What are you afraid of, user? Hop on!

>What are you afraid of, user? Hop on!

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unironically how do I effectively use a rowing machine

I honestly don’t understand why everyone seems to hate these things. They make cardio actually bearable and you get to close your eyes and pretend you’re a viking on your way to pillage some Anglo boypussy for a test boost.

>and you get to close your eyes and pretend you’re a viking on your way to pillage some Anglo boypussy for a test boost
Based. gonna start rowing now

first ~50% is like a dl, youre just holding with mostly straight arms and pushing with legs, then when you get to the point where the handle is like at your knees start pulling with your back mostly like a, well, row, and lean back as you do it
stroke hard but not jerky, like a dl, and on return take it slow and easy, keep stroke per minute low,

I hadn't thought of that user, but from now on it's gonna fuel me.

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I pretend I'm a free Greek on a Trireme. Then the last minute or so you go up to "Ramming Speed."
But, the promise of boipussy is tempting.


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anyone else just completely zone out on the chain going in and out to the sound of the fan during low intensity cardio rowing

olympic level time, user

Fake n gay

Maybe dumb question, but these kill the bottoms of my feet. It always feels like the “chest” part of pic related has been beaten by hammers after like ~5 minutes of rowing. Am I doing something wrong?

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>olympic level time, user
Yeah I'm preparing for Tokyo. Was in Lucerne but not Rotterdam, will be going to Linz-Ottensheim later this year.

Used to do bumps racing at uni (as in you try to row your boat into the boat in front) and our cox would always yell ramming speed as we were closing in to bump. One of the best feelings ever

any of you going to rowontarios or canadian henley?

>do 500m in 2min
>already gassed and want to die
I mean I want to row but it's fuckin hard eh

It's because you aren't doing it right

if you actually have good technique on these things they make you suffer and you will eventually learn to hate them

if you like it its because you haves hit technique and probably rush the slide and bend your arms and drive with 1/4 of your legs and 3/4 of your back at the catch like a fucking retard

I've broken like 3 of the fucking things. Now I try to treat it less violently

Ollie? Stef? There are only so many 541s....

Fucking this
Def trying this

Fucking how
What level is the dampener

all of this is correct, there's some form videos from actual olympic rowers on youtube too

anyone got tips on how to stop my ass burning/cramping when I use this? It's a similar sensation to what you get in your quads during heavy prowler sled push

no, i do it right. every time i push myself to the point where i am practically convulsing when i finish my workout, but i still fucking love it. it's like people who get tattoos because they get addicted to the endorphins, but really they should just row instead

work on your core

try doing 45 minute steady state pieces at 2:00 23 spm

you'll want to kys after 30 minutes

get better flexibility maybe, stretch hamstrings

Unironically this is the only form of cardio I actually enjoy. Set resistance to max, 2k row. Feel like death afterwards but it's worth it.

I was on my crew team and I just pretended I was rowing for the reich before the 1936 olympics, shit was cash

every person i've seen use this slaps the resistance up to 10 and bends the fuck out of their back

7/10 people who use it have also never been on a boat, so they don't know all the power should come from the legs and not their upper body/back. not their fault though.

it is nice and easy to close your eyes once you get into the rhythm.

is that an rp3? That don’t count

we have water rowers at the gym, good shit