>day 1419 nosex
>starting to feel more energized in the morning
Day 1419 nosex
>high school gf left me in september 2011
>around 2900 days of nosex
Holy shit, I pretty much qualify as a virgin again.
it's not talked about enough but men actually regain their virginity after about a year
women can never regain it though
>Turned 24 yr old yesterday.
>Going on 8,767 days of nosex.
Am I gonna make it bros
>day ~7700 nosex
10950 to make it bros
stay focused
2 days no sex.
Less relaxed. More depressed.
Do you fap tho?
I'm on day 236 of NoFap. Feels real good. I have had sex maybe 20 times since starting tho.
Around 3 years of nofap and 50 days of nosex. Wife gave birth a mont ago, so I guess it won't be long until I relapse on the sex department.
>day 496
I don't even know what i want anymore. I don't know if i want sex, my libido spikes from dead to "fury of a thousand suns". I don't know if i want just cuddling (albeit slightly sexual cuddling). If i want a gf or just someone to use for both or either. I don't know if i want a tomboy, or just a quirky girl, or why i'm not interested in normie chicks at all. Actually having a relationship seems like a lot of work for something that could just end any day on her whim.
There's one chick who wants to be in a relationship with me, but i don't see her as gf material at all. I want to fuck her but only for the sake of breaking the streak, and we can't get on the same page.
It works if you work it.
Day 6936 of nosex here
Day 1 of nosex
still, having a gf is both mentally and physically exhausting
Year 19 of no sex.
>day 12,775 of no sex
>finally gained the ability of flight
Being married is shit but maybe better than being single
absolutely ascended
>TFW 8753 days on no-sex / no-fap
Get on my level, punk.
>8.5k days of no intercourse
i will reset this counter
i will make it
8200 days no sex, trying to make it to 10k wish me luck bros
A gift of unimaginable gains awaits those who stay true to the path of light.
I'm fucking afraid of marriage and long term relationship, I feel like I'm cornered.
I care about my gf, but I think it was better when I was alone
>haven't had sex in seven years
>there's an 18 year old vietnamese girl who clearly wants my dick
>feel like a pervert for wanting to fuck a girl 10 years younger than me
>Day 6570+ of nosex
Yeah baby none of that gay stuff for me
>meanwhile the love of my life is cocked routinely by a 60 yrs old
Year 21 of no sex here and at my current state of body and mind im not seeing myself lose my virginity for another couple years.
Don't worry user. You'll be 21 and a virgin in no time. 19 felt like fucking last week.
I’m 28 and know I’m a fucking pervert. I’d bang 16 year olds if it was legal in my state