Seeing this girl for over a month now

>Seeing this girl for over a month now
>Taking it slow, just kissing and foreplay stuff
>We agree to get tested before sex "just to be sure"
>Get tested, I'm clean, she has HSV-1 herpes.
>She comes to my place crying to tell me calling herself dirty and stuff
>Asked me to let her know if I still want to see her.

I need to make a decision here, but I need some data. How contractible and bad is HSV-1?

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Other urls found in this thread: 19&version=NIV

Drop the bitch and walk away

Nevermind I have figured it out. Thanks anyway guys

Not op.

She's making you take it slow but had no hesitation with men before you. You're being used. You deserve better user.

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huge slut, stay away retard
not worth sinking your effort into

Why the fuck do STDs exist?

This is true
To punish degenerates 19&version=NIV

Now how dis they test for herpes. That’s the question. She either had a huge sore to begin with and she knew or you’re bullshitting.

Should be fine if you have a condom. People that raw dog it when they have no visible symptoms only get it like 20% of the time if they have sex regularly for a year.

she's forcing op to take it slow yet she's a big enough slut to get herpes. try and guess if she knew retard.

Because fluid exchange is a good way for diseases to spread.

Hsv 1 is spread through oral to oral aka kissing or through sexual contact. Is he gonna wear a condom on his mouth??

Herpes isnt that harmful, quite alot of people have it, it doesn't have permanent effects

You’re a retard for thinking STD’s make her a slut. Could be she had sex only once before and condom broke.

some africans decided to fuck monkeys

Nigger what? It's literally a life-long disease.

Oh wow, you get some itchy sores on your genitals once or twice a year, big fucking deal


>having sex with randoms or people with STD's

based and knightpilled
I'm sure she's a virtuous princess, ahoy hoy!

Oh wait it's not even genital herpes, it's oral herpes, oh yeah noes I get an itchy bump on my mouth twice a year, Imma gonna die

Yes it's a fucking big deal you idiot.

he's gonna dump you anyways stacy might as well accept it and start lying

No it fucking isn't, I've had it since I was a kid it happen maybe twice a year and it lasts literally less than 2 days and doesn't get big if you don't scratch it and put cream on it, it doesn't make you sick

50% of people have it anyway

>dealing with what is at best a lifelong annoyance for someone you've only been seeing for a month

OP should GTFO dodge while he can

Don’t do it user it ain’t worth it

Always use a condoms bros unless you see her test results

Your mother's a whore

this is bait but for any idiot reading this hsv1 is fucking cold sores, anyone who’s ever kissed someone or shared a drink has it for fucks sake

>All the brainlets in this thread who don't know the difference between oral and genital herpes

I got HSV-1 from making out with a girl at a party super drunk. Didn't even get laid (probably lucky in retrospect)

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Yeah stop trying to spread your propaganda actual rate is like 20%

Lifelong annoyance that happens less than 3 times a year is more like a minor inconvenience, a cold is 100x worse

>even considering it
Have sex with clean people

God's punishment


You don't have to have had sex to have hsv1 you fucking plebs. I got it from kissing my mom when i was in pre-school. Its not an STD. Bunch a teenage tards in this board jesus fucking christ

stay the fuck away

It's higher than that, 67% of the world population under 50 has HSV-1.

So literally everyone except incels and virgins like you.

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There's a very important distinction to be made here OP.

She has HSV1 which is usually associated with oral herpes. If she only has it in her mouth then it's something tons of people have and get outbreaks from yearly. Super common.

If it's HSV1 in her genital area bail. NOT worth the risk. You might feel like a dick for breaking off because of it, I did too, but it's the right decision.

Stop listening to adam jewover

>the UN

Yeah if you kiss her on her bottom lips. Hsv-2 is the lip herpes

your mom is a whore

>Hsv-2 is the lip herpes
No, hsv-2 is the genital one

So is chicken pox
You have the virus forever but no one gives a shit bc symptoms are negligible.

People get zits more often than cold sores from herpes

enjoy your aids

break it off dude. Imagine you having to explain you've got herpes to your future wife. What if your future dream girl rejects you because you catch it? Sounds harsh but is she worth that already

Based. I'm glad you made the jump from Reddit to Jow Forums, we really need more of these woke opinions here

Unironically have sex

this but ironically

this x 1000

I can't believe dudes don't have self respect and waste time courting women who gave their pussy to previous dudes after 20 mins or so. If some guy got laid with that girls in an hour then you are an idiot for wasting months or even weeks to fuck her.

Lmao she's playing you. She knew she got herpes. She was just hoping you got an std as well. I guess she underestimated how much of a virgin loser you are. Now she's in her sobbing role to make you feel bad for her. She's looking for a beta provider, buddy

No user, cut it up
She is using you, she will use you as a toy-wallet
and dump you with another faggot when she wants or cuck you
Get yourself a loyal wife, no a aids filled cow

I had this happen except it was hpv
thought about it for a weekend then dumped her

Find someone else. You will contract it sooner or later and it will be an issue for any future partner you see.

Jesus fucking Christ you saved the fuck out of yourself
What made you want to get her tested

>She has mouth herpes on her vagina
It could literally be from touching herself. Who gives a fuck

I have hsv-1. My mother gave it to me when I was a kid due to ignorance of what it was.

For all of you saying it's harmless when it is dormant it resides in your ganglia. It potentially has a link to Alzheimer's.

Here's info from a recent study, this can all be found on wikipedia: A 2018 retrospective study from Taiwan on 33,000 patients found that being infected with herpes simplex virus increased the risk of dementia 2.56 times (95% CI: 2.3-2.8) in patients not receiving anti-herpetic medications (2.6 times for HSV-1 infections and 2.0 times for HSV-2 infections)

Basically, even if you have HSV-1 and you don't experience frequent cold sores, you should be taking an antiviral medication to reduce the chance of dementia or other potential negative side effects.

A virus doesn't just occupy space in your head and not cause damage.

Drop her user, like other anons are saying she obviously didn’t take it slow if she contracted it, you ARE being used and the only reason she’s acting this way is because no one wants her anymore, if she was clean, she’d be off fucking niggers every night

dump your mom, incest is degenerate anyways


how did you start having sex with your mom, did you initiate or did she


>getting tested for stds when you have no symptoms

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Ur a fucking retard she literally could have had one other partner in her life and contracted the Herpes. The dude she could have gotten it from could have not known. Dumb ass faggot

>making excuses for a whore
not gonna make it

so no one on Jow Forums then

>using WHO statistics
I already knew most of Afrika has herpes user, no need to remind us.

Not even! She is a christian woman, she has never had sex before, surely she just got it from kissing her friends on the forehead.

what's wrong with fucking your own species?

LOL From kissing his mom!!!!!


oh god Jow Forums, never change

bad news for you btw

Don't do it bro not worth it to get some nasty shit for a whore.
HOWEVER your OP says you kissed her so chances are you have HSV-1 already. Welcome to the hell pit.

Yikes. KJV or gtfo

dumb that whore

>guys it's ok, half of the world are tainted and have no standards!

Germ theory is fake. This chick is probably malnourished and stressed so her immune system isn't functioning properly. If you are healthy it won't be an issue.

It's not a big deal if you have it but but why get it if you can avoid it?