Just failed 116 days of no porn

just failed 116 days of no porn

forgive me bros.

Attached: just.png (454x556, 269K)

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it just makes today day zero. nbd

It's not like you lost all progress. Some progress sure, but not all. Stay strong

no prob, bro. setbacks is natural when one is trying to quit something. just keep it up.

Keep going man. The past is the past.

What did you fap to?

was it with a girl? haha jk.

but seriously, don't let this slip into a 2 month daily habit again, just keep calm and continue nofap.

i broke my 2 year streak this week. had been having amazing sex with my gf for the past few months, tried to fuck my gf today and couldnt get hard. noporn is not a fucking meme

no need to worry. you saved yourself from getting an erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer. you did nothing wrong by stopping your meme. fap once every 1-2 days and never watch porn. porn is bad, fapping in moderation is healthy.

Not that I disagree with no porn but this is definitely all in your head. One porn viewing and you can’t get hard? No chance. It’s about consistent porn usage.

yea i agree it's in my head but if i didnt give in then it wouldn't be in my head in the first place. was also 2 porn viewings. im done for good this time though

This is an important question

iF op DOESN't Respond confirmed gay porn

lol, man, with 116 days, you managed to reset your brain for sure

you made it you fuck. you can go once a week now

To this doujin

I came to believe this task is meant to be unreachable.
I am on a 383 days no sugar, 302 days of cold shower, 53 days waking up 5pm, 53 days 10k running.
I did one time a 4 month no masturbation, but at that time I was depressed my libido was low, I came to believe that was one of the reasons. But when the blues went away. I was getting erection all the time, every woman was sexual to me. I came just from kissing. Then went home masturbate, when i came i did not even lose my boner.
You will only, may be, able to stop masturbation by getting married.


116 is one hell of a streak desu, you did good.
Just start again.

Wait bud explain your blues

oh god there are little people with a more punchable face
the expression really adds to it

Attached: beiber_enhanced.jpg (930x975, 437K)

No fap is just a false conclusion to the 7 day test boost study. In reality no fap is only good the first 7 days, after that test goes to normal.

based, i feel like this will be a quality fap

The benefits are not just T related. You also become a better man.

He said NoPorn, plus there’s a ton of chemicals in your body that affect you other than test.

thats amazing good for you user. That's an amazing streak. We win or we learn you will be back on the noporn train soon.