How do you throw a punch Jow Forums
How do you throw a punch Jow Forums
Wasn't there an exactly the same thread couple of days ago
Have someone show you how to do it and then practice on inanimate objects and willing partners. It's a lot like sex honestly.
Put your hand near your chin throw and curve your fist
Leg drahve.
Put your hips into it
>throw your arms behind your back
>run full speed at the target
Yes. But let's be honest. These aren't going away anytime soon
Drive your dick into it
Yeah for like at least a month
I once saw a kid in highschool throw a Superman punch by just sticking out both fists and running at someone. It didn't work.
>He hasn't realized most threads are made by bots for data mining
Oh shit
I'm the one who made it
Was he autistic?
No he was superman
Be confident in your hands' ability to knockout from any position. 7+ of boxing and this is the best advice I can give you. No amount of technique will save you when you don't have the delusion of being able to knock out even with the slightest tap on the chin, landing jabs is all about confidence.
In short: be yourself
>just be urself bro
From the hips.
I dont
The best skill to have is being able to tell if someone knows how to fight. If they do it's best to just keep it moving. A simple heuristic would be to avoid fighting Mexicans, niggers and rednecks. Stick to arabs, jews and urban whites.
What about Italians?
Italians are a bunch of philosophers and boy lovers. Fight them all day. Sicilians, however, are guaranteed to pull a knife or a tire iron on you. Learn the difference, it could save your life. Also, the Irish are just Sicilians, but with an even greater rate of being manlets, and a much bigger chip on their shoulder. The only safe way to fight an Irishman is from afar, but depriving him of his potatoes.
and Spaniards? Frenchmen?
what about slavs like russians?
just use your gun no jutsu
keep your hands loose, squeeze on contact
force equals mass times acceleration , so speed is your only variable to work on
a strong punch starts from the legs
I concur, Italians are flamboyant peacocking mammas boy pwussybwoys that get beat up by their own women. However, in groups they are dangerous and they have a pretty strong mob (hehe mob) mentality. You'll win the confrontation at da klub, but maybe ask the bouncer to leave through back door because that earlier disgraced Paulie is waiting outside with his feckless cousins visiting from Napoli.
Fuck off all summerfags. This is at least the 10th thread along these lines asking fucking middle-school tier bullshit. Saged and reported.
I wish all the mods of this board suffer and despair greatly before they die. You kick out /Sig/ but leave these threads up?
Easy prey, they are usually too drunk and uncoordinated and deluded into buying into their own legend of stronk russian man.
However, if they're dark haired and wearing skinny jeans and have beards that look like amish on jihad - run your ass out of there as quickly as you can. NEVER fuck with the caucasus, brutality is literally written into their genetics.
>just b urself bro
you got the delusion alright. have fun with your sparring partners.
Clench fist, throw all your power and weight into it and break your hand.
i only have like 1 and 3/4ths years of boxing and 4 fights, youre retarded.
This is fucking dead on. You’re a smart fella.
this 1000x
also keep in mind that there is some skinny white kid out there who punches way harder than you and there's nothing you can do about it, he will always punch harder than you
Based maravilla poster
Read championship fighting: explosive punching and aggressive defense. Literally teaches all the basics and get a coach.
>implying there is 1 universal way to punch
Haymakers x999
Jabs x 999
Straights x 999
Upper cuts x 999