Am I big yet?

Am I big yet?

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oy vey

Here is my before to compare

Attached: 4A3F1DA7-E44C-4633-96F6-00198915991D.jpg (612x612, 59K)


Lies that a YouTuber


Attached: DHJNBVSXoAA0AU3.jpg (1200x900, 256K)

Bigg faggot maybe.


shoo shoo Jow Forumsscum

did they fire amber frost yet

me in the middle

Lmao came here to post this

You all meme but Felix is Jow Forums incarnate
> Gyms most of the time
> Plays vidya the rest of the time
> No gf
> Has massive self esteem issues

all fields
grow up leftcel

babbies first vein

Big faggot is the only thing I see

Get to work manlet

>gyms most of the time
>looks like that

He has trained jiu jitsu and Muay Thai he could honestly fuck most people up

Good for him. He can come and try to redistribute my wealth.

>has trained
translation: he can not honestly fuck most people up. When was the last time he trained and how frequently was he doing it?
I'm going to let you in on a little secret naive leftcel: avoid seeking validation by associating your identity with hobbies. Instead do the thing that makes you what you want to be. You will never get what you want just by thinking about it or talking about it.

Why does his face look like its melting

chernobyl accident

old skinsuit. (((he))) must shift soon