How to get over depression bros?

How to get over depression bros?

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Lift and fraud can deal with mild cases.
Give me some time I'll lurk for you a paper establishing correlation between low testosterone and depression.

You fucking grow a pair and do something with your pathetic life.

I swear, 100% of sissies who whine about how depressed they are don't do fuck-all about it except wallow in it.

Should I take something bros?
I just feel so crushed. I can't get any momentum going. Just feels like my lifes over and I have completely fucked it.

Anecdotal evidence I have shows that either CBT practitioners are incompetent or it does a shitty job. A few guys are on this shit for years without any tangible progress.

Anti-depressants mostly are placebos, by the way. If you are in states, wait until new generation based on ketamine passes FDA requirements. That'll be a real breakthrough in fighting depression.

look up St. John's Wort
just stop being sad all the time haha

as I promised

Honestly man do you work out? Working out is what saved me from deep depression and anxiety just feeling that pump and working out outside in nature breathing in clean oxygen away from the gym bros and artificial lighting and mirrors. Honestly go for a hike in nature and discover the beauty of being away from the all the BS and EMPTY YOUR MIND

just be happy lol

And OP ending up overdoing it, spiking his cortisol to the fucking moon, making depression even worse.

Fuck you lol


depression isn't about feeling sad. Successful people have depression. Depression is a state of not feeling anything positive that you should. When you get that promotion, have a good sweat, meet a new girl and things click. all the chemicals in your brain that make you feel good when those things happen just...stop. You feel nothing.
you can't will depression away. You need help. Sometimes it's just therapy or a community that helps you get past trauma. other times, your brain is just broken.

funny how you dont say anything about meeting new friends, its only about meeting a new girl. maybe stop dedicating your entire life and all your happiness/depression to women you faggot

it's almost as if depression makes it near impossible to not wallow in it
medications do work but usually you have to try several until you find one that you respond to well.
Exercise + St. John's Wort is a better combo

try everything before trying drugs. therapy is probably the first step. if that doesn't work, research drugs and research the addictive aspects of those drugs. The goal with drugs is to get your brain "used to" being not depressed, and then wean off the drugs and the positive habits developed on the drug remain.
this does not always succeed for a variety of reasons.
another options is to get with a group of people you trust, have one sober person sitting, and everyone take magic mushrooms and talk about your problems. That shit is like therapy in fast forward.

not that user but are you really that fucking dense?

Drink 4g ginger 3g tribulus terrestris tee. Take 4g of maca powder and mix 10g pure cocoa into your food, preferably your breakfast.
All of these 4 have antidepressant values, especially the cocoa. Take them daily and you'll get better.
If you want a fast remedy, eat 5-6 gloves of garlic, you'll stink like hell but it will give you a temporary high.

testosterone/eq and dbol

If I've learned anything from /fraud/ it's that steroids will not fix your problems.


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Live a healthy lifestyle

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Look here

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This. You’re better of adopting a healthy lifestyle and going to monthly therapy. Doing meds is a meme unless you’re schizo or undeniably mentally unstable. All shit like Lexapro and Zoloft — or whatever flavor of the month pill is being pushed — is nerf your emotions, make you torpid and fat.

positive self image is key


Honestly the only thing that really stirs up my depression is not having any friends. Having a gf just made life bearable, but I can't spend all my time with her as she has friends and her own life. I've been somewhat successful in keeping her from finding out that I have no friends but this depressive slump is starting to make her concerned.

How can I make some friends lads? I'm 20 and in uni but everyone at school already has their own clique and friend group from highschool.

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u cant

How do I make sure I go lift weights 3xWeek when all I want is to just die?

get a GF. I lost mine and now I'm back to the good old depression grind. The only thing that keeps me going is the gym, and my parents hate that I lift and have that crabs in a bucket mentality. They say since they are physically weak there is no point exerting myself in the gym and that it's a waste of time.

Bumping this. I'm similar but broke with gf 2 weeks ago. Just coping with it rn, only thing holding me is a friend that's just a freak with no friends and always tells me to go crash at his house for drinks and vidya

>How to get over depression bros?
It depends on what is causing it.
There is no easy answer.
But you can try different random things that worked for others.