Best ways to boost test?

Best ways to boost test?

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Have sex

kill yourself lookism incel skeleton

Jesus christ you guys are obsessed with testosterone. As if that's the reason you're a failure.

pin test

Take prescription drugs that boost test
Inject test

hitting women

some of the best athletes in the world beat women

what’s your test level?

like onions n shit man idk Magnesium, zinc, shit like Sauerkraut. Cardio in moderation is apparently good for test just dont be a marathon runner

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eat a diet with high carbs
lift heavy with high volume
sleep well

Improve your health.

>exercise regularly
>get a good night’s sleep
>have a proper diet


Have a fellow gym goer inject if it into you from behind

Look at images of male models and save them to your computer

Inject it.

Inject test.
>b-but it's unhealthy!
Not at TRT levels. The only downside is that it'll shut down your natural test production.

test patches or injections

>heavy lifting
>steroids (if you wanna go that route)
>heavy leg days
>red meat

the only accurate answer

Back in high school I was renown for slapping women when they annoyed me. Nobody did shit about it though because the girls thought it was attractive apparently.

don't tell them about the onions

Attached: protectTheOnions.jpg (600x800, 55K)

Eat a lot of meat, sleep well, exercise, socialize

Absolute unit of a pussy



You fucking incel.

actually test drops after busting a nut. The longer you go without sex, the more test rises. This way, you become more aggressive and stronger to attract a mate. Its natures way of getting men laid.

That has to be bullshit. The moment I got a gf my beard started growing better, my got better and I started balding

I am curious about this
> Last September (before I started coming to Jow Forums) doc told me I had low test
> asked if exercise could help
> Not enough was the reply
> Became NYRFag
> Started CICO and Lifting
> Already down 80 pounds (was huge fatass)
> Still weakass lifts for the most part (only 2plate for Squat and Diddlys so far) but still improving
Wondering if I will have gone up once I go back this September or if he will try to get me to take something artificial - not sure how I’d feel about that

IMAGINE looking like Delon or Newman
i wouldn't be sitting in this shithole

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The only way to increase test besides steroids is to eat ass

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Test is one of the most important things to a male. It makes you better in almost every aspect of life. Sharper mind, more assertive and dominant personality and of course a stronger, healthier and more attractive body. Testosterone at the womb is the biggest defining factor of the child's future life, as it will greatly affect height, facial structure and muscle recruitment potential.

Low t is terrible for your health, what would be the evolutionary benefit to having a drop in a vital hormone when having sex? an action which is also vital to survival

Sounds like bro science, if anything having a high sex drive would be high t

I didn't say low t. I said LOWER t. There's a difference.
Anyway here's some of the research...

It only lasts a very short time, and after your test goes up by 72%.

try some really competitive sport

over the course of 7 days