Is smoking good for social gains? I have maybe had 10 cigs in my life...

Is smoking good for social gains? I have maybe had 10 cigs in my life, but I always see the cute girls around my Campus smoking outside their dorms at night. The smokers always talk to each other and I know this one girl that ended up marrying a guy she met there.

Besides, a cigarette on a cold night is really comfy.

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ive broken up with girls for being cig smokers, grandma died from lung xancer couldnt give 2 fucks if i get more girls or more friends by fitting in this way, just my opinion u can do w.e u want with ur life

Not worth the pain they give you. It’s true that you meet a lot of people while smoking but trust me it ain’t worth it

Yes. Going for a smoke with a girl you like will get you alone with her, that's important for social gains.
Another cool psychological thing is the Ben Franklin effect(google it) and the easiest way to trigger it is to ask for a smoke or a light.

its smart to have a pack to give away and "have you got a lighter" is always a good conversation starter

yeah same. I didnt care till i lost my dad to it last this year. It really is a shit habit and is horrible for your lungs. I hate it so much i dont even smoke/vape weed. Just eat it

One of the main reasons I haven't quit. It makes everything so much easier. If you're too early to somewhere, you can smoke a cigarette instead of looking like an idiot. If you have to leave, you can always smoke a cigarette to hang out a bit more. Socializing with other smokers is easier. Not being awkward is easier. It is also a good excuse to be alone with a girl if you're in a club or something. You say you wanna smoke a cigarette, she comes with you, and now you can progress further.
It's a great social tool all around. I could list hundreds of settings in which it makes things easier.

This. Don't smoke for yourself, but just enough to be able to smoke socially.

I don't like smoking all that much, but like I said in the OP, sometimes it's just really nice to have one or two.
The girl that I mentioned also quit smoking along with her husband, so that gives me hope as well

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thats so stupid its not even funny

God dammit, why did I have to quit. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

>smoking gal
Not for long

this sounds like a crutch

So? What do you think, we're all gigachads here? I'll take any crutch I can get, my social life is in shambles.

Literally nigger tier behavior. Niggers always ask for a lighter/cig just to get close to you then they pull out a knife and steal your phone and wallet. Whenever someone asks me I always pull out my trusty Glock and tell them "No but I have a gun so fuck off unless you want to get smoked"

yikes, natural selection award goes to u

>t. I don't know how to break the ice

Holy fuck the Autism

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but i do. I dont use smokes, I just straight up ask them is there single and let them know that im into them and if she is then i do what i gotta do. if she says no imove on to the next girl i think is interesting

Tfw still get cravings every week a year after quitting.

Can honestly say looking back, I was mentally sharper and less anxious as a smoker.

Don’t make it a regular thing user, it will never fully leave you

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Nice try, nigger. Around blacks, never relax.

>natural selection
Dude, I'm willing to go fraud, do you really think a little cancer scares me? I won't live past 40 anyway.

But I'm asian

Nice choice of a gun, fag. Glock, really?


i was a pack a day smoker for 10 years. dont do it. shit is gross, people who smoke fucking stink and have yellow fingers and it kills you

>nigger tier behavior
>using a glock

Yellow nigger, black nigger, white nigger. All look the same to me.


theres a reason youre single and i think ive just found it