Tfw I will go to the gym with my mom today and teach her the basics of strength training

>tfw I will go to the gym with my mom today and teach her the basics of strength training
It makes me happy that she's trying to be healthy.
Are your parents working out Jow Forums?
And if not, why not get them into it?

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my mom almost started crying when she found out i count calories

My mom works out and knows alot about diet

Send your Mom round my way and I’ll give her a workout haha

>doesn't have a mom

I don't know. I know my parents, but I've never discussed anything health related with either, so I have no clue about their thoughts on the subject. Last time I saw my mom she didn't look like she works out. Dad looks like a basic dude so he might, dunno. Although I haven't seen him in about 13 years.

Because that’s the gayest thing I’ve ever heard
>That dyel that brings his mum to the gym

sux 2 b u lol

What's with Americans and being ashamed of having family?

>Not wanting people around you to better themselves
You're a couple fries short of a happy meal aren't you?

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