Post fictional goal bodies

post fictional goal bodies

Attached: roger-the-kangaroo-sanctuary-alice-springs-2_custom-e0dfceba6d2665cc8cc0daa5a57eae2bcda46ad8-s800-c8 (721x960, 194K)

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>Kangaroos are fictional
Redpill me on this conspiracy

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It's fictional because I will never be able to be a buff kangaroo. It's similar in that it is just simply an unrealistic goal to sort of convey what you're looking to achieve to look remotely close to.

I will never be a kangaroo unfortunately, but I can try to look like him

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Hanmasama :)

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If only

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You will never pass, tranny. Try to look manly instead, it's more fulfilling.

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Natty gillmode.

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No lifting necessary plus you can see behind you

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>white pubes