in Egypt, and many ascribed the cause of it to the gods, who were offended with them [because of] the multitudes of strangers of different nationalities, who lived there and made use of their foreign rites in religious ceremonies and sacrifices…Therefore the native inhabitants concluded that, unless all the foreigners were driven out, they would never be free from their miseries. All the foreigners were forthwith expelled…the majority of [them] descended into a country…which is now called Judaea"

Lots of others like the Egyptian historian Manetho and Roman historian Pompeius Trogus say the same.

Back to HS history with you

>go 6 days a week PPl for 9 months
>make massive gains
>take one week off for vacation
>come back and fuck knee up heavy while squatting
>throw off rhythm
>trying to cut to compensate for sudden drop in gym autism
>right rotator goes to shit
>everything starts going to shit
>back to skinnyfat
Fuck this gay hobby

I do that to my own threads

You gotta deload after a break, I made the same mistake with my lower back squatting, luckily it wasn't serious

More like deadlifting. Surprised more people don't take an anatomical view of deadlifts, instead of just copying what you seen 'le strongmen' doing. Think about it: you are putting hundreds of pounds of pressure on your lowerback to raise the barbell. Don't be a fucking sheep, it's how people like Ronnie Coleman absolutely destroyed themselves.

The funny thing is, it's the opposite.
That picture is the before picture. Then the guy hits gym. And few months later his back pain is pretty much gone forever now that his back is stronger.

>Be in place
>Be jewish
>Do jewish shit
>Annoy people
>Get cast out
>Get to new place
Rinse and repeat. The absolute jewst.

>why yes I am an edgy 12 year old, how could you tell?

>be boogeyman
>get blamed for everything
>get kicked out
>new society sees they were a boogeyman so everything must be their fault
But let's revise history because Jow Forums told me jew bad

The jews were hired as architects and paid for their work
They weren’t slaves


Post nose with timestamp

This was one of the biggest reasons I started lifting. Seeing my parents at 50 with NO back issues, versus all my friends' parents (and others their age) who can barely get out of bed without complaining about their backs... definitely inspiring. Both of my parents have been lifting for decades.

Yeah because most people here are pulling 700+ pounds.

>these are the people giving you fitness advice

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i'm trying so hard to remember what fallacy this is (going from one extreme to the other thinking that it's an argument), does anyone know?

yeah, the semite people never did anything wrong,, nor did they enslave anybody, just ignore the 20 or 30 times they got murdered and kicked out of every fucking place they ruled or took up residence in bro.

They were expelled from 109 countries, each time being for very similar reasons, and you believe there was not one single time they did something wrong?

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>country's religion bans money loaning
>jewish people do it instead
>ruler borrows way more than he can afford to pay back
>"lol i'll just kick the jews out then I won't have to pay them back"

repeat 109 times

Banking was viewed as a cunt's profession for centuries, the jews got good at it and used it to subvert rules, they also invented loaning out imaginary money on bank notes.

As it turns out, undermining the rulers and trying to usurp them while stealing the wealth is kinda looked down upon.


The jews were expelled from 109 countries because of 109 cases of stealing from the jews.
What about the twenty popes that expelled the jews because it says in the Talmud that all non-jews are subhuman?

Literally the best thing you can get out of lifting is zero back pain.

Our backs can handle more reps and sets then any other part of our body. But without lifting the muscle fibers never learn to work properly and you complain about back pain your entire life.

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That's a pretty sneaky way to get people to give you money, based jews for seeing through his lies.


>Being a backlet


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Why are you posting this on Jow Forums if you don't like lifting?

so dont use the services
banking is essential for economic growth lmao
are you a communist?

Can you post some information on this? I haven't heard that before

So the reply post to this; the post that these guys:
are replying to was saying that Jewish enslavement in Egypt was Jewish mythology and not factual

Why was the post removed? Since when has Jow Forums been a place where spouting off about Jews was frowned upon?

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Because he is one of ((((th*m))))

Derailing the thread.

are rdls a good sub for conventional diddly? if not, then what