I miss him so much guys

I miss him so much guys...

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It's been 10 fucking years since he was alive, time to move on.
No one will ever be able to replace him and his charm, but desu, looking back, hes kind of cringe at moments.

Fuck your fake gods, 8 HOUR ARMS IS ONLY THE FIRST TRIAL

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>Zyzz died 10 years ago
>Still haven't made it

I remember being in the military when my friend sent me a text: "Zyzz is die" I replied "No" and I've been hitting the gym hard ever since.

Feels like it was yesterday but it was already 8 years ago wtf

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No (You) don't

Yeh, well, I miss her

I miss jbw more than I miss zyzz

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that fucking gymcel next to him

We're all gonna make it brahs

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Yep, my friend AltaVistad Zyzz, and found ou he was dead. Then he wrote to me on MSN messenger, that "Zyzz be toast" and i answered "not"!

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Would it be gay to wear shorts like that to the gym? Wore short shorts in the military but that's the military.

Who cares?

Imagine being such a beta faggot that you could miss another fucking man that you'd never even met.

What happened to all Fitizens of the time? I remember Tinytrip and there was that black dude training with m00t.

This place sure has changed over the years

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I would miss you too if you died user :)

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To the gym? Kind of gay honestly

out running while half neked on a college campus?

Be sure to take rests next to hotties and ask for their #s

Why? Were you his personal cum deposit?

There can be only 1 and its not that russonegro
Greg Plitt would have respected the 8 hour arm work out

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That look gay to me.

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Are thay filming a gay porn

You sound like a little bitch

Shut up faggot