>cheat day

Live a little

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>posts my breakfast
>calls it a cheat day
Live a little

>Implying food is a reason to live
>Not realizing that the only things which make life worth living are suffering, love and being at peace with nature

You're never going to make it

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>Having that many berries on cheesecake
That's gross man.

Sorry that was my appetizer

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post body

I ate chocolate cake for 3 days after my birthday recently

Limp-wristed feminine voluptuary, not going to make it

Post body and lifts

Not going to take shirtless selfies for the sake of online bullying (would be ghey), but I'll post some lifts (all 5x5)

Overhead Press- 150
Deads- 300

535 Jefferson dead
405 squat

Looks disgusting

I can't eat sugar anyway

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you are supposed to have a cheat day every while and then, just don't go apeshit and eat 4000kcal surplus

Doesn't even matter if you're a fat faggot at heart

Go ahead user

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Why is the gains goblin jacked? It doesn't make any sense.

Woah user dont get angry take a seat and eat some pizza il just hold a bit of your gains

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He's taking everyone's gains.

I just take a little bit user that extra slice isn't going to kill you or undo everything

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oh? you like? all natty, bro

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Keep coping with your shit lifts then. I’m most likely younger than you too LMAO

the idea of the gains goblin is that within all of us exist two people; one is the person we are and the other the person we could be
within the context of lifting everytime you skip a workout the person you could be grows stronger while the person you actually are stagnates, therefore the disparity between you and the potential you grows
thats why in the cartoons the gains goblin is jacked, in the cartoons the gains goblin represents the potential of somone not trying hard enough so their inner potential (the gains goblin) is massif relative to the person in reality
makes perfect sense and is honestly my favorite fit meme due to its deeply philosophical undertones

fuck im stoned

I can do 315 deads 3x5 but can only do 150 bench what gives

bro that better be kg...
