I feel really embarrassed at the gym. I started last week and I’m still very lost...

I feel really embarrassed at the gym. I started last week and I’m still very lost. The weight section is the worst for me as the guys there are really strong and look like they know what they’re doing, whereas I’m a weakling who doesn’t have a clue about anything. I also start shaking very badly when exercising my legs which looks kind of ridiculous. How to overcome this?

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stop going to the gym

Just like this thread no one in the gym no one cares. You're too small for anyone to notice you. If your legs can't handle the weight use less weight until you learn the movement.

Just keep lifting obviously. Become one of the strong guys that knows what they’re doing.

>embarrassed at the gym
nigga what. just go and do ur shit, nobody cares

Honestly you don't even look that bad right now op. Yeah you're skinny and weak but you're not fat at least. Just keep doing your thing nobody starts buff

None of them care

Being embarassed for being weak at the gym is like being embarassed for being sick at the doctor's office - you are in the exact place to solve your problem why would it be shameful

we all started out as weak retards who didn't know what we were doing. just keep trying. you can learn a lot with the internet, look up anything you're not sure of.

if you give up and stop going to the gym you will never improve and you'll keep being a weak retard who doesn't know what to do at the gym.

it's funny reading these threads and then seeing the gympics / ylyl threads making fun of "weak" people just starting out

this place is pretty hypocritical

Meh, I've been going to the gym for a few years now and I still feel like an idiot most of the time.

Nice to see some encouraging posts and lifting eachother up. We all gonna make it one day I'm sure.

You know what will be even weirder? If you outlift guys who look like they are double the size of you and you are still a skinny twink. Seriously, i am more embarrassed now than i was when my lifts were super shitty.

good post

Do you actually have a program/routine? Start with that. Then make sure you learn the lifts properly. Watch YouTube videos until you memorize the movement and create a mental checklist for every lift. Then make sure you're actually doing it right by watching yourself.

If you know what you're doing, and that you're doing it right, the anxiety should go. The only thing that will still get you maybe is how little weight you can move. But that comes in time.

>being embarrassed that you're not using steroids

good one

>A forum is one person
Based idiot user

Bro just stop giving a shit, you aren't there to impress anyone but yourself

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Keep lifting. Nobody is born with a body of a greek god. I'm a lazy fat fuck and I'm disgusted when I look in the mirror, but I still go to the gym regularly. You think other guys are laughing behind your back or something? No, nobody gives a shit about how much you can lift now. If anything, they'd love to give you some advice on lifting more or correct form. Throw this doubt shit out of your head. Just keep lifting.

Hey Op I have some bad news for you. You have Pectus Excavatum

This isn't entirely true. There are plenty of assholes who go to the gym. It shouldn't deter you though. You have as much right to be there and use the equipment as anyone else. Just focus on yourself while you're there.

my second week I went in and the first thing in my program for that day was inverted rows which I only knew of doing in the squat/power racks, later I learned what a smith machine was

Anyway this big black dude was hogging both racks and a bench to do some circuit thing, I asked if he was using them both and then I sat down a ways away to wait until it freed up. After a few minutes he came over and was like GO USE IT THEN, YOU CAN"T FIND ANYTHING ELSE IN HERE TO DO? Thats why you look like that.

He was easily north of 200lbs and I was 120, I did my stuff but I felt like quitting after that day, I didn't, and I've been going for over a year now

Don't let any bullshit prevent you from bettering yourself

>the world revolves around me bullshit

my man like everyone is saying no one gives a flying fuck about your skinny ass at the gym

you're there to improve yourself that improvement wont show up in a week just keep liftan

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this is an english speaking board please use verbs nigger

>How to overcome this?
Submit your boipucci to the resident bloatlord

Grab some 20's and do curls and skull crushers you'll blend in